July Content Property

July Content Property

Average property prices across UK cities rise 2.1% 

UK cities saw an average property price rise of 2.1% in the year to May 2019, but the values vary depending on location, according to figures in the latest Hometrack Cities Index.

Liverpool is the biggest beneficiary, with a 5% rise reported closely followed by Belfast with 4.6% and Nottingham tied with Leicester at 4.5%. Manchester, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Birmingham all recorded a 4% increase, suggesting that majority of the biggest increases lie North of the Midlands.

Indeed, even London is seeing prices rises with the current average price of £628,283 for a central London property now a record high for the area. Property transactions in the capital have also been on an upward trajectory with quarterly transactions increasing by 13.8% from the start of the year.

Beyond prices, the Index also delved into the development of affordability for first time buyers, which is especially prescient given that this demographic accounted for 36% of sales in the period in the year to May 2019. Research has discovered that household income to purchase a home in a typical city has increased by 9% to an average of £54,400.

Again, this will vary from city to city, with the household income to purchase an average city home in Liverpool and Glasgow sitting at £26,000, and a home in London sitting at over three times that amount with £84,000.

“There is a clear link between the income to buy and recent developments in house price inflation,” offered Zoopla’s research and insight director Richard Donnell. “In simple terms, the higher prices rise, the greater the income to buy and this reduces the number of potential buyers. The net result is weaker demand, fewer sales, lower price growth and, in some areas, price falls.

“It is no surprise that housing sales have declined across southern England and price growth has weakened. Price falls are concentrated in the highest value markets across South Eastern England,’ he added.

Buyer and seller activity increases

In what appears to be a reaction to the most recent Brexit delay, the housing market is experiencing a pronounced period of activity, according to figures provided by NAEA Propertymark.

Property demand from prospective buyers was at an eight month high during May, with the number of registered property hunters increasing by an average of 16% during the month from 265 to 307. This represents the highest level of registrations since September of last year, another significant statistic in a period where increased levels of public activity are being seen across the market.

The supply of available housing has also seen an increase in line with this increased activity, with an average increase from 35 properties per member branch on offer in April to 41 in May. This also represents a year-on-year increase of four properties from the same month last year. Average sales per branch also saw a brief increase, from 8 in April to 9 in May.

So, what’s caused the increased activity? Seasonal demand appears to have played a part, alongside the aforementioned Brexit delay which won’t see Britain exit the European Union before October 31st at the earliest. With that in mind, buyers and sellers appear keen to progress with their plans and transactions during this period of relative political calm.

“It is encouraging to see the housing market bouncing back, with supply and demand rising to the highest levels seen since last year,” noted Mark Hayward, Propertmark’s chief executive.
“It's evident that buyers and sellers are no longer waiting for the outcome of Brexit and want to get things moving, particularly as many sellers are realising that it's a buyers' market in certain areas of the country.”

Buying a second home : what to consider

Whether it’s a little country escape, a place by the sea or even somewhere abroad, who wouldn’t love a home away from home?

Whilst this may be a lovely daydream, the reality of owning more than one property can be complicated, with several extra factors to consider before making your dream a reality. We’ve put together some facts you should consider before taking the leap into second home ownership.

Why do I need this property?

You will need to have a serious heart-to-heart with yourself and your other half about the purpose of buying your second property.

It is important to bear in mind that you will need to go through the stressful process of buying a home, with the added stress of the property not being in your local area, as well as furnishing and decorating the property, and the end result is you own a property you will probably only visit a handful of times each year.

There are other options available to you depending on what your needs are, for example, if you’re dreaming of a holiday home why not look into a timeshare? Or if you’re a professional looking for accommodation in the city, you could consider renting.

Location, location, location

The location of your property will affect every aspect of your ownership. Whilst it is lovely to have a home that’s 150 miles away from all the day to day stress, that’s a 300-mile round trip every time you’re looking to visit.

If you are considering a holiday home and would like to act as a landlord when you aren’t occupying the property, then you will need to consider how you will keep tabs on the property when you are so far away. Little details like finding trustworthy tradesman become more complicated when you don’t know the area.

You should also consider whether you know the area you’re looking to buy in well enough before you finalise anything. For example, cheap property in the city might be in a student area. It’s worth doing some research before making the move.

The cost of running your second home

You will also need to consider the cost of running your second home. You will need home insurance, broadband, telephone, electricity, water and heating as well as paying the various taxes that come with owning property.

Whilst you won’t be paying the same rates (because you won’t be there all the time) however, certain bills (like the internet) will stay at the same rate no matter the amount of usage you get from the service.

You will also need to consider taking steps like keeping your heating on during the winter so that the pipes don’t freeze.


Second homes are not exempt from taxes like stamp duty and capital gains tax, which will add to the cost of purchasing your property. You will also have to decide whether to take a loan for your property or to remortgage your main home.

For any help or advice when it comes to property, speak to us. Our team would be more than happy to help you with the right information to get you started and can help you find a home to suit your needs.

Buy-to-let remains a solid investment opportunity

Since 2016, there have been several changes to the property market across the United Kingdom – predominantly to the lettings sector. Despite these alterations to taxation, stamp duty and bureaucracy around rental properties, most buy-to-let investors are still finding the market to be lucrative, with stable returns.

With a number of landlords departing the market when initial government changes took place in 2016, competition in the marketplace is greatly reduced and the professionalism of the sector has blossomed.

Chris Baguley, Commercial Director at buy-to-let lender Together, said: “As casual owners exit the sector, buy-to-let is becoming ever more professionalised, as individuals and companies adopt a more rigorous approach to acquiring the right properties in the right areas, and getting them ready to rent within a limited time frame on a tight budget. Perhaps most notably in the housing sector, the balance of today, there is therefore notably less competition than there was before.

“Even if we don’t see the capital growth which has been evident over the past two decades, the income available from property investment can still be attractive compared to other asset classes.”

With rental incomes increasing – the Office of National Statistics announced this month that private rents rose 1.3% on an annual basis in May, increasing once more from April – the opportunities for buy-to-let investors are evident. Additionally, financing your properties has become easier with specific buy-to-let mortgages now offered by a plethora of lenders, who are fiercely competing with one another to keep their market share, providing investors with an opportunity to obtain extremely attractive rates.

A recent survey of more than 5,000 investors found that almost three-quarters of those surveyed considered buy-to-let to be the best, least volatile long-term investment. Indeed, some 83% of buy-to-let investors who were questioned stated that it was either unlikely or very unlikely that they would sell their property over the next year, with almost 60% going on to state that they had no intentions of selling for the next five years.

If you would like to discuss your rental investment options, then please feel free to contact us and we can advise you of the best local areas to invest your money in, as well as which property types and audiences are likely to provide you with the best possible rental yield.

Government reforms to planning and Help-to-Buy

Housing secretary James Brokenshire has recently unveiled his plans to introduce new quality controls on housebuilders, whilst also implementing new legislation to try to prevent developers from selling houses on a leasehold basis through Help-to-Buy.

“We have long recognised that we have a responsibility to confront unfairness in the leasehold market,” commented Brokenshire. “Last year we consulted on proposals including the leasehold house ban and ground rent reduction.

“Today I can confirm we will go ahead with our original plan to reduce ground rents on future leases to zero, as opposed to a cap of £10 per year.

“And we will legislate to ensure that in the future save for the most exceptional circumstances all new house will be sold on a freehold basis. We are committed to taking bold action to reform the sector and will be pressing ahead as soon as parliamentary time allows helping us delivery our promise to make the home buying and selling process quicker, cheaper and easier.”

The housing secretary’s plans aim to help future homeowners in purchasing their first properties in a more timely and cheaper manner. These plans go hand-in-hand with the government’s pledge to deliver 300,000 new homes a year by 2020. According to the plans, if a buyer is sold a leasehold home then they will be able to get their freehold at no extra cost.

The Help-to-Buy scheme has been a flagship system that has been fundamental in first-time buyers entering the market since April 2013. From 2013 to 2018 the number of new-build property sales has increased from 61,537 to 104,245 – which can be largely apportioned to Help-to-Buy, with 38% of all new-build sales supported by the scheme.

How to buy a house if you're self-employed

With 4.8 million people across the UK who are registered as self-employed, it may come as a surprise that many who run their own business or work freelance still view their chances of obtaining a mortgage as overly difficult. However, if you’re thinking of buying this year and you are self-employed, then there are a few things that you can do to maximise your chances of being approved for a mortgage. 

Pre-2007, when the so-called 'credit crunch' hit the UK market, those who were self-employed and looking to obtain a mortgage would do so via a self-certification mortgage. These loans required very little paperwork in terms of proving income, however, and led to an abuse of the system with applicants over-stating their income in order to gain a larger loan amount. Due to this practice, these mortgage variants were banned and those looking for a mortgage application through the same routes as others who aren’t independently employed. 

These days, if you are self-employed and looking for a mortgage, then the application process is the same as if you were employed externally, but there are some steps you can make to improve your chances:

An accountant will help you to get all of your finances together and will also be able to offer the best advice in terms of balancing the tax that you pay and the status of the business; some people who are self-employed pay themselves less in order to lessen their tax, but be advised that this may harm your mortgage application. 

The structure of your business will also have a bearing upon the success of your mortgage application – so think about whether it will pay dividends in the long run to change from being a sole trader, to a partnership or limited company. Do keep in mind that the finance structure of your company will also be taken into account – for example, Director’s Loans (money that you have put into your business) will not be classed as income. The only considerations for a mortgage application are a declared salary and dividends paid out. 

Being organised is, of course, tacit for anybody applying for a mortgage, but if you are self-employed then this becomes even more important. Depending on how long you have been self-employed for, you will have to be able to provide at least two years' worth of accounts. If you haven’t been in business for that long, then providing a strong previous employment history is an absolute must to prove that you are a safe place for a lender to give a mortgage to. 

The fundamentals of mortgage application remain the same for whether you are self-employed or not. Maintain a strong credit history, and if you have blemishes on your record then work on improving these before you set about your application for a mortgage. Shopping around is also a must – different lenders will be able to offer you different mortgage structures, one of which may fit you best, so don’t be tempted to just say yes to your first mortgage approval. Finally, having a sizeable deposit will impact the rates which you end up paying on your mortgage, therefore waiting until you have a larger deposit to be able to put down on a property may be worthwhile in the long run. 

Nearly half of over 55s would downsize to fund lifestyle

With more people living longer and ageing with much better health than ever before, those aged 55 and over are playing a key part in the national economy. Recent research from SunLife has surveyed this age group and found that nearly half would sell up in order to fund a more jet-set lifestyle.

Recent data from the Office of National Statistics has shown that the proportion of those aged 65 and over will rise by 5% over the next thirty years, with greater economic contributions coming from this group as the years progress. For those currently 55 and over, SunLife questioned 1,000 homeowners with a big choice; if they had the option between staying in their family home but never holidaying away from the UK again, or downsizing and then using the cash for foreign holidays which would they choose?

Interestingly, nearly 50% said that they would downsize (44%) in order to enjoy a jet-set lifestyle in their later years – what this does suggest, however, is that 56% would not be prepared to sell their family home. The research has shown that as we get older, the more attached we become to our properties; with those in the 65-80 group voting overwhelmingly to keep their property at the expense of not holidaying again.

Of course, as we get older the inclination to travel could decline as we may be less mobile or find the appeal of travelling for long periods less attractive than in our younger years, which could explain the growing desire to stay-put as we age.

Simon Stanney, equity release director at SunLife said: “Our Home Sentiment research shows that foreign holidays are clearly very important to over 55s, with 44% prepared to downsize in order to be able to go on holiday abroad.

But equally, we can see people are really tied to their homes because even when money isn't an issue, many would choose to stay where they are. It is clearly a tough choice, but maybe it is one over 55s don’t have to make. Equity release allows homeowners over 55 to release some of the value from their home without having to move. The money released can be spent on anything they like – including holidays.”

As Stanney indicates, equity release is being utilised by many people and with attractive rates available in the lending marketplace, remortgaging is proving to be extremely popular.

Everything you need to know about the Bank of Mum and Dad

There are huge lenders in the mortgage market around the United Kingdom, with high-street names competing fiercely with one another for potential business. One of the largest current lenders may well surprise you, however, as rather than a large financial institution it is the bank of mum and dad which sits at 11th in the list of largest mortgage lenders in the UK.

Parents and family members are set to lend more than £6bn in 2019, which amounts to a higher amount in mortgage pay-outs than well-known brands such as the Co-Operative Bank and Skipton Building Society. With deposits becoming ever-increasingly difficult to amass, many people are now counting on their relatives to help them take that first step onto the property ladder; recent research from Legal & General and Cebr has found that nearly 20% of all property transactions are now aided by parents and grandparents.

Those lucky enough to be able to tap into this valuable resource will be aided predominantly by cash gifts, with some releasing the equity in their homes in order to help their children (16%).

Nigel Wilson, Group Chief Executive at Legal & General, says: “The Bank of Mum and Dad continues to be the ‘iceberg’ mortgage lender beneath the surface of our housing market – all but invisible yet exerting a massive influence, funding purchases across the country and helping people to defy the economics of affordability and realise their housing dreams.”

If you are thinking of using the bank of mum and dad, then there are a few considerations to take into account:

• Banks and building societies will accept a deposit, or part thereof, that has been gifted to you – some may require confirmation in writing that the money is indeed a true gift.

• If cash is gifted to you then this may be subject to Inheritance Tax (IHT) if the gift giver is deceased within seven years of the gift.

• Inheritance limits are £3,000 per year, and previous years’ allowances may be utilised before IHT comes into play. For example, two parents could gift £18,000 with no IHT due as long as they had not gifted anything in the previous three years.

• If the money is a loan, then this will need to be declared to your potential mortgage provider detailing repayments, interest, timescales and caveats.

The best home design ideas for 2019

Whether you want to add value to your home in preparation for sale or you just want to make your property a more appealing place to live, redecorating and incorporating the latest trends is a worthwhile endeavour. Take a look through some of our picks of the best home design ideas emerging through 2019…

Embrace the industrial

One of the key trends throughout the year so far has been the embracing of industrial materials in the home environment. Typically, steel beams in the ceiling space would be covered, with their utility overshadowing their relative beauty. In line with new trends, these beams would be left exposed; their harsh texture a welcome juxtaposition to the surrounding soft surfaces in the home. Similarly, materials such as concrete are being embraced this year; simply polished to a high shine and then left exposed for a striking floor covering. Rather than exposing interior workings as a sign of minimalism or modernism, this newest trend is about adding new textures and colours into your home.

Bring the outdoors, indoors

In these modern days, we are constantly bombarded with new studies and surveys showing us the benefits of spending more time outdoors, and whilst these are of course to be heralded, it can be difficult to get the right amount of time alfresco. This desire for more outdoor space is being met head-on by designers who are incorporating more of the outdoors, indoors. The inclusion of bi-folding doors which concertina into themselves are being incorporated into modern homes in order to bridge this gap, and the additions of conservatories or orangeries are also ways to flood your home with light from the outdoors. A non-budget-busting method for incorporating more of the outdoors into your home’s design aesthetic would be to include more plants around your home and at different levels – on the floor, on tables or in very on-trend macramé hanging pots.

Let there be lights

Nobody starts out their interior design plans looking to create dark interiors with limited light; we all like natural light-sources to balance a room’s feel. Natural light and the inclusion thereof is a recurring theme no matter what year it is, but balancing the natural light with artificial light is high on the trend list for 2019. Hidden lighting and light-sources are a key inclination this year; with recessed lights, under stair lights and uplighters all proving very popular.

Au naturale

In years gone by, interior trends have revolved around overly designed rooms with “feature walls” and striking pieces, yet this year the natural finish is having something of a revival. The use of materials such as clay plaster offer a more interesting and textured finish, with no need to be covered once applied which creates an organic and natural feel to an interior.  

Storage woes

A major concern for interior design this year is that of storage and how to incorporate the most innovative storage space into the home. Kitchens are key in this trend – with the inclusion of central islands adding storage, high cupboards drawing the eye further up the walls to create the feel of taller ceilings and the resurgence of pantries to hide away ingredients. Around the home, under stair storage is a massive trend as this space is often wasted, and similarly storage underneath baths is increasingly being utilised.

What are the top reasons for moving home?

 With the weather getting warmer, property market activity tends to see a rise as many look to get the home move done and dusted before their holiday or before the kids have to go back to school.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade, downsize, start a family or start a new career, a new survey has found that we Brits move home for a wide variety of reasons, but which is most common? The AA looks to answer this question after conducting a study to discover the most popular reasons for a change in location.

The research found that the most common reason for packing all of our stuff into boxes is due to a change of job, with almost 1 in 4 respondents (23%) stating that they were moving to a location closer to their new role.

As expected, the area in which the home is located holds great importance for homeowners, with 12% simply wanting to freshen things up with a change of scenery and another 11% looking to leave their current area as they’re not overly keen on their surroundings.

Some of the other top reasons for moving home was the 10% that wanted to live closer to their family and the same amount of survey participants that were looking for a quieter life in the countryside.

Also making the list was the 7% that felt they’d be better off in a smaller home, the 4% moving because of marriage or divorce and a further 3% that believed they could turn a profit from the transaction.

The survey also found that depending on the age group there are some differences. The younger demographic (18-24) had a strong focus on their careers and affordability, while the 25-34 year olds desired a larger home for family life. Those approaching retirement age (55+) were looking to fund their later years by downsizing, but also wanting to be as close to family as possible.

Director of Financial Services at AA – David Searle – commented “From a legacy of endless daytime TV shows, one can get the impression that buying and selling homes is just about making a quick profit on a property transaction. Our research puts this to rest as, beyond doubt, the reasons why and when people move are based on jobs, children, family connections and quality of life. A house is, after all, a home.

Whilst decisions about when to move are not really about money, the realities of running a family home often are. Our survey shows many people are concerned about how far their pay packet will stretch and being smart in making their disposable income go further”

What is 'gazumping' and how do I avoid it?

If you’re looking for a new home, or are looking for your first home, then “gazumping” may be a term that you aren’t particularly familiar with. Essentially, gazumping is when you have had an offer accepted by a seller, and are in the midst of the buying process, when another buyer comes along and offers a higher price, effectively stealing (or gazumping) the sale.

Over the period between January 2016 and October 2018, analysis by TwentyCi found that 16% of buyers were gazumped. In the current property market, where demand for properties is high, gazumping continues to be prevalent, and the research found that Sheffield is the area with the highest level – with 35% of buyers out-bid at the last moment.  

Phil Spencer, TV presenter and co-founder of Move iQ, said: “For anyone who thought gazumping vanished with the runaway price rises of a few years ago, our findings will come as a reality check.

“Gazumping is alive and well, and still causing heartache for tens of thousands of buyers across England and Wales.

“Britain’s fragmented property market is throwing up huge regional extremes. In hotspots where prices are still rising fast, sellers can be tempted to go back on their word to a buyer if they get a better offer elsewhere.

“Meanwhile, in slow markets, the lack of homes for sale can lead sellers to leave would-be buyers in the lurch if they get a last-minute offer from someone else.

If you want to avoid the spectre of being gazumped, then having all of your buying processes in place before making an offer will help. These involve having a mortgage in principle in place, a conveyancing solicitor and a surveyor in mind; all will help to avoid long periods of waiting which offer the opportunity to others to make a higher offer. When you make your offer on a property, you could also ask as a condition of the offer that the property be taken off the market immediately which will then protect you from other prospective offers.

Britain’s Gazumping Hotspots

  1. Sheffield – 35%
  2. Madistone – 32%
  3. Cambridge – 28%
  4. Birmingham – 26%
  5. Manchester – 25%

Which type of property produces the best rental yield?

With rents increasing by 1.3% on an annual basis in May, it is clear that there is plenty of room for solid returns in the lettings market. If you are thinking of investing in a rental property, or you are a portfolio landlord looking to increase your selection of properties, then a key factor will be the potential yield that the property could return. Read on to look at our breakdown of properties and potential rental yields, and if you need any further advice then please feel free to contact us.

In terms of rental yields, Houses of Multiple Occupancy (or HMOs) are becoming ever more popular as investment properties and are widely viewed as the future of the rental market. HMOs were in previous years solely a staple of the student lettings market; however, this is now changing, and young professionals are now part of a growing tenant population favouring this rental configuration. For landlords, the mathematics is simple; multiple tenancies operating independently in one property increases rental yield significantly and means that void periods are far less of a problem.

According to the National Landlords Association, average rental yields sit at 6.9% for HMOs, some 1.3% higher than other properties. However, there are other considerations if you are thinking of buying a property with a view to let it out to multiple independent occupants; bedroom sizes must be at least 6.51 square metres and some HMOs will require a license, obtainable from the local council.

Properties in city centres are proving to be extremely popular and demand is rife for centrally located homes on the rental market. With that in mind, purchasing a flat or apartment could prove to be a shrewd move if you are looking to maximise your rental yield potential; with competition amongst renters keeping the prices of well-located properties high and avoiding those dreaded void periods of non-occupancy.

Houses with two bedrooms or more are by far and away the most popular choice amongst renters, whether they are detached, semi-detached or terraced. With the average age of the first-time buyer now at 30, more and more families are renting up until this point, so multiple bedrooms are a must. Appealing to this family and young professional market will help you to achieve your desired rental values and could potentially secure you longer tenancies with tenants willing to sign up to three-year contracts.

Fundamentally, there is no one single property which is guaranteed to give you a specific rental yield. Investing in property remains one of the most stable investment classes, and despite periods of ups and downs, in the long term it is difficult to find a more lucrative venture.