Property Articles February 1

Property Articles February 1

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10 Home Decor Ideas 

Now that spring is just around the corner, the much-welcomed extra sunshine might be shining a light on some of the less-polished parts of your property. If you’re thinking that a good spring clean won’t quite cut it this year, then follow our 10 home decoration ideas to instantly transform your home…

1) First impressions count
We all know that it is tough to change a first impression once it has been made, and the same is true for our properties. If you don’t have a grand entrance hallway, and even if you do, it is important to create the right aesthetic as soon as you step through the front door. Depending on the size of your entrance hallway, choose an appropriately sized console table with a few choice ornaments and you’ll create an elegant first impression. A traditional table with some tasteful art above it will set a sophisticated tone, and an on-trend transparent table with high-gloss accessories will create a chic and modern atmosphere.

2) Mirror, mirror on the wall…
If you have a staircase in your home, it is easy to see it simply as a passageway to the next level of your home. Similarly, if you live in single-storey accommodation then you will most-likely have a hallway that you see simply as a thoroughfare. Instead of treating these spaces as utilitarian, turn the walls in to a gallery by hanging a variety of antique mirrors, an eclectic mix of photo frames or a mixture of both. Charity shops and antique shops are a great place to source interesting frames and mirrors, and as an added bonus, the reflective surfaces will help to brighten up the staircase or hallway.

3) Feng shui your home
When it comes to transforming your home, it’s not just a case of spending money – using what you already have in a different way can have equally stunning results. Rearranging your furniture is simple enough to carry out, but it can change a room entirely; throw the rule-book out of the window when you are experimenting with where to put your furniture and see what looks best. In the living room, for example, arrange your furniture around a coffee table rather than facing the television and you will create a much more social space.

4) Don’t neglect the accessories
One of the most cost-effective ways to update your home is through accessories; by simply enhancing what you already have through a few choice items you can take your home from drab to fab. Of course, the essentials of throw cushions, blankets and ornaments (such as candles and vases) are the holy trinity when it comes to jazzing up your room; however, you can also branch out to lampshades, wall hangings and art. By rotating your accessories seasonally, you will keep your rooms looking fresh, on-trend and reflecting the time of year.

5) Flower power
If you’re going to do one thing to your home in order to quickly refresh it, then adding flowers is a great idea. Placing some nicely arranged flowers in a clear glass vase will make any room feel more cared-for and elegant, all for only a few pounds!

6) Create a dreamy sleep-space
A good night’s sleep is essential for all of us, but the bedroom is often the last room that we renovate as it isn’t on show, like the living room or kitchen often is. Indulge yourself, and step-up your property’s style by investing in some bed linen. Plenty of cushions twinned with a matching throw at the foot of your bed will instantly make your bedroom feel more sumptuous, and you’re guaranteed to sleep soundly in your upgraded boudoir.

7) Don’t shrug from the rug
Floor coverings are costly and time-consuming to replace, so if you’re looking for a quick-fix to update your home then we wouldn’t suggest laying a whole new floor. Something that will make a difference, however, is the use of rugs. A simple rug can change the whole aesthetic of your room, and the choices are endless; you can choose from boho, rustic or traditional and small, large, long or wide. Experiment by layering rugs and creating interest in your floor spaces without the expense of having to change the whole floor covering.

8) Curtains up
Curtains are more than a privacy aid, they can add colour, texture and interest not only to your windows but also throughout the home, if you are brave enough to use them creatively. Using curtains as an alternative to a door can add rich texture to your home and using a contrasting colour will make them pop against your walls.

9) Let there be light
Something that can make a room feel dark and dreary is a lack of light. If you want to transform your home, then changing the light fixtures, or adding in some extra lighting can make all the difference. Ensure that your ceiling lights aren’t dwarfed by heavy lampshades which are constricting the amount of light in the room – current trends favour glass lighting fixtures anyway, so changing your lampshade should be a simple fix. We’d also recommend adding in some uplighters and floor lamps to the corners of your room in order to avoid the wasted dark spaces which we are often guilty of neglecting.

10) Make a statement
If your walls are looking a little plain, or you’re simply looking for a way to brighten up the room then statement art is the answer. Easy to change and rotate with the seasons, statement art such as large-scale photography or something abstract will transform even the most listless room.

Catchment Areas - Priorities Are Changing

What do you look for when buying a house? Public transport links, a good local pub or a scenic view? Well things are changing regarding priorities. Of course, everyone’s preferences are different when looking in the market. However overall the trends are changing.
The top 10 desirable attributes:
1. Scenic views
2. Budget supermarkets
3. Restaurants
4. Traditional pubs
5. Independent shops
6. Walking trails
7. High end supermarkets
8. Catchment areas
9. Coffee shops
10. Local library.

Unsurprisingly, the desire to live closer to budget supermarkets is more popular with the younger age groups. A survey revealed more than 54% of 18-24 years olds would say it is their priority. Women are more likely to be involved with education choices opposed to men with 31% respectively considering the quality of schools. Despite that, both genders still ranked budget supermarkets higher!

Buying a new house is expensive, so there is no real surprise that there is a high interest in good value shopping. People are moving away from the social pressures of having to have everything branded and are making the swap to cheaper non branded items. Often it turns out that a manufacturers brand and an own brand may be made in the very same factory, by the same people.

The study also revealed what else is researched when looking in a new area. 21% of respondents said public transport connections, showing the clear requirement for convenient travel. Crime rates was also a highly searched area, although interestingly more so in men with 21% and women in with just 14%.

Overall, these are the top five requirements that have been most researched:

1. Public transport
2. Schools
3. Crime rates
4. Amenities
5. Broadband speed

‘Budget supermarkets are definitely growing in popularity, especially among the younger generations. Their presence in a region is now making a place more desirable to live.’

The data is based on a survey of 1,001 UK adults conducted by The Leadership Factor in January 2019.

Did You Know The Right Survey Could Save You Money?

Buying a house can be an incredibly tense and stressful time. Falling in love with a property but not knowing how it is going to play out is often the situation for most buyers. Imagine falling in love with a beautiful Victorian house only to find out later down the line that there are major issues with the roof and require thousands of pounds worth of construction work. You would rather know this sooner rather than later. Getting the right survey could save you this stress but also a lot of money.

According to a study by Hillary, an interior specialist, more than two thirds of Britons don’t know what property surveys are available, never mind which ones are best. And it is leaving us around £3000 out of pocket from repairs, which isn’t ideal for anybody, never mind someone who has just bought a house. That money could be spent on something so much more worthwhile.

The study also asked 2,056 new British homeowners all about their buying experiences.

54% of people had uncertainty during the whole buying process,
62% didn’t know what surveys were available,
79% thought that one survey covered everything, and that isn’t the case.

What are the different survey options?

Home condition report, at around £250: This is the more basic and cheaper option. It is quite a short, surface level inspection that highlights the obvious defects. This report is good for someone whose property appears to be in good condition but would still benefit from being checked for hidden damp or structural movements.

Homebuyers report, at around £300: This survey is more suited for Victoria aged properties. This will mirror the home condition report but will include advice and maybe an independent valuation of the building. If after the report, the value given is less than what you offered, don’t worry. This doesn’t mean you should pull out of the sale. Speak with your surveyor about the potential problems and how much it will likely cost. Try and use this information to negotiate the price down. If the seller won’t budge, you then need to make the decision to proceed or withdraw; depending on the cost. Your surveyor will have experience with similar circumstances so use them to help you.

Building survey, at around £500: If you’re investing in a much older property then this survey is vital for you. It is also worth noting that if you’re planning on doing any construction work such as loft conversions or extensions then this one applies for you too. This survey looks in detail at the condition, defects and the possibility of extending. The surveyor will also be able to provide a cost of how to rectify any problems listed.

Another recommended report is a gas and electric survey. This is vital for properties older than 25 years and if there are bare wires visible. It is even more important if you are planning on renting the property out as you will legally need to provide these safety certificates.

You’re probably thinking all these extra costs sound intimidating, but just think it could seem a lot now, but in the long run it is the more cost-effective option.

How To Minimise Deposit Disputes

When tenancies come to an end, there are sometimes disagreements between the tenant and the landlord regarding the deposit. If your deposit was paid after 6th April 2007 then it will be protected by the landlord in a secure scheme and won’t be able to be touched until the end of the agreement.

Deposit deductions are historically proven to cause friction. 20% of tenants who lost some of their deposit feel it was unreasonable. A huge 30% of tenancies end with some amount deducted from their deposit, out of which 13% lost the entire amount.

Some common reasons for deductions:

• Rent that hasn’t been paid
• Any bills that haven’t been settled
• Stolen or misplaced belongings
• Any direct damage to the property or its contents
• Lack of maintenance.

Of course, this is subjective to each individual contract, but honesty is the best policy. If you have broken something, it is always the better option to just be open about it. Inform your landlord and in most cases, they will understand and organise it to be taken care of.

Be thankful for your inventory report! Having your inventory report during the process of sorting out your deposit will make everyone’s life so much easier. You will have two inventory checks during your tenancy, one at the beginning and one before you move out. The report is a thoroughly detailed list that states the condition and contents of the property. Once the two checks have been completed, then it is very easy to see if there are any changes that need to be accounted for. This document will either cover your back or it will be used to prove you in fact did misplace or break something. Either way, necessary for both parties.

Other documents to keep hold of:

• Tenancy agreement
• Payment proof of deposit
• The full inventory including photographs, all dated.

The best ways to avoid deposit deductions is to try and get the property back to the standard it was in when you moved in. For big repairs, contact your landlord, but smaller fixes that can be done by yourself will increase your chances in receiving the deposit back.

Make sure to-

• Pay all outstanding bills
• Replace any broken lightbulbs
• Fix and fill any holes, scratches and paint any touch ups that are required
• Have a gardening session
• Check all drains are functioning.

Once the deposit has been requested, the landlord has 10 days to reply and open the discussion about any deductions. After you’ve been sent the deduction report, this is your time to query and discuss further.

Be fair and approve the deductions that make sense. If there are things on there that you might disagree with, then the last thing you want to do is go in all guns blazing. Try to stay calm and disprove them. Back up your points with your saved documents and photos.

Make sure these discussions are in writing. If the matter develops further, then having the proof might work in your favour.

Failing coming to an agreement, speak with your deposit protection scheme for advice. Often, they will be able to highlight useful laws that can provide more guidance, hopefully winning your case.

How Are House Prices Performing Now That We Are In The 'Transition Period' Of Brexit?

Just as you start to think the topic of Brexit was dying down, you couldn’t be more wrong. There are still so many questions left unanswered surrounding the sensitive subject. The question on a lot of people’s mind is how the decision will affect house prices within the UK from leaving the EU.

Brexit officially happened on 31st January 2020, but we are still in the transitional period which will last till the end of the year. Negotiations take place in the upcoming months and this will determine a lot. Deal or no deal is a phrase being thrown around, but the outcome penultimately has a massive impact on future property values.

If the government can’t agree on a trade deal with the EU by the end of 2020 then we will be leaving the European Union with no deal. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding this being our only option, including some statistics provided by an accountancy firm KPMG. They predicted that in September, house prices could drop by 6% following a no deal Brexit deal. 

Whilst it is still very unclear as to what the actual outcome is going to be, if you’re able to take out a mortgage, then now could be a good time. As everyone is talking about Brexit, the interest rates are still low. If you do take a mortgage out in the upcoming months, be sure to take out a fixed-term mortgage so your payments are Brexit proof for the next few years.

In 2019 people were sitting tight. No-one was completely sure if it was best decision to sell, or if it was best to sit on their property, so there was somewhat of a stillness in the market. The more we learn and find out about us leaving the EU, the more clarity we will get on future house prices.

There are still signs of confidence in the UK property. With mortgage interest rates still being so low, indicates there is still assurance that there will be no market crash after Brexit. It is unlikely we will see any drastic rise in mortgage rates anytime soon. If there was to be, then it would only be slight and nothing to cause any real concern with the property market.

Key points to take away:

1. Don’t always believe the media. These scary headlines are only there to make good news, there are no real reasons to believe the market will fail.

2. Don’t be put off buying or selling during this period. The trend for the past 100 years has been at a consistent steady increase, so there is nothing to say this won’t continue after Brexit.

3. People won’t wait forever. Sooner or later people will get bored of waiting for Brexit to end and will act regardless of the circumstances.

Would you be interested in getting a valuation for your property? If so, head to our website where you can get an instant online valuation, or book a market appraisal. 

Is Buying With A Friend A Smart Investment?

Buying a house can be a clever investment. The more you pay back, the more equity you will gain on the property that organically grows overtime, and even more so if you invest money into the property. It can be an unnerving thought saving independently, so the question often arises to whether it is a smart decision to invest with a friend.

It’s easier with two!
Anyone who has bought a house before, will understand the test of applying for a mortgage loan. When applying for a conventional home loan, the lender will need a minimum of 680 credit score and at least a 5% deposit. For some people, this can be quite daunting and infeasible. But having two people signing the mortgage application can increase the odds of agreement.

If you do decide that buying a property with a friend is the right move, the mortgage lender will base the approval on the combined income and the average of both your credit scores. This of course increases the financial opportunity for you both and will also ease the overall fee by splitting everything equally.

One bad credit report can reflect badly on you both
It may all sound well and good splitting everything equally, but it can also be tricky relying on someone else with such responsibility. Your friend may begin to be punctual with payments, but for whatever circumstances; job loss, demotion, or just struggling to afford the mortgage from their monthly income, and they are late paying, it can then put your credit rating at risk.

Because both of your names are on the mortgage, you both are responsible for that commitment. If payments are late, then the bank will report you both to the credit agencies for nonpayment, despite whose fault it is. But don’t stress, you do have a full 30 days after your payment due date before the lender can make an official report to the credit bureaus.

Monthly expenses halved
A big advantage of living with somebody else is being able to split the household bills. Paying for this alone, as well as the mortgage can be hard and could leave you with very little left over at the end of the month. Taking that pressure of, by sharing the cost can be a beneficial aspect.

Council tax, utility bills, telecom, TV license and insurance are your typical household bills. And that isn’t even including food, travel costs, gym memberships, credit card payments or healthcare! With all that you will be thankful for that extra person.

Are you ready to test your friendship?
Things can quickly turn sour over the slightest disagreement. Whether it be over your bills or just simply pulling your weight with the cooking and cleaning! To avoid this, cover your back. In your written agreement, go into detail. The breakdown of expenses, how repairs are managed and how together, you will maintain the property.

Unlike renting, it’s not as simple as finding a new roommate if things go bad. Removing someone from the mortgage can be hard. You either would have to sell the property or refinance the loan under just one name. Neither option is easy. Selling can take months and approval is never a guarantee. Have an agreed-upon exit plan outlined in the written agreement to protect yourself.

Key points to take away
• Try renting first. There are options to rent month to month at some properties, so why not test it out first. See how you both split the cost, take on responsibilities and look after the place.

• Do your research. Just like a bank, check their credit reports. See how much they earn and If they have made previous payments on time.

• Hire an attorney to write your informal contract. Cover all avenues and be detailed. Just do your research and make sure you and your friend both have the income to cover the monthly investment.

Questions Surrounding Savings Schemes

There are so many different saving schemes out there, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which is best for you. A saving scheme is typically a program that is designed to influence saving in a manageable way, commonly offering an interest percentage, depending on who you go with. A popular ISA was the help to buy but this is no longer available. Don’t worry, there are so many other options. For example, a good alternative is a lifetime ISA.

Where do I look?
Shop around, don’t settle for convenience. The bank down the road might not have the best interest rate! One bank might offer 0.1% whilst another 1%. Without comparing rates, you might be shortchanging yourself.

Don’t restrict yourself to brick and mortar banks. Often online banks offer higher rates because they don’t have branches and cost less to operate. In some cases, this results in passing some of the savings into better interest rates.

What are the benefits of a lifetime ISA?
A huge benefit is that this ISA offers a bonus of up to £1000 a year. For every £4 you pay into your account, you will get £1 from the government, which is a 25% bonus! Even if you can only save £500, you will still receive £125.

How do I choose one?
Set a savings goal. This will determine which scheme is best for you. Don’t be unrealistic with your monthly goals, look at your outgoings and make a sensible judgement. Don’t leave yourself struggling and feeling negative towards the process.

Look for schemes with no monthly fees. Some banks add small fees if the minimum amount hasn’t been deposited that month. Why risk the chance of wasting money when it could be saved instead?

Be mindful of hidden withdrawal fees when looking around. Even though the point of the scheme is to save, anything might happen, resulting in needing access to that money sooner. With a few saving schemes out there, they come with withdrawal fees, so if you prematurely take out your money, they can end up deducting the interest you have acquired. So just be careful and do some investigating before you commit to anywhere.

How much do I decide to save each month?
Save whatever works for you. This magic number all depends what you are saving for, and the urgency in which you need it. The average wage for someone in their late 20’s is £26,778, which roughly works out at around £21,216 after tax. It is recommended that 20% of your monthly paycheck is to be saved, in this case that would be £353.60. Of course, this isn’t realistic for everyone, but it is a good figure to try and work towards. Don’t beat yourself up about this though, it might take a couple of months to test and trial which amount is good for you so be patient with it.

Saving schemes are typically the best saving option for most people. It is good to open one as soon as possible if you are planning on saving for your first home in order to get the most out of the interest rates on offer. Just be sure to do your research and don’t settle for the easy option! Happy saving everybody!

Saving Money On Your Bills Each Month

Figuring out ways to spend less money can be frustrating, but one of the best ways to start the process off, is to try and cut down your monthly expenses. By making these small, yet practical changes, it can really have a positive effect to your monthly bills.

1. Heating solutions.
Bleeding your radiators is a quick, easy and free way to improve your radiators efficiency. Do this once every two months and it will save money from your energy bill.

Whilst we are on the riveting subject of radiators, it is very important not to block them! Anything that is covering your radiator will reduce the flow of hot air which ultimately makes your boiler work harder, resulting in money being unnecessarily wasted.

Draught proof your home. Keep any draughts out by fitting an internal flap for your letterbox, using rubber strips to seal floorboard gaps and place rugs on any bare floorboards, this will reduce unwanted cold air coming through.

2. Install a programmable thermostat
Installing a programmable thermostat offers many benefits. Having the ability to control when and how long your heating comes on for, can save you money. According to Compact Appliance, “for every degree you raise or lower, you can save up to 2 percent on your utility bill.” Having access from your mobile is incredibly efficient. Unlike self-timing heating systems, with the thermostat mobile app you can be sure your heating is only being used when someone is in; there is no point it being on if no one is going to be home for hours! Be smarter with your money.

3. Install CFL or LED light bulbs
If you have never changed your lightbulbs before, now is the time! Make the switch to CFLs or LED, these bulbs are around four times more efficient than the traditional light bulb. “Even switching just, the five most-used light bulbs in your home could save you upwards of £30 a year on your electric bill", says The Simple Dollar.

4. Switch to a cheaper supermarket
Rather than using your mainstream, more popular supermarkets, try the cheaper ones. According to an article on Echo, they compared shopping prices across three different supermarkets for a typical weekly shop. Aldi came in at the cheapest with a total of £26.86, followed by Asda as £28.72 and then lastly £31.68. Despite £4.82 a week not sounding a lot, it does save you a total of £250.64 a year.

5. Are you paying too much council tax?
On average, 400,00 homes are in the wrong council tax band. With this free online checker, make sure you aren’t paying too much!

Implementing even just a few of these suggestions can make a real impact on your household’s monthly outgoings. None of them are impractical or unapproachable, so there are no excuses to save the pennies! If you are looking to save for your first deposit, our expert agents can help. Just complete our online evaluation and find out your properties value in under ten minutes!

Should Landlords Consider Allowing Pets?

Britain is without doubt a nation that loves its pets, and the pet population continues to grow; homeowners around the country have brought many types of animal into their home, from dogs and cats to birds and hamsters.

Given that the latest data suggests that 45% of British residents own a pet of some description, it’s surprising that the stance from landlords on pets in rented accommodation seems to have remained unchanged.

There are some understandable reasons behind that, of course; even the most well-behaved pets can have their accidents and depending on how responsible the owner is, they can be quite destructive.

However, a new study conducted by LSL Corporate Client Department surveyed over 3,200 people throughout the UK on pets in rented accommodation has revealed that it may be time for landlords to make some exceptions.

This survey asked its participants if and just how much they would be willing to pay to have a furry friend in the place that they are renting and the answers suggested that landlords could be missing out on some extra income, should they wish to be flexible.

31% of the 18-35-year olds surveyed are willing to pay more for their pet and would offer £25.55 extra a month on average for the privilege. This could mean as much as an average of £300 extra annual profit, so could landlords be persuaded to allow pets, providing that a deal is structured to cover the potential cost of any damages?

Elsewhere, some differences seen between male and female tenants were thrown up, with 31% of women prepared to pay more in comparison to the 23% of men willing to do the same.

Whilst the rented sector may be hesitant to adopt a more flexible approach, there has already been some movement in this direction from the build to rent sector; some developers are looking to create pet-friendly 1-bedroom units that come with a garden, for example.

Many believe that there is huge potential for landlords to increase their income by structuring a lettings agreement that allows pets but also works for them. This is an opinion shared by CEO of DogFriendly, Steve Bennet: “One of the most common questions that we receive from dog owners is 'where can they find private landlords who will allow dogs?'. I know from personal experience that having a dog, or as in my case, dogs, the choice of properties available to my family was severely restricted.

“Accommodation suppliers who welcome dogs tell us that dog owners usually take more care of their rooms and their properties than non-dog owners – so it really is time for landlords to recognise that one in three households own a dog, which is a massive potential market too many landlords are still ignoring”.

How To Sell Your House, Step By Step

Are you looking to sell? Sometimes it’s hard knowing where exactly to start. Our step by step guide might look like a lot of information but it can really be a good reference point to help you during this process.

1. Work on your finances
With our mortgage valuation tool you can get an estimate of your property's worth.

2. Get an energy performance certificate
You will need one to provide to potential buyers.

3. Decide how much
Get to know your local market as this will help you decide on a price and what you can afford when looking for your next property.

4. Get a conveyancing solicitor
They handle the legal work.
Get an overview of how much conveyancing costs.

5. Fill out your paperwork
There is going to be a lot of it!

6. Accept an offer!
Congratulations, the estate agents legally must now pass all offers over to you.
Once you’re happy with the offer, formally accept.

7. Work on your draft contract
You and the buyer will have to negotiate-
• The length of time between exchange and completion.
• What fixtures and fittings will be including, and if they have a cost attached?
• Any survey discounts.

8. Contracts get exchanged
This is the process when you become legally committed to selling your property, and they become legally committed to buying from you.
When you sell the house, you are responsible for maintaining the property until the sale is fully complete.

9. Move out
It is less stressful to move out before the day of completion if possible.
Completion is when the property changes ownership. Once the keys have been handed over.

10. Pay of your mortgage
The mortgage company will have given you and the solicitor and outstanding amount for the day of completion.
Now the buyer has transferred the money that will essentially pay off the mortgage for you.

11. Settle with everyone
Once completion has been finalised, your conveyance solicitor will send you an overview covering all their costs, as well as outing the sale price.
If you’re buying and selling at the time, you can settle for both transactions at the same time.
There can sometimes be a small discrepancy and you may even get a little refund.

Top Tips For Viewing A Property

When it comes to buying property, it is important to keep in mind that it could potentially be the home you live in for the rest of your life. With this in mind, it is essential that when you view potential properties that you take the time to be thorough and get all the information you can.

To help make sure you don’t miss a thing and make the right choice when you do eventually make an offer, we’ve compiled the following list of tips to help you to view a property like a pro.

Don’t rush
We all feel a bit strange viewing someone else’s home, but as we said earlier, you could be living in this property for decades, so don’t rush through this process! It’s vital that you spend close to 30 minutes exploring the property, asking questions and just getting a good sense of how it feels. If you just wander from room to room, taking a quick look and then moving on, you won’t get a good feel for the property. Taking that little extra time will mean you are well-informed when you come to make a formal offer.

Think about how much space there actually is
When it comes to property, space is one thing you can never have enough of. Whether you’re looking to fit in that Queen-size bed or you need somewhere to store all of the precious knickknacks that you have collected over the years, space is incredibly valuable. Pay attention to the way the current owner has laid out the furniture, as it will provide you with some insight into how to best make use of the property’s available space. It’s also an excellent opportunity to think about how much room your items take up and whether there is any scope for a little pre-move declutter.

Take a walk through the area
When you’re buying a property you’re not just investing in that building, you’re also investing in the neighbourhood itself. If you’re first-time buyers and looking to build a life in this new home, you have to ask whether the area is suitable for your family’s needs. Are there plenty of shops close by? How do the local schools perform? It’s best to wander around the area for a short while in order to see how it all feels, after all, if you’re going to be here for some time, you need to feel comfortable.

Once you’ve taken a good look, take another and maybe another
As we stated at the beginning, when it comes to buying property it’s best done the right way, but even when you do everything right, it’s always best to check things twice. No matter how thorough you intend to be there is always the possibility that you missed a couple of things the first time around. Most would advise visiting a property 2-3 times and at different times of the day – if possible – to see if you feel the same way each time. Buying a home can be very exciting, so it is worth visiting the property a few times.

Don’t forget that your agent is there to help you! Make sure you ask them questions about the property’s history and the local area, as they will be more than happy to assist you with your decision.

How To Transform Your Kitchen On A Budget To Achieve A Quick Sale

In often cases, the kitchen is what holds properties back from selling quickly. Not everyone can afford to replace a full kitchen, but with some pointers, and a few YouTube tutorials along the way, you can learn how to make affordable improvements yourself. Without breaking the bank.

A typical 8-unit kitchen that provides 10m2 of storage space can cost at least £1000. A larger kitchen however, requiring 20-units, giving 30m2 could be more like £7000 and that’s not even including the worktops, appliances or installation fees. Besides, if you were going to invest that much money, you’d want it to be for your own kitchen that you can enjoy yourself! With our kitchen guide, you can transform your kitchen space for under £80!

Before we start, you will need: (For the best quality supplies, head to Dulux or Johnstones.)

• Dust sheets! Old bed sheets will do too or these can be ordered online for as little as £1.
• Degrease wipes £2 from any supermarket
• Advanced primer in white £8
• Water based acrylic satin, mixed in any colour you want £9
• Foam roller £4
• Paint brush pack £11
• Mini roller bucket £3
• Knotting solution £7 (if necessary)
• New cupboard furniture, around £20
• Sanding pad pack £4

Step 1. PREP
Start by removing cupboard and draw furniture (handles and knobs.) Use a screwdriver to do so, usually either a flat head or a Philips. Then start sheeting the floor. You don’t want any paint splashes on your tiled floor (use masking tape to secure if you’re worried.) With your sanding pad, start going over the ins and out of your cupboards. Be thorough and make sure all food splashes are rubbed off. Dust down well. Then with the degrease wipes, give everywhere a wipe down. This is important and if done properly will help the paint sit better on the surface.

Step 2. BARE WOOD?

This step is only for those who will be transforming bare wood units. After wiping down, get your knotting solution and with a cloth or thin paint brush, ensure all wood knots are covered well. If you don’t know what a knot looks like, give it a google! We use this so the darkness of the knots, don’t shine through under the paint, especially if it’s a light colour. This dries instantly, so about fifteen minutes later move on to the next step.

Step 3. PRIME.

With a 1.5-inch paintbrush start applying the advanced primer. This removes the porosity creating a smooth coat ready for the following final coats. To get the best outcome do two coats, just to get a good coverage, a
voiding any other colour or wood flashing through. Leave around 3 hours in-between coats and overnight for the last.

Step 4. PAINT.
Grab the water based acrylic satin, a clean brush, foam roller and mini roller bucket. This stage can vary depending on what cabinets you have. If you just have flat doors and draws, then that’s easy! If you have grooved or paneled cabinets, then this will require just a little more attention. For flat doors, with the brush, paint the outskirts of the door. Do one door at a time and don’t do a wide area, keep it neat and narrow. Coat the roller well in the acrylic satin and spread evenly over the entire door and lay it off well so there are no bubbles and is evenly covered. Don’t forget to do the side of the opened door as well. Don’t apply any more paint to the roller, just run it up and down and it will cover perfectly. If you want to do inside the cabinets as well then repeat this process.

For grooved or panelled doors, paint with a brush the panels and grooves, if there is an area larger than the width of your roller, roll it. If it is smaller and needs the paint to be worked into it, then stick with a brush. Lay it off well with the roller again to make it smooth and even. Using a foam roller will eliminate any brush marks and will make it look like the cabinets were that colour to begin with!

Make sure all edges are painted. This stage needs two coats, so wait 6 hours between coats and then overnight after the final. You might be thinking this will take up too much time, but I would say it’s much better than having fitters in and leaving you without a kitchen for a couple of days.

Step 5. DRESS.

This is the fun part. Now everything has dried, removed the sheets. To make the kitchen more modern and in keep with the transformation, you may want to replace the furniture. You can get a pack of four handles from
Wilko for £6. When putting these on, be careful not to scratch your masterpiece! Dress with a new fruit bowl, a fresh bunch of flowers or some hanging green plants.

There are millions of hints and tips found online. Look through Pinterest for colour inspiration and watch any YouTube videos along the way if you find yourself struggling. Just by doing this can really increase your chances of selling. A major kitchen remodel only returns around 80% on to your investment, a minor remodel like revamping your cabinets, has an 87% return!

For £80, it’s a no brainer.