April articles for property

April articles for property

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Conducting A Property Viewing From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

In order to make the most of being at home, you may be thinking about the current value of your property and whether you may want to sell-up later in the year, or what you can do to maximise the value of your home. Many estate agents are now flexing with the current situation and offering virtual viewings in order to allow you to plan for your property transaction and search for the right property, but how do we value your property without ever stepping foot in your home?
The first solution is simple – online valuation tools. Online valuation tools have become increasingly more popular as their accuracy improves, and as people become more aware that the values are a rough guide rather than a solid appraisal figure. These tools look at land registry data to ascertain the price a property was previously valued at and then use matrices in order to give you a value in today’s inflated rate. Although the estimates can vary, they do give you an idea of the value your property could obtain on the open market, and allow you to have conversations with your agent about selling your home.
The next solution to have your property appraised remotely is more technological – by using video calling applications such as Skype, Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp and others you can walk an estate around your home. You will be able to talk to the estate agent and they will also be able to guide you in terms of what they need to see to give you an accurate figure – they can also inform you of where the most valuable improvements can be made.
Finally, if you do not have the technology or the know-how to facilitate a video call, then sending over specific images of your property to your estate agent should be sufficient to give you an estimate of your property’s value. In principal, an estate agent will need images of the exterior of your property, including any gardens, garages and parking, as well as an image of each room of the property. If any further clarifications are necessary, your agent will call or email you so that your valuation isn’t delayed.
We would like to emphasise the fact that during this period you can make plans which will help to facilitate your property aspirations in the future – we are here to help you however we can.

Essential Tips For Working From Home

For a small number of people, working from home will be the norm. But for the majority of the nation, the current climate has caused us to quickly adapt our working practices to home working for the safety of ourselves and those around us. In doing this, it is important to create healthy working practices to maintain motivation and routine throughout the day.

We’ve gained advice from those who regularly work from home so that we can share some top tips for the coming weeks ahead. Continue below for our top tips on how you can get the best out of home working:

1. Get ready for the day
Get up and ready for work as you normally would. Getting dressed out of your pyjamas and fresh for the day helps you to maintain a routine and get ready for a day of work. Doing this will signal to your brain that you are going to work and create a good mindset.

2. Have a routine
Working from home can get lonely, so a routine will prevent the day blurring into a mix of work and relaxation time. Creating a morning routine that will guide you into your work chair each day so that you can signal the separation between home and work. Start and finish work at your usual times so that you do not become overworked.

3. Create an office space
If you have a separate office space to work in, then that’s great. But even if you don’t, it is still important to create an area in your home that you can designate and associate with work. Whether that be at a desk, or if it has to be your dining room table, this will support you to keep a routine. At the end of the day, shut down your equipment and put it away. This will signal the end of your working day and the start of your own time.

4. Keep to your regular hours of a working day
With all your work equipment at home, it can be tempting to try and get ahead by setting yourself mammoth tasks that take you all evening to complete. Set yourself achievable goals (as you would when you go into work) so that you maintain your usual work hours and maintain your positivity and optimism. This will also allow you to keep a work life balance.

5. Have regular breaks
When you are in the office, you naturally take short breaks throughout the day. Whether that be to go and make a drink or go and discuss something with a colleague. These breaks away from the computer are crucial for your productivity and health. Breaks away from the computer screen help to break bad posture habits, help with concentration and productivity, and prevent fatigue. This should be no different at home. You can call a colleague for a chat, go and make a drink, or spend some time in a different room for a few moments.

6. Get some exercise
Living and working in the same space can be challenging at times so you may find it important to get a change of scenery. Stepping outside for a walk not only allows you to “leave the office” but also allows you to get valuable exercise (providing this is in line with Government guidelines). Some fresh air and natural light will do you the world of good. With people rarely leaving the house, a short walk could be all the exercise you get in a day so place importance on this. Alternatively, you may want to do a short home workout. There are tons of guides online to help you do this. Let’s not forget about those all-important endorphins.

7. Take your lunch break
You are still entitled to your full lunch break and it is important to take this. Ensure you continue to eat well and take time away from your work space to break up the day. Using this time to get some exercise (as advised in step 7) is a great idea too.

8. Get on the phone
Communication is so important during this time. Working from home can be isolating (especially if you live alone). To overcome this, ensure to keep up with regular team meeting via group calls. Check in with your colleagues throughout the day – even for a general chat not related to work. This is what you would usually do in the office and it is important to maintain this to make the day more enjoyable. Call people instead of email so that you can have proper conversations during the day which is so much more personal that email communication. You could even use Facetime for a more personal touch.

Getting The Garden Ready For Spring

We all love the pleasure of sitting outside and enjoying the feeling of the sunshine on our skin, yet despite this melanin-inducing activity being a firm favourite, many of us shy away from gardening. Here are a few tips to help revitalise your garden or outdoor space, just in time for the warmer months!

1) The right grounding
Before you purchase new flowers and shrubs to zhoosh up your garden, it is important to have an idea of the soil that you will be planting in. Different plants will thrive in different environments, and the consistency of your soil will be a key player in this; is your soil light and sandy or heavier with elements of clay? This, as well as the amount of light which the new plants will receive, should be kept in mind before you go and make any expensive purchases. Spring is also a great time to feed your soil to freshen it up ready for your plants.

2) Put the ‘plan’ in ‘plant’
That old adage of “fail to plan and plan to fail” exists for a reason; it rings true amongst many of us. The same is applicable for when you are upgrading your garden – planning on how you are going to use the space will mean that you maximise your outdoor area. Decide what you are going to use the space for and segment it appropriately; eating areas, planting areas and water features all make a garden more pleasant; however, if there is not enough room between each then the space becomes overcrowded and less appealing. Pay attention to your bulbs too. Remove any faded flowers and replant any that need to be spaced further apart (with around 60 – 75mm gap between them).

3) The perfect lawn
Now is the time to dig the lawn mower out and give your grass a well needed cut for the start of the season. When we think of a quintessential British garden, we immediately think of a lush and healthy grassy area. To achieve this, it is important that your lawnmower blades are sharp. This will create less bruising on the grass, so it appears healthier. However, when mowing your lawn, don’t over mow it, as this will make it easier for weeds to come through.

4) Sitting areas
One of the easiest ways to spend a little more time in your garden is to create an outdoor seating space; from simply installing a table and chairs, to installing a full decking area this can transform your outdoor space. If you already have a suitable surface such as paving or decking, then getting a set of table and chairs will be an inexpensive way to create outdoor living space. Stones or pebbles laid onto some tarpaulin is also a very cost-effective manner to provide a nice zone for seating.

5) A shed load of storage!
If you’re looking to make the most of your garden this spring and summer, then a shed might seem like it should be the last item on your list of priorities. However, a shed can offer valuable storage and organisation to your garden that will encourage you to make the most of the space; having your gardening tools easy to access and your outdoor supplies organised will make your outdoor living much easier. In addition to this, a shed can be a beautiful piece of garden architecture; go bold on the colour and choose pastels such as blue or pink for that country cottage kind of chic that looks wonderful in all types of garden. In addition, adding some stylish bunting to the shed will enhance the overall aesthetic, and can be extended to other parts of your garden to create a more cohesive look.

Keeping The Kids Entertained

With schools now essentially closed across the country, many parents are having to care for their children whilst also working from home. During these unusual circumstances, it is essential to keep your children’s minds active, as well as ensuring that they exert some physical energy. We have compiled a list of resources and activities which should help fill the days…

1) Joe Wicks PE lessons – Joe Wicks, known as “The Body Coach” is streaming thirty minute PE lessons for kids every morning at 9am from Monday to Friday. You can either follow the workout live or catch it on his YouTube channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ

2) Carol Vorderman’s maths resources – since the Government chose to close schools for the masses, Carol Vorderman’s online maths resources have been made free for all to use. You can visit the site at https://www.themathsfactor.com/ and there are plenty of resources to keep your children busy, all of which have different levels of difficulty attached.

3) TES.com – You may never have heard of https://www.tes.com/ but if you are a teacher or work in education then it is a goldmine of resources. You can sign up free and then in the “Resources” section you will find literally thousands of lesson plans, activities and ideas that teachers upload to the site and often form the basis of their own lessons. With TES you can search for a specific topic and there will often be multiple resources – if you are looking to keep up your child’s scholastic habits during the school closures, this will be a real lifesaver.

4) Audio books – David Walliams’ children’s books have proved to be extremely popular and for the next month a new audio story will be released each day totally free of charge. Just head to bit.ly/AudioElevenses each day for the latest story.

5) Twinkl – Twinkl provides professional educational resources from early years upwards and often puts together some of the most imaginative learning resources around. During the Coronavirus period, they have made many resources free of charge and are offering free guides to help you with your child’s education https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/covid19-school-closures

6) Teach them to cook – If you are looking to teach something extra-curricular then why not start in the kitchen? Teaching your children a few basic recipes will eat up the time, as well as teaching them valuable life skills. You can start with baking basic recipes that require few ingredients, to them helping you with dinner for the evening.

7) Learn a new skill – With the internet, there is no excuse for avoiding new skills and has there ever been a better time to do so? With your child, you could learn how to knit – order the tools online – and could watch videos together, whilst helping one another with the intricacies of the craft. Other popular crafts to learn include crochet, needlepoint and cardmaking.

8) Practise yoga – In the current climate, it is easy to feel overwhelmed with world events, and children are extremely sensitive to our own behaviours. One activity that you can do together and is mutually beneficial is yoga – there are plenty of apps or YouTube channels which you can use to guide you through the process, and it should help with your whole family’s wellbeing.

A Child's Top Ten Property Features

At some point or another we have all thought about our dream home and whilst most of us would be happy with a spacious home with a large garden, it appears from a recent survey that we’re just not being creative enough.

A survey carried out by home developer, Strata, questioned over 2,000 children between the ages of 3 and 11 and found out their most desired features for their home, resulting in some fantastical answers.

So, where do all the kids want to live? Well, it depends on who you ask.

The consensus amongst the girls was that the best place to live would be a fairytale style castle at the top of a hill and surrounded by the ocean. As for the boys, it appears that the popular choice was a multi-coloured LEGO block tree house, which would be a wonderful sight but terrible to walk around in.

From an interior design perspective, walls made from chocolate was, of course, the best option, with water slides instead of stairs also proving popular – making it a bit of a chore getting upstairs but going down should be fun.

Free time is clearly a valuable commodity to the young demographic, as instead of having a home that featured the perfect office to allow them to get productive, the kids would prefer a magic room that completes homework for them.

For the flooring, although they had the options of luxurious carpet or hardwood floor with underfloor heating, the clear choice was trampoline floors, allowing the owners to jump and bounce from one room to the next.

When quizzed on their kitchen needs, the common choice was a sweet shop/ice cream parlour instead of the usual granite countertops, as their dietary requirements appear to be sugar and more sugar.

Property developers may want to keep these points in mind when planning new homes for future generations. If you’re a landlord, then it could be worth considering installing a water slide and chocolate walls over the next 10 years if you really want to beat the competition!

Top 10 dream features for kids:

1. Magic homework room that does the work for you
2. Water slide staircase so you never have to walk
3. Dinosaur park with its very own scientist
4. Trampoline floors to bounce from room-to-room
5. House robot
6. Sausage-llama as a pet
7. Christmas market all year round
8. Petting zoo where David Attenborough works
9. Shark tank
10. Twelve toilets so no one ever has to queue

Landlords: Updates To Navigate Through The Lettings Market

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the government has created emergency legislation, advice, and guidance to support the housing market. But what does this mean for the lettings market? With the many updates and changes, it can be difficult to pinpoint what changes and support affect you as a landlord. To cut through the noise, we have put together the latest Government measures to help you navigate the market during this difficult time.

No new evictions
If a tenant is struggling to pay their rent due to the impact of Coronavirus, the government has brought in emergency legislation that includes a ban on any new eviction in both the private and social rented sector. It is hoped that this will take the pressure of millions of tenants up and down the country who may be unfit to work or may have sadly lost their jobs due to the impact that Coronavirus had has across the nation. The legislation states that new proceedings to evict tenants will not be able to begin for at least a three-month period. After this, it is advised that landlords and tenants develop their own rent repayment plans that consider the tenants individual circumstances. The Government asks that landlords show compassion to their tenants during this time and allow them to stay in their homes where possible.

Three-month mortgage payment holiday
In line with the ban of new evictions, the Government has introduced a three-month mortgage payment holiday for buy-to-let landlords, and homeowners struggling for funds to pay their mortgage. Obtaining a mortgage payment holiday requires you to contact your lender, who will consider your circumstances on an individual basis, so it is important that you are open and transparent about your situation as soon as possible. You should continue to pay your mortgage until you have reached an agreement with your lender. The housing secretary, Robert Jenrick MP, said “The government is clear. No renter who has lost their income due to coronavirus will be forced out of their home, nor will any landlord be facing unmanageable debts”. So as long as you contact your lender in good time, this should take a lot of pressure off landlords and homeowners.

What about unmortgaged rental property?
For landlords with a portfolio of homes that they own outright and offer for rent, there are currently no measures in place [as of 25/03/2020].

Recording tenants who are self-isolating
If a tenant in your property is currently self-isolating due to exposure to symptoms of COVID-19, or they themselves are experiencing symptoms, you should record this along with all conversations that you have with the tenant. If you have an upcoming visit to the property scheduled, such as a property maintenance or inspection visit, you should not put your staff or contractors at risk. You should cancel the visit until the tenant is over the illness and no longer has to self-isolate. Your record of communication with the tenant should evidence that you took reasonable steps to show that you intended to visit the property and that you used advice from Public Health England to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by rearranging the visit.

Planning Your Perfect Garden

With the current Government guidelines keeping many of us at home in our properties, and the weather starting to pick up, now is the perfect time to think about your outdoor space and what you can do to maximise it. We have put together a few tips to help you plan your perfect garden, ready to be your sea of tranquillity throughout the Spring and Summer months.

Plant planning
Nothing will bring more life to your garden, literally or metaphorically, than filling it with plants of different shapes, sizes, and colour. And if you ask us, the greener the better. Over the past few years, correlations have been made between mental well-being and time spent in nature, so line your garden with green and rake in the benefits.

Potted or planted? Depending on your garden type, this decision may be made for you, but if you do prefer potted plants, try using buckets or ornamental vases for artistic appeal.

Another important decision to make is the choice between low maintenance or high maintenance plants. If you don’t have a particularly green thumb, you should consider plants that will need minimal care and that last all year round rather than ones that need to be replaced seasonally.

Make yourself at home
Comfort in your garden is non-negotiable. Why design a paradise that can only be enjoyed from afar?

Your furniture needs may be determined by your household size and whether you frequently invite guests over or not, but don’t let that deter you from splurging on seating, there is no harm in having too many seats or cushions to choose from!

Nestle your tables and chairs amongst your shrubs and flowers, and create a tranquil living space.

Making every inch of space count
Having a small garden does not mean that you have to have no garden at all. Create your own mini haven by surrounding your outdoor furniture with shrubs that are ideal for privacy. And to make your secret garden even more charming, use feature tiles, fairy lights, and textiles.

Once you‘ve used up all of your floor space, why not move upwards? Climbing trellises along your walls and fences can add an elegant touch.

As can shelves bearing potted plants along your exterior walls. This will add a contemporary and sophisticated look to your garden and will make use of space that would otherwise have been wasted.

Design away!
Whether you prefer minimalist or busy designs, make your garden your own by taking the time to carefully plan it. If you do prefer the thought of a simple garden, use symmetry to your advantage.

Flowers, shrubs and trees will add a healthy look to any garden, especially when there is a higher patio to grass ratio. Make the most of your lawn space by moving vertically along your walls with trellises and outdoor shelving, and use pots that add character to your garden.

Furniture serves more than a practical purpose. Your outdoor seating should be arranged to maximise your space and to create an enjoyable space.

Safe Activities To Get You Through Self Isolation

Whilst self-isolating, one thing a lot of us will have gained is some time. A lot us will not be used to spending so much time at home, so here are some activities that can be done safely, to curb any boredom:

1. Board games
Its’s the perfect time to dust off the family favorites, whether that be Monopoly, Uno, or Cluedo. Board games offer some great household fun and provide a break from electronic devices.

2. Arts and Crafts
Many of us will enjoy drawing or painting but never have enough time to do it. Now is the perfect time to start a new art project. It can be a great family activity to do with your children too.

3. Gardening
With Spring finally here it’s time to pay attention to our gardens and tidy them up. Spending time mowing the lawn, weeding, or planning new bulbs will give you some time to get some fresh air, as well as create a perfect garden. It is also a great time to dig out your outdoor furniture so that you can spend more time outside.

4. Baking
Baking is an activity that all generations can enjoy. Dig out those recipe books or search the numerous cake recipes online to make a tasty treat.

5. Cooking
Now is your chance to get creative in the kitchen and have more time to cook healthy meals. If you’re concerned at not having the right ingredients, there are many websites online that allow you to input what ingredients you do have. That way you can make use of what you have in the cupboards and get some inspiration.

6. Fitness routines
It’s always important to get some exercise each day, but with us now spending all of our time at home, we may need to get more creative. You can go outside for a walk or a run, or do an exercise routine at home. There are plenty of resources on social media and online that you can follow along with. You could even do this in your garden to get some fresh air. Some examples are Joe Wicks or the NHS Fitness Studio exercise videos.

7. Film days
We can have some well-loved lazy days on the sofa watching some family classics, or entire seasons of favorite TV shows. We all deserve the time to binge watch some TV.

8. Spring cleaning
Now is the perfect time to be house proud. A good spring clean is a positive way to stay motivated. When you enjoy your environment you often feel happier, so why not try and improve your living space.

9. Going for a walk
With spring finally upon us we have brighter days. Going for a walk can help to break up the day and get some vital vitamin D and exercise.

10. Online Resources
There are so many resources that can curb boredom online. You could learn a new skill using sites such as Future Learn or turn to YouTube for some video tutorials. Alternatively, you can spend time listening to music or some podcasts. There are endless options available to suit any preferences so there will be something for everybody to enjoy!

Tips To Help You Cope Self Isolating

With millions of us now advised to self-isolate and practice social distancing to prevent further spread of Covid-19, we all must make adjustments. It might sound simple at first, to just stay indoors and end social meetings, but it can present various challenges such as anxiety, loneliness, and stress. There are coping mechanisms that we can incorporate into our daily routines to help combat any challenges we may face during this time. Continue below for some helpful ideas to support you in self-isolation.

1. Remember you’re not alone
It’s so important to remind yourself that we are all in this together. The whole country has been asked to quarantine so we are all going through similar thoughts and feelings; and everybody has their own personal circumstances to muddle through. Take some comfort in being a part of one big community doing your own part in battling through this pandemic.

2. Have conversations with people
The power of talking to someone is immense. Just because we can’t physically go and socialise doesn’t mean that we must stop socializing altogether. Make a conscious effort to pick up your phone and call family, friends, and work colleagues. You should try to do this daily. You could even create a new daily routine, such as having a morning coffee with a family member virtually. If you have the facility to do this over a video call, then even better!

3. Use social media
Similar to point number 2, use social media to communicate with your friends, family and work colleagues. This will help you to maintain your strong connections and relationships with people and help you to feel more supported, avoiding feelings of loneliness.

4. Plan your time
It can be very easy to lose all the structure from your days which can often leave us feeling unmotivated to do anything. By planning your time, you can recreate a routine into your daily life so that you feel more active and your body can release those positive hormones. Doing activities in the home can give you a sense of fulfillment and allow you to do things that you previously did not have the time to do. If you have children, planning a routine or schedule can also be helpful for them adjusting to being at home instead of school.

5. Use your support network
In stressful times, it can be easy to shy away from reaching out to people. But it is crucial that you do so. If there is something that you need and are unable to get for yourself, such as groceries, contact family or friends to ask if they can get these for you. They can leave them on your doorstep for you to collect so that you can maintain the government isolation rules.

6. Focus on the facts
There are so many articles about Coronavirus online, as well as ongoing news updates on TV; it can be a bit overwhelming at times. Within all this information is a lot of speculation; especially on social media. Try to stick to the respected health advice websites when looking for updates, such as the NHS, Public Health England, and Gov.uk. If you do start to feel overwhelmed, try to limit your news intake to just once a day.

7. Don’t ignore how you’re feeling
Don’t be hard on yourself if you feel stressed or worried. It is normal for those feelings to come and go at times. One way to manage your feelings is to write things down in a diary as a way of acknowledging how you feel. Reach out to someone to talk about how you feel, or to take your mind off it completely. You can also use activities that you enjoy in the house so that you feel in control and enjoy your time.

Top Tips For A Swift Spring Clean

It’s officially time for a spring clean! The lighter days and warmer weather can get you in the mood for a post-winter spruce up to rejuvenate your home. Check out our great tips for cleaning your home.
The first and hardest step in the entire process. It’s vital you take a brutal stance when it comes to decluttering your home. If you don’t like a decoration or if you have an outfit that you haven’t worn since 2010, just throw them away or donate them. Don’t just focus on one room – ensure you search every part of your house, especially in rooms like the kitchen and bedrooms where clutter can quickly get out of hand.
The problem with clutter is it quickly manages to grow again! You might wish to consider setting up a bag, box or bin that you can designate as a “donation bin”. In the future, you will be able to sort clutter as you come across it, and then donate it all to charity as soon as you fill up the bin.
The bedroom
Your wardrobe is a key area you should focus on when having a de-clutter, however, unlike other areas of your home, there is potential money to be made when clearing this area! If you have a hardly worn item of clothing, consider putting it on a Facebook sale page or eBay to generate a little extra pocket money.
There are also some areas of the bedroom(s) that will most likely be in need of a little TLC. Make sure you clean underneath all the beds, dust the curtain rails and even consider flipping the mattress.
The kitchen
It’s more important than ever now that our surfaces are kept clean using disinfectant. Did you know that you should leave disinfectant untouched on a surface for around 30 seconds before you wipe the area? This is so it has time to work and kill harmful viral bacteria. You should clean your work surfaces more frequently as well, to keep the germs at bay.
After the surfaces, there are a few areas of the kitchen that can prove to be a big job on their own. After you have finished de-cluttering your cupboards of old pots and spices you only used that one time, you should then turn your attention to the appliances.
The fridge is a good place to start. Clear out all the old produce and table sauces, give it a really good clean to get rid of all the odours and then try to stay on top of its organisation, which will save you a job in the future.
Have you been avoiding cleaning the microwave for the past few months? Luckily, there is a quick and easy way to clean your grease spattered appliance. Simply place a combination of vinegar and water in the microwave, heat it up for ten minutes until the solution is steaming, then simply wipe away the grease.

The bathroom
The bathroom is another time-consuming job. The tiles, floors, toilet, bath and sink may be ready for a deep clean. This requires a full gutting of all the beauty and hygiene products, and a good deal of manual labour to remove any troublesome stains like limescale or mould that might have built up over the winter.
There are thousands of home remedies available on the internet so if you’re short on cleaning products, you will likely have the right substitutes at hand. So, roll up your sleeves, snap on the yellow gloves and give it a bit of elbow grease.
Our little secret…
Want to add the perfect touch to your spring clean? Take a leaf out of our book and put a cup of vanilla extract in the oven for an hour. Your home will smell like a bakery in no time!

What Is The NHS Volunteering Scheme And How Can I Help?

The Coronavirus pandemic has touched all of us in one way or another, and as well as the well-publicised scenes of panic buying and empty shelves there have also been huge acts of kindness and altruism. The NHS volunteering scheme is a great example of the manner in which people have pulled together during a truly unprecedented time.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock is looking for 250,000 volunteers in order to help the most vulnerable who are shielding themselves from the virus by self-isolating, totaling around 1.5 million individuals.

After a single day of online registration being available, Hancock’s target had been met – with a quarter of a million volunteers in under 24 hours which shows how keen the country is to band together and help one another.

Volunteers will be key in order to keep the NHS from becoming overcrowded and overworked, as they enable the most vulnerable to stay out of harm’s way.

Example volunteer tasks will include tasks such as;
Delivering medicines from pharmacies
Driving patients to appointments
Taking them home from hospital
Making regular phone calls to check on people isolating at home

If you would like to sign up to be an NHS volunteer, you can do so by visiting https://www.goodsamapp.org/NHS