April 2023 - Insurance Articles

April 2023 - Insurance Articles

Does your HGV have the correct insurance?

Whether you're keeping the economy and the country rolling by supplying products and parts to the manufacturing sector, or supplying goods to the retail sector, HGVs are the lifeblood of your business. Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) are trucks over 3.5 tonnes, and not having the right insurance could put the brakes on your business with devastating financial consequences.

Every business is different
Perhaps you predominantly deliver your own manufactured goods or supply other companies' parts in the manufacturing chain. Your business needs will differ from those of the next company. If you have multiple vehicles, then fleet insurance is a cost-effective way to go. If your haulage company delivers specialist products overseas, then the type of coverage needed will differ from the needs of those in a regionally based agricultural sector.

Choosing the cover you need
HGV insurance can be complicated, but you want to protect your business while keeping costs low. There is also an element of protection against the unexpected. Consider the following when deciding which policy best suits your business:
  • The location, distance, and areas in which your trucks operate; for example, do they operate in the UK, Europe, internationally, or all of the above?
  • How many drivers does your business employ?
  • The type of goods you supply.
  • The quantity and value of the products or goods you transport.
  • Tailor your policy and think about additional cover. These could drastically reduce the financial impact on your business.
Levels of cover
The categorisation of HGV insurance is similar to that of car insurance and is broken down into three main categories: third-party only, third-party fire and theft, and comprehensive. But this is where the similarities end!

Additional cover
There are many extra features available that you can add to your HGV policy, from truck breakdown cover and debris recovery to damaged locks. Here are some others that could save your business money.

Legal cover
This can cover against loss of earnings if a driver claims due to injuries, so it’s worth considering; it's not just for expensive legal expenses.

Goods in transit
This is frequently integrated into your policy and can cover goods that are stolen, or damaged while being transported.

Breakdown cover
This is not just a breakdown recovery service! If your truck lets you down and your company fails to deliver, this could lead to large financial costs. HGV breakdown recovery could cover the other costs caused by not delivering.

Personal accident cover
On congested roads, it's easy to have an accident. If your team of drivers is injured, you need to have the right cover in place so that your business recovers as quickly as your team.

Sickness cover
If your drivers become ill and you are left short, then the cost to your business can be significant. Why not insure against it to safeguard your investment?

Money-saving tips
  • Hire a driver who has a proven track record.
  • Experienced drivers over the age of 25–30 are typically cheaper to insure.
  • Fit cameras and GPS tracking devices to limit and monitor speed.
  • Limiting the mileage radius in which your drivers operate.
  • Increase your voluntary excess.
You want to keep financial threats to your company to a minimum. There are an infinite number of policies that can be tailored to your specific business requirements. It's critical not to rush this process; the last thing you want is to incur a significant financial burden, setting back years of hard work that could have been avoided. For a fraction of the cost, by carefully selecting the right features of your HGV insurance policy, you can save your company thousands.

Do you need a competitive and comprehensive quote for HGV insurance that will protect the future and prosperity of your business?

Get in touch today.

Should I add a named driver to my insurance policy?

When trying to decide whether you should add a named driver to your policy, the first question you should ask yourself is, "How safe a driver are they?" For many younger drivers, this is a great way to get a big discount on their car insurance costs, but you don’t want your premium to increase if they need to make a claim!

What is a named driver?
A named driver is another driver you add to your policy so that they are covered by your policy in the event of a claim, which means they can drive your car!

What insurance coverage does a named driver have?
When you add a named driver to your policy, they will get the same coverage as you do. So if you have taken out a comprehensive policy, the named driver will also be insured as fully comprehensive.

Will adding a named driver affect my no-claims bonus?
Just because you add a named driver to your policy does not mean you will lose your no-claims bonus. However, any claims made on the policy will most likely affect your no-claims bonus. So if your named driver has an accident, kiss good-bye to your bonus for a while! Typically, named drivers can’t build up a no-claims bonus of their own until they get their own policy.

How much does adding a named driver cost?
Your insurance company, as part of calculating your premium when adding a named driver, will consider many factors, including:
  • The age of the driver.
  • Their employment details and marital status.
  • Your relationship to the policy holder, for example adding your daughter, son, or partner to your policy.
  • Whether the driver has a fully valid or provisional license, and how long have they had it?
  • Any disabilities or conditions that the DVLA may be aware of.
  • Previous claims and convictions in their driving history.
Watch out for Fronting
It’s an illegal practice and occurs when the owner of the insured vehicle adds themselves as a named driver to the policy and someone else as the main driver to get a cheaper insurance policy. This can result in your car insurance being invalidated.

Temporary car insurance
This is very useful if you have friends or relatives visiting and you want to lend them your car; you could add them to your policy. But you don’t want any awkward moments or worry if something should happen. You do not want your hard-earned no-claims bonus to be affected either. Therefore, if you want to lend your car, suggest they take out temporary car insurance.

In conclusion
If you add a named driver to your car insurance policy often, it can make your premium cheaper. The reason for this is that car insurance companies assume that you will spend less time driving, therefore reducing the chances of you having an accident and making a claim. However, this is not always the case, and if you are adding perhaps a younger driver who has recently passed their test, they may be more likely to have an accident, resulting in a claim, which would cause you to lose your no-claims bonus and most likely result in an increase in your premium.

If younger, less experienced divers in your family are looking to get insured, it might be better for them to get their own policy in the first place. This will offer a quicker route to accumulating their own no-claims bonus.

The choice is yours, but one thing is for certain: whatever your insurance requirements, there is a huge variety of products that can be tailored to your specific requirements.

Get in touch today to see how we can help with all your car insurance needs.

Spring clean your home insurance policy

So many changes occur in spring, including the contents of your home. So it’s not all about wildlife and flowers. Perhaps you have moved home recently or made some small or large renovations. What’s more, you don’t want to pay too much for your policy. The chances are you have acquired more belongings over the course of the year, and you want the right cover.

You don’t want to overpay or underinsure
It’s an easy mistake to make; you have a busy life and forget to inform your insurance company of any changes in your home or its contents. Perhaps you have extended the kitchen and removed a wall. Chances are, this has increased the value of your home, so it’s important to inform your insurance company, because the rebuilding costs of an improved home will have increased.

Personal and precious belongings
As each month passes, you gather more stuff. From a new TV, precious jewellery, or maybe gifts at Christmas. Perhaps you treated yourself to a new tablet, laptop, or a collectable souvenir during a holiday. It’s important to tally the value of these things. You may find that the combined value of these items is much higher than you thought!

While it’s not a guarantee of a lower premium, improving your home's security could reduce the cost of your premium. From the new security cameras, you got fitted to, an updated alarm.

Buildings insurance
Don’t forget to renew your buildings insurance policy. It’s easy to confuse it with home insurance. Perhaps you have added an extension, in which case you need to contact your buildings and home contents insurance provider.

Changes in lifestyle
Interestingly, changes in your lifestyle can affect your home insurance premium. For example, if you retire you may reduce the cost of your premium. Your profession also plays a part in the price you pay. Certain lifestyle choices can make a difference; for example, if you no longer smoke, this can also help reduce your home insurance costs.

New products
There is always a range of new products or add-ons available. From legal expense, home emergency, locks and keys to perhaps lesser-known travel and baggage insurance as part of your home insurance policy.

Talk to your insurance provider
The important thing to remember above all else is to communicate with your insurance broker. Each home is unique, and everyone’s requirements and budgets differ. Sometimes getting the right guidance makes a world of difference when it comes to tailoring your policy. It’s about meeting your needs while saving you premium costs and the potentially daunting and devastating costs of damage to your most valuable and precious assets.

In summary
Dig out your paperwork and check what you are insured for. Don’t rush this process, and make sure you have adequate cover. The likelihood is that you have a lot more possessions than you realise. Explore all the options. Add-ons may add a little more to your premium, but they could save you thousands in the event of a claim.

Renewing your home insurance? Want a better price with more cover for all your home insurance needs?

Get in touch today.

What is phishing, and why should you stay protected?

What is phishing?
Phishing is a cybercrime that can cause untold damage to large and small businesses and individuals with the click of a mouse or the touch of a button. Often synonymous with emails and dodgy links designed to lure you into providing sensitive information such as passwords or bank details, there is more to phishing than you might realise!

Different types of phishing

Spear phishing
This is targeted phishing, when cyber attackers go after specific departments or employees of multiple businesses and individuals. Using their skills to create websites, links, or emails that seem relevant to you, hackers try to hook you in with the aim of getting your sensitive information.

Whaling phishing
This is a phishing strategy aiming to lure CEOs, senior management, or business owners.

Smishing – SMS hacking
Becoming increasingly popular, hackers use text messages, again luring you with a link and most likely pretending to be a legitimate organisation such as a bank or government institution.

The clue is in the name; this form of phishing makes good use of phones. The hacker calls you directly, aiming to trick you by claiming to know certain information, which may create the impression they are part of a genuine company or organisation.

Search engine phishing
Also known as SEO poisoning, this is the kind of search optimisation you can do without. Appearing at the top of the ranks, the hacker's site draws you in, prompting you to click away all your sensitive or private information. Giveaway signs that the site is dodgy could include typos or content that is too good to be true. So always hover before you click.

Email phishing
Still the most popular choice for hackers, here are some common traits you may be familiar with!

Eye-catching offers
Claiming you have won a prize or a great product, these lines are designed to grab your attention.

Always hover over links and take a good look before clicking. Trust yourself; if it looks like something does not seem right, then don’t click.

Don’t fall for an old hacker’s favourite; if it does not look right or you don’t recognise it, don’t click on it.

Urgent crises, appeals, or issues relating to your business that need your immediate attention are designed to get you to act quickly without thinking.

The damage
If your business is hacked and data breaches occur, the damage can be devastating. From ruining a company’s reputation to lawsuits, loss of revenue, and bankruptcy. Cybercrime is on the rise, and hackers are constantly evolving. Cyber extortion, using malware occurs when hackers steal your data, encrypt your files, and hold them for ransom, demanding large sums of money from you before they return them.

Phishing Insurance
Whether you are a huge multinational, a private contractor, a small business, or a private individual, the risk is the same. And the consequences can be devastating or, worse yet, destroy a business completely. No matter how many preventative measures you put in place, the risk of a cyberattack and, more specifically, phishing, remains constant. While cyber security software and training your team to know what to look out for will help, the risk remains. All businesses and individuals use technology in some form today; even if you don’t conduct a lot of business online, that does not mean you are immune from the perils of a cyberattack.

Businesses and individuals are unique, and often a tailored policy is the key to meeting your requirements. From third-party liability to investigatory losses to legal costs due to cyber extortion and more, the only way to guarantee your business’s survival if or when such an event occurs is to insure against it.

Get in touch to see how we can help protect your future against cyberattacks.