With the sea, sunshine, and happy holiday memories just around the corner, it’s time to prepare your property with a pillow of protection for when it stands empty. As a landlord, your property can sometimes be empty, leaving it exposed to more danger and the possibility of a break-in. For landlords, it’s important to keep the property looking alive in between tenants. So, here’s some advice on how to keep the property looking alive when you’re on holiday or when it’s standing empty.
Postal deliveries
When your property is standing empty or you’re on holiday, it is common that post and parcels can pile up outside, creating the impression of an empty property. To prevent this appearance, it’s important to ensure your post is either redirected to your neighbours or that a close friend or relative collects your post regularly. Leaving post and parcels to pile up can give burglars a clear target.
Social media
We get it. When you’re having a blast while away from home, it’s easy to share all your fun on social media. But by posting pictures and updates on social media, you can inform burglars that you aren’t on the property. This can make your home an easy target, so it is best to delay your social media posts until you return to the safety of your home. It is common for thieves to use social media as a tool to help them decide when to target properties, so try not to make this mistake.
Home security
By increasing your home security, you'll be able to keep track of your home 24/7 when you're away. By having security cameras, or even a live-monitoring doorbell, you can know if any movement is happening in or near your property. Through having a home alarm inside your property, you can allow the alarm company to register any movement, and then they can inform the police if there is no answer to alert them that it was you. There are also apps that allow you to monitor your property through cameras and turn your lights on and off.
Minimise valuables in sight
When you're away from your property, you want to make sure it looks alive and liveable. This can be done by placing timers on lights and lampshades or by having someone live on the property (house sit) while you’re away. However, be careful you don’t accidentally advertise your belongings in the windows, as this can encourage burglars and make your property a potential target. Don’t give burglars motivation; move your valuables out of sight before leaving your property.
Emergency contacts
When you are not always going to be around to protect your property, it is important to ensure your neighbours have your back. By getting to know your community, they can easily spot strangers wandering and identify burglars ahead of time. Having an emergency contact in place with a spare key allows the police to know who to contact if there are any issues when you aren’t near. Additionally, knowing you have a trustworthy emergency contact in place allows you to relax when you are away from your property.
Summer is the peak time for crime rates in the UK, with an increase occurring each year. Just implementing one of these suggestions could potentially deter burglars, reducing the chances of your property becoming a target. Ensure you have protected your property as a landlord or tenant, so you can feel relaxed when leaving your property behind.
Contact us today for more information on how to protect your property