Make your summer house move stress-free with children

Make your summer house move stress-free with children


Even if you've discovered your dream home in the ideal location, the process may be stressful, especially if you're relocating with children. 

Whether it's for a new career opportunity, to be closer to family, or to make a necessary lifestyle adjustment, uprooting your life may make sense to you. Your children, on the other hand, may not be as understanding, as everything they know and are used to is about to change. You can use a few tricks to make the transition go as smoothly as possible. 


As soon as possible, inform your children 


According to some parenting experts, you should tell your children as soon as possible. It may be difficult to remain a secret for long, as you will almost certainly have possible buyers coming in and out of your home, and your children will notice something is different. You don't want to keep anything from them because it will just add to your stress level, so inform them as soon as possible to make them feel included. Include them and make it more exciting by allowing them to help choose the new house and plan what they want to take with them if they're up for it.


Allow them to be emotional 


It may be difficult to watch, but when your children scream or throw tantrums, remember that this is a normal reaction and that you should allow them to be upset. Their entire lives are changing, and the relocation may be separating them from friends, cherished family members such as grandparents, or a childminder they've known since childhood. Instead of becoming furious, try to understand why they aren't accepting the changes immediately. Each child is unique and adjusts to change at their own rate, but it often takes six months for children to adjust to their new life in a new place. 


Talk about what will remain the same 


The stress of so much change might be difficult for your children. Rather than focusing on what will be changing, remind them of what will remain the same. Their bedrooms may differ, but their possessions will be identical. Even if their schools are different, all of their after-school activities will remain the same. It may be difficult for them to focus on the similarities, so try your best to remind them as much as possible. 


Stick to old routines 


Just because you've moved to a new location doesn't mean you should abandon your old habits. Remember that you need to keep certain pieces of your previous life constant for your children to adjust, and keeping at-home routines running is a terrific way to do so. If kids have certain after-school rituals, try to stick to them as closely as possible, even if some things change. 


Prepare everyone 


Don't be caught off guard when it comes to moving day! Starting the moving process as soon as possible will help you avoid a last-minute rush to pack and clean. It's a good idea to prepare an overnight bag for everyone for both the last night in your old home and the first night in your new one, so you don't have to unpack right away after a long day. 


Allow your children to express themselves 


Allowing your children to participate in the entire moving and packing process will provide them with a sense of stability and control over the changes in their surroundings. Ask about their thoughts on topics such as what to pack and how to decorate their new rooms! 


Contact our friendly team for useful guidance on all areas of moving home, and we will be happy to assist. 

Published in: Property June
