5 Foods To Boost Your Health

5 Foods To Boost Your Health

We have rounded up some of the best foods for your health and immune system to get your diet right back on track, take a look at our top five below;

1) Turmeric
Do you eat much turmeric currently in your diet? Normally, this isn’t an ingredient that you would find in many recipes, however you should start to include this super spice into your meals as its antibacterial and medicinal properties are treasured in the far East. An easy addition into curried dishes and meats such as lamb, turmeric adds a nice warm element to a dish.

2) Green Tea
How many cups of tea or coffee do you consume on a daily basis? If you could swap those hot beverages out for green tea, then the difference to your body should be soon evident. Well-known for being an excellent source of antioxidants, having regular cups of green tea will help to boost your immune system and leave you feeling refreshed, with the added positive of cleansed and fresh skin.

3) Spirulina
A regular addition to most smoothies, spirulina not only adds a splash of colour, but also possesses many of its own health benefits outside of its aesthetic qualities. Spirulina is one of the richest sources of natural proteins and fatty acids, as well as being known to protect eyesight and boost immunity.

4) Oily Fish
Oily fish such as anchovies are rich in omega-3 which many studies have found to be beneficial to our mental health – perfect for lockdown and beyond where being cooped up may increase our anxieties. As well as being an aid to your mental health, oily fish is also rich in vitamin D which is vital for maintaining healthy bones, teeth and muscles.

5) Honey
A store-cupboard staple for many, honey may not seem like a key ingredient to boost your dietary system – however don’t underestimate this sweet treat. Honey is rich in iron, calcium and magnesium and slowly releases energy making it a perfect natural addition to your breakfast.

Published in: June Property Articles
