May 2023 Property Articles

May 2023 Property Articles

A guide to making your rented property greener

It’s a great time to rent! Beautiful properties can’t help but make you feel good. And with more rights for tenants than ever before and so many of us becoming more environmentally aware, you want to feel good about doing your bit for the planet while saving a few pounds on your monthly outgoings. So here are a few tips to do just that!
  • Switch energy suppliers: If you pay the bills in your rented property, you are entitled to change energy suppliers. If you can find a cheaper deal, go for it. Certain energy suppliers can help reduce your carbon footprint and could save you money.
  • Energy-efficient appliances: Perhaps you own certain appliances in your rented property. By choosing more energy-efficient products, you can save money. The higher the rating, the more you will save. If appliances need to be replaced by your landlord, request appliances graded A or B.
  • LED bulbs and solar lighting for the garden: Sometimes it’s the cumulative effect of lots of little things that makes a big difference. LED light bulbs and lights are far more efficient than standard bulbs and will last for years.
  • Shower head: Costing about £20 and easy to swap for an older, less efficient shower head, you could request that you swap an older shower head and save on your water bill.

Getting into good habits
  • Keep radiators clear: Blocking radiators can drastically reduce the heat they produce. Consider moving the couch if it’s blocking your radiator, and then you will not need to turn the heat on so much.
  • Draught excluders: Not particularly expensive, and as soft furnishing, you are adding a personal touch to your rooms. You could be amazed at how much heat they could retain as heat escapes underneath your doors.
  • Save water: Install a water metre or simply save water where you can. Install a water butt and collect rainwater when it comes to nurturing your plants, flowers, and trees.
  • Blackout curtains: These don’t just make for a great night’s sleep by blocking out light; they also keep the heat in.
  • Rugs: A nice rug will not only look nice but also add an extra layer of insulation to the floor, particularly on laminate flooring.

Green choices
  • Recycle: Make sure you recycle as much as possible. Simply putting plastics and recyclables in the correct bins makes a big difference to our beautiful planet.
  • Make your own furniture: Instead of buying new furniture, save some money and restore old furniture. This is on trend, and in most cases, you can buy some real bargains online, then paint and refinish them in non-traditional colours while adding real style to your home.
  • Use less chemicals: By using cleaning products that are not as chemical-heavy, you may save money because you can substitute them for products that may already be sitting in your larder, like white vinegar!
  • Talk to your landlord Many landlords are interested in making their rental properties greener, so don’t be afraid to ask! It’s in their interest to improve insulation, fit smart metres, use better lighting, use energy-efficient appliances, and anything else you may think of.
Browse our properties to find your perfect place to rent, or get in touch with our friendly team to see how we can help.

Creativity is the key to transforming your home. Here’s some inspirational hacks!

National Creativity Day takes place this month, and there are fewer places that make such a big impact with a little creativity than your home. The joy of improving your home is that, unless you spend a large amount of time away from it, you can feel the difference it makes every day. And when you do these things, you are dressing your home for sale and making it desirable for potential buyers.

The kitchen
We spend more time in here than in any other room in the house, so why not make it a bit more homely? Even if you have a larder, hang one up on the wall and make it a feature with interesting herbs and spices. Or if you prefer wine, start a collection with an antique wine rack or weathered table for the coffee machine. Such features blend well with modern kitchen design, even if you have installed a state-of-the-art design. This also creates a space to celebrate the seasons. As it’s nearly summer, use flowers, and at Christmas, use scented candles.

The garden and outdoor living spaces
Summer is nearly here, and the possibilities are endless. Redesign your lawn, adding curves to complement your outdoor garden space. Add lighting, then sit back on some nice garden furniture and take in the view. Mirrors, candles, lighting, fire pits, barbeques—the trick here is to bring a bit of the outdoors indoors. Add decking, a patio, a seating area defined by trees, rearrange the flower beds, and create a vegetable garden with your larger garden. These areas should effortlessly flow from your home to the garden, de-stressing you as you, in some ways, enter another room in the house, even if it’s outside!

Often here, you will want to start again and make it as perfect as possible, but even if you have recently installed a new bathroom, there is always room for a human touch. A simple shelf for a speaker and flowers, along with scents and a few more mirrors, creates space and a feeling of relaxation, especially if you light a few candles.

Easily overlooked as not as important as the other rooms in the house, but remember you sleep here, so arguably these rooms are just as important. Blackout blinds make for a great night’s sleep, so before you even get out of bed, you are already in a better place!

Work from home space
Who says this must be indoors? You can have both. Create an outside area for the summer, and if you add a heater, you might be able to work outside in the winter too. A pergola set on stones, sheltered by trees, with an outdoor log burner—what a nice way to do a day’s work! If you don’t fancy working outdoors, then create a compact area in a spare room that is ergonomic and comfortable to work in but does not dominate the room. This retains the flexibility of what could also be a guest or hobby room.

Sitting and dining rooms
From creative lighting, rugs, artwork on the walls, add colour. These rooms really benefit from a splash of colour, so getting a high-end look with some paint by choosing the shades that make you happy will make a bigger impact than you think. Painting the chimney breast and contrasting the walls with other shades, then matching with restored furniture, is on trend. On the other hand, you might be able to afford high-end furniture, in which case the sky is the limit.

Making your home more attractive to you and potential buyers is all about the little details. But equally, even if you have redeveloped every room in the house, there is always room for a little improvement by adding some finishing touches.

Looking for the perfect property so you can add your mark and make your home a truly special place? Browse our properties.

Decided to downsize? Here are a few things to consider

Downsizing is no longer something that you do when you pay off your mortgage and your family has all grown up and fled the nest! Young people are also downsizing, and it has become a bit of a trend, helped in no small part by the cost-of-living crisis and the rapid growth of property prices in recent years. This is helping to keep smaller house prices strong because, while larger homes are desirable, they are not in demand quite as much. But it’s not all about numbers—people are downsizing for a host of reasons, so what are they?

Liberating your life
Downsizing can be a liberating experience. You get to move to a more compact home, and because of this, you need to declutter. It’s a bit like giving your life a good spring cleaning. Finally, you can say goodbye to all those belongings that you no longer need or want. You have probably forgotten why you bought some of these things in the first place! On the other hand, you will want to keep other, more sentimental items and the things that still mean something to you or are at the very least useful. This helps refocus your life and allows you to concentrate on what’s important.

What’s important to you?
If you have retired and you want to enjoy your life, then releasing the equity in your home by selling up and moving to something smaller makes a lot of sense. You can’t take it with you! Having worked hard most of your life, you want to live it to the fullest. This principle applies to the younger demographic too. Many people view life a little differently than in the past and place a lot of emphasis on the adventure of life. Travelling, holidays, socialising, and hobbies are as important as paying a mortgage.

Easy living
Less cleaning, maintenance, and effort required to keep your home in order is a tempting prospect for many. Decorating your home is easier, and perhaps an emphasis on quality in place of size sways some home movers to enjoy more compact spaces that are accessorised to the standards they desire.

Lower living costs
When all is said and done, the fact remains that smaller homes tend to cost less to run. Cheaper energy bills will save you money, and you will most likely pay less in council tax. Your mortgage payments could also be lower. If you are downsizing from a bigger property and have good levels of equity in your current home, you could become mortgage-free or reduce its term significantly.

It’s important to plan
Careful planning is a good idea. You may need to change your furniture, and saying goodbye to certain items can be emotional. Consider all aspects of your new life. From family visits to spare rooms to space for your hobbies. A good tip is to use your floor plan to work out what is going where in as much detail as possible. Then enjoy your new life with a little more money and time to concentrate on your newfound freedom!

Are you interested in downsizing or moving to a bigger property? Get in touch today.

Good news. Lower mortgage interest rates could be on the way!

Mortgage interest rates have been falling slowly, and with the recent announcement from the IMF (International Monetary Fund) that inflation rates are predicted to fall towards pre-pandemic levels, analysts suggest that UK fixed-rate mortgage rates could reduce significantly. The really good news is that this could take effect in a matter of months. Forecasts have predicted that interest rates were due to start falling in 2024, with a further reduction in 2025, and this announcement simply speeds up that process.

Why are mortgage interest rates falling?
In the later stages of 2022, interest rates rose significantly, and the recent increase of 0.5% is believed by economists to be the peak of the rise. This creates confidence in the banking sector, so much so that mortgage interest rates are falling below 4%.* Economists are also predicting inflation to fall in the coming months, which will also help reduce interest rates.

House prices up to now
Average house prices increased by 5.5% in the year to February 2023.** This is a very healthy growth rate, as it is stable and not too fast. While there have been upward and downward fluctuations and rapid growth in recent years, house prices have spiralled upward due to extremely low interest rates and high demand.

What impact will lower interest rates have on house prices?
With house prices predicted by many analysts to start increasing in 2024. And in light of the IMF’s recent announcement, it stands to reason that house prices should start rising sooner rather than later. The good news is that if this happens, it should be at a moderate rate, and with a bigger choice of homes on the market and with a remaining overall shortage of homes, the housing market is built upon good foundations. But this begs the question: Should all of this encourage you to move now?

Is now a good time to buy?
The evidence suggests that now is a great time to buy. House prices are stable. And are set to rise sooner rather than later. There is a beautiful choice of homes on the market in stunning condition. Starter homes are holding their value really well, and if you want something bigger, the chances are you will get a good discount on a large home. Add to this the rapid accumulation of equity in recent years and the buoyant spring market that will remain so through the summer. This further increases the variety of properties coming to market.

Ask yourself, What's more important to you: money or happiness?
It’s easily done! You get tempted and swayed by all the talk in the media about interest rates, the cost of living, and so on, and you end up sitting on the fence. You think you will either save a fortune or make lots of money by waiting to see what happens. The truth is, there are so many more important reasons for moving. Your motives will be unique to you. Maybe you need more space for a growing family, maybe you fancy a change, downsize, or love the idea of living in a certain location. Ultimately, it comes down to finding your happy place. Can you really put a price on that?

Are you interested in your perfect home finding you? Browse our properties today.


Now is a great time to buy bigger! 

Homes for first-time buyers, typically with two bedrooms, are selling exceptionally well right now. In March 2023, they were just 4% down on 2019, and average asking prices for the same period were down by just £500.*

The market for larger homes is a little slower, with sales agreed in March being 10% down on 2019 and second-stepper homes being 13% down.* This tells us that the market is in pretty good shape overall, but what is more obvious is that now is a great time to ascend the property ladder.

If you own a home that is suitable for first-time buyers, with two bedrooms or along the lines of a compact starter home, you will get a great price, and with larger homes selling a little lower than current asking prices, you are likely to get an offer accepted that will save you a bit of money.

Why is your starter home in such high demand?
There are many reasons why demand for smaller, more compact homes is high right now. There is the price of energy and the cost-of-living crisis. First-time buyers are looking to get on the ladder before the mortgage guarantee scheme, which makes it possible for first-time buyers to buy with a 5% deposit and is due to end in December this year. It stands to reason that smaller homes are cheaper to run, with less council tax and less maintenance, although this is not always the case. And with people downsizing to smaller homes, chances are that if you want to sell up, it will not take long before you are on the move.

How can you get more house per property pound if you buy bigger?
The short answer is that smaller homes are selling more quickly than larger homes, so the price of smaller homes is stronger, leading to less scope for negotiation. With asking prices for larger homes not quite as strong as those for smaller homes, you are essentially getting more house for your money. It stands to reason that if you find a bigger home and it’s taking a little longer to sell, and with asking prices achieved at a lower rate than those of smaller homes, you already have one foot in the front door. Bring your haggling hat; there is nothing more annoying than ridiculously low offers that will only get rejected. But there is more scope for a reasonable amount of manoeuvring on price.

The market will bounce back, and that bigger house may become out of reach!
Many analysts expect house prices to rise quite steadily in 2024. In March, average property prices rose by 0.8%.* This could be a sign that buyers now realise that now is a good time to move, and it is a sure sign that the market is healthy and stable. Without a crystal ball, the future is impossible to predict, but you might find that in the near future, larger homes will become out of reach as prices start to ascend more rapidly.

Interest rates
It’s no secret that interest rates are on people's minds right now. However, with the recent announcement of the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which predicts interest rates to fall back to pre-pandemic levels. Mortgage interest rates are on the way down, and with many analysts suggesting that they may return to much lower rates, when buying a home, you could consider higher interest rates to be temporary.

Perhaps the best thing to do is to check out the market and see what you can find. The joy of property hunting is that you never know what you might find. There are no fixed rules, but you might be surprised at what you could achieve.

Looking for a bigger home? Looking for a more energy-efficient home? Looking to sell your home? Get in touch, whatever your property needs are!


Summer is on its way! Add value to your home with the perfect outdoor living space!

Summer is not all about the garden, although for most homeowners in the UK, it’s hugely important. The garden is as important – and for many, more important – than any room in the house. Outdoor living spaces are right up there in the ranks of what makes an amazing home. A good outdoor living area can add £10,000 to the value of your home.* The trick is to seamlessly blend the outdoors with the indoors. In many ways, it’s like adding another room to your home, and you have real freedom to create something special that adds to the quality of life in your home. Increasing feelings of wellbeing and providing an ideal place to relax, outdoor living spaces are what you make of them.

Design your outdoor living area your own way
There are no rules when it comes to creating your perfect outdoor living space. But there is one principle you should follow, no matter what your property plans are. Create it your own way. And today you are spoiled for choice. From outdoor heaters, pizza ovens, beautiful fire pits, decking, aluminium structures, and outdoor tiles to traditional paved-style patios and stones and gravel seating areas. That’s just for starters; you also have the little details that, once you have decided on the fundamentals, will embellish and elevate your newfound space. From candles to lighting – the planted kind, post lights, and lanterns—mirrors, garden sculpture, hammocks, outdoor stoves, and more.

Think outside the box
Are you a film buff? Buy a projector and set it up on a whitewashed wall! Perhaps you are more sporting and love the idea of watching the footy or the F1 on an outdoor screen. Invite your friends over and make a night of it. Everyone has their own unique tastes, and maybe you would rather grow flowers or grapes on a veranda.

Don’t worry about adding value
It’s so easy to become obsessed with the value of your property. Don’t think about this too much; if you create an outdoor space with an air of quality, then this will take care of itself. It’s also important not to overspend. If you are creating a path to the garden from the decking and you are on a budget, use stones; they are cheaper and require less labour.

You can have more than one!
Who’s to say you can’t have more than one outdoor living space? Build decking and a patio near the rear of your home, with a path leading to tables and chairs and a stove for the winter at the bottom of the garden. Then you have a place to soak up the sun and another to hide from the rain. Add heaters, and you can have an outdoor work-from-home space!

Hire the right help and build it to last
Maybe you can do some of the work yourself; perhaps you need to hire help for it all. Whichever approach you take, build your outdoor space to last. It will help when it comes to retaining the added value of your home. And it will look good and be a nicer place to enjoy. So if you lay decking and install trellises, treat them so they look good for years. Fusing your garden with outdoor spaces is easy, but remember that your garden will have to be maintained, so plan its design with maintenance in mind.

Leave a little scope for new ideas!
Perhaps this will become a long-term project, so do it in stages. There is always a new trend and new ideas, and leaving a little space to perfect, improve, or build on what you have leaves a little potential for buyers to add their own mark.

Browse our properties to find a home with your perfect outdoor living space, and you could be moved in time for summer.


Take a look at the fresh buy-to-let investment opportunities this spring

Summer is nearly here, and the opportunities to expand your property portfolio or take your first steps on the buy-to-let ladder are vast. So take a glance at some of the following great reasons why now is the time to make a great investment.

Demand is soaring
The demand for rented property is huge and continues to grow, with demand spiking by 250% above the five-year average per available rental home last year.* It’s old news and new news! The demand for rented property is huge. With people taking longer to get on the property ladder. Long-term demand due to the shortage of rental property will remain strong for a long time.

Rents are increasing
Your investment is secure. Rents have increased by 20% in the past three years, increasing by 11.1% in the past twelve months to March 2023.* The buy-to-let industry can be very lucrative, and with higher demand, higher rent revenues can be achieved. This allows you to invest in your property and meet legislative changes when it comes to making homes greener.

Buy-to-let mortgage choice is increasing
Expanding your portfolio can be easily financed. There are over 2,400 different mortgage deals available if you are buying a property to let!* So you have lots of options. There is talk of interest rates coming down, and while they are currently higher than they have been for the past few years, slowly but surely they are falling, which means you can expand using equity in your existing property to buy.

A bigger choice of properties
With some landlords retiring, there is a large choice of ready-to-let rental properties coming to the market. The standard of homes has generally risen, with many sprouting up for sale at this busy time of year. Many people put off moving in the latter part of 2022 and, during the pandemic, spent a lot of time and money getting their homes in tip-top shape. This means there have never been so many great houses on the market that are ideal for the rental market.

Greener, more energy-efficient compact homes
Renters are now more concerned about their monthly energy bills, and if your rental property is energy efficient, it will enjoy even more demand compared with less energy-efficient properties. Getting ahead of the legislation and creating greener homes is really just stepping into the future. So making your home more energy-efficient today will save you money tomorrow.

The age range of renters is changing
The population in the UK is ageing, and unlike the past, older people are renting now as much as younger people starting out on their property journey. This is yet another great opportunity to meet the demand for a niche in the market by targeting this sector.

Holiday lets
With so many tourists now travelling to the UK and so many people choosing to holiday at home, there is always great demand for holiday homes. And the good news is that you can charge a very healthy sum, which makes for a great investment.

Student sector
With more overseas students needing a place to rent, demand here has accelerated rapidly in recent years. This creates yet another opportunity among many to expand and launch your buy-to-let portfolio.

The property buying market
Homes are selling well right now, particularly smaller homes, but if you want to buy a bigger home in the current market conditions, you will have more scope to negotiate when making an offer. Larger properties are full of potential to earn great levels of rent revenue or could be developed into flats or smaller properties, increasing your rent revenue streams.

Get in touch to see how we can help create a property investment portfolio for a great return on investment.


Ten questions to ask when you go to view a rental property

Looking for a new home to rent is exciting! There is no substitute for seeing your new home in person; you can only glean so much online. For many, it’s that feeling that you have found that special place you want to call home. How it looks and feels is perhaps the biggest part of your moving story, and no matter how much you like your newfound home, you will have many questions that need to be answered before you make your move. Otherwise, they will niggle away at the back of your mind. So here's a few questions you might want to ask so you know where you stand. Then all you have to do is enjoy your new home.

How much of a deposit do I need?
The chances are you will know the answer to this question already, along with the cost of renting the property, but it’s always best to check!

If there is an issue, who do I contact?
Knowing that there is someone to call if there is an emergency, a maintenance problem, or any question you may have will give you peace of mind. Many landlords choose to let their properties through a letting agent. This is ideal, as you will have a friendly and helpful face you can contact. So save your point of contact on your phone, and you'll know help is always just a press of a button away.

Can I decorate?
Being happy in your home is important, and decorating or simply adding those personal touches that help you feel content and settled makes a big difference to the quality of your life. Some landlords are more open to decorating, and you will want to know where the line is drawn when it comes to what you can and can’t do so you don’t risk losing your deposit.

Who is responsible for the garden?
The same goes for the garden; most landlords will want you to keep on top of the garden simply by keeping it tidy. But this is not always the case. If you want to make it your own by adding a barbeque, fire pit, flower beds, or furniture, you may need to ask beforehand. It may be that your new home already has some of these items in place.

What bills do I pay?
This might be the first question you ask, and even if bills are included, you need to know exactly what you are responsible for. For example, you might have to pay for broadband. And budgeting your monthly outgoings is important for your financial planning, and it’s most likely that you will have to pay council tax, so you will need to know the cost of this before you move in.

Is it okay to switch energy suppliers?
The good news here is that if you pay your energy bills, you are entitled to switch suppliers. You may find a better deal.

What is the energy performance certificate rating?
When it comes to paying the bills, you want your new home to be as energy efficient as possible, so this is worth asking. The same goes for any appliances in the property.

What alarms are fitted to the property?
Don’t be shy when asking about all necessary alarms, such as carbon monoxide or smoke alarms, which are a legal requirement; ask for the accompanying safety certificates for annual checks.

Can I keep pets?
If you have a furry friend, you might need to provide proof of vaccination, but the good news is that landlords can no longer enforce blanket bans on pets, but they can say no to your pet if they have a good reason.

What else do I need to know?
You may have many other questions, so don’t forget to ask your friendly agent, who will always be more than happy to help.

Looking for a new place to call home? Get in touch with our friendly and approachable team today, who will make your home move happy.

The advantages of a fully managed letting service

In essence, a fully managed letting service simplifies your life as a landlord. Simply buy a property, then let your letting agent take care of everything else while you take a step back, enjoy your life, and get a good return on your property investment! Like so much in life, there is more to being a landlord than meets the eye.

So what does a fully managed letting service provide?
Making sure your property is fully compliant with legislation is in itself a huge benefit of a managed service. It’s imperative to get this right; otherwise, you could face fines. This will save you from constantly keeping an eye on the latest legislative changes along with finding tenants and other potentially stressful work that goes into being a landlord.

Advertising your property
This is important if you want the best possible rental income for your property. Getting the right advice will get your property in tip-top shape and looking its best with an established agent who will most likely have tenants ready and waiting.

Taking care of tenant viewings
Once your property is ready to be viewed, the last thing you want to do is spend your valuable time arranging viewings and showing potential tenants your property.

Finding your tenants and getting references
With the chronic shortage of rental properties on the market, there will be plenty of tenants who want to rent your property. You want to protect your investment, and you will need references—yet another layer of paperwork removed from your busy life.

Organising inventory
No doubt, even if you let your property as unfurnished, you will need an inventory of all items in the property that belong to it, and as such, you do not want them to go missing or get damaged.

The preparation of tenancy agreements and documents
You will need a good contract spelling out the terms of your rental agreement. This protects you and your tenant and is essential to avoiding disputes. It should include details such as the term of the contract, your name as the landlord, whether the rent includes bills or council tax, and more, and should be signed by you as the landlord and your tenants.

The registration of your tenant’s deposit
It’s a legal requirement to deposit your tenant's deposit in a government scheme within thirty days of receiving it.

Rent collection
This is important because, when all is said and done, you are letting your property to receive rent, and having a reliable collection service offers great peace of mind.

Property inspections
If you have good tenants, then this is not always essential, and you must give them twenty-four hours' notice before inspecting the property. Doing this yourself can be time-consuming and a little awkward.

This can be both time-consuming and costly. Sometimes just finding the right help to carry out repairs and maintenance and having the resources at your fingertips that a managed letting service provides can prevent simple issues from becoming expensive repairs.

Arranging notice and finding new tenants
The time will come when your tenants may want to move on. You don’t want your property sitting around gathering dust; you want tenants back in as soon as possible. Plus, there is the planning and paperwork involved in arranging a notice period.

Disputes and final inspections
This can get complicated, and having all the necessary steps in place prevents unwarranted disputes from occurring in the first place. And if they do occur, having an expert involved will stand you in good stead.

Get in touch today to see how we can manage all aspects of your buy-to-let property, so you can make the most of your property investment.

Thinking about buying a holiday home? Here’s a few things to consider

When we hear the words holiday home, they conjure up images of the sea, mountains, or forests, perhaps in exotic locations where everything seems perfect somehow. Many people are choosing to buy holiday homes in the UK despite being able to travel freely again. It’s an appealing prospect: returning again and again to a place that you love. The UK has so much beautiful scenery to offer and vibrant cities packed with culture to explore and enjoy. There is also the very appealing option of letting your holiday home, which could mean your holiday home pays for itself.

You have lots of options
Holiday homes come in all shapes and sizes. There are many stunning holiday homes located in myriad locations. From the Peak District, peering over the blue sea of the south coast on a summer’s day, or hiding in the Highlands of Scotland, to mention a few. But there are also properties of all types scattered in towns and cities that, at first glance, you might not have considered up until now as a holiday home. So it’s worth keeping an open mind when choosing the right holiday home for you.

No booking or paying for hotels
You will no longer have to worry about forking out or taking time to book a hotel, saving money during the holiday season when prices are at a premium. And even if you love nothing more than travelling and staying in hotels across the globe, perhaps your holiday home may contribute towards the costs of your various adventures.

Tax advantages
Holiday homes are a tax-efficient way to purchase property, as they can be classified as a business and not an investment. This means you can include mortgage interest costs as a deductible expense when calculating your tax bill.

Great returns
Holiday homes can be very lucrative. During the height of the holiday season, you could charge the equivalent of a month’s rent, for a two week let. This means that if your holiday home is not booked all year round, you still achieve good annual returns, giving you a chance to enjoy or possibly improve it.

The social scene
Inviting family and friends to your holiday home can make for a better social life if it’s easier and cheaper to get to than other alternatives. Adding to this, the ready-made social scene that awaits you in your chosen location will give you the chance to forge new relationships.

It could mean you get more holiday time
If your holiday home is easier and less expensive to get to, then chances are you will make the most of this, and you can enjoy long weekends and bank holidays on short and long breaks more often. This will add to your quality of life, which will contribute to your health and wellbeing.

Holiday let managed service
A good tip is to consider a managed service, which could take care of everything from bookings, maintenance, cleaning, and gardening. Allowing you to enjoy great returns and create some great memories with minimum effort.

Browse our properties to find your perfect home, whatever your property needs.

Thinking of buying a new build? 

Buying a new build is becoming more appealing for many home buyers. While you may prefer the charm and character of older properties, many new builds seem to offer much more personality than in past years. Making your decision is not quite as straight-forward as it once was! There are many good reasons for choosing a new build home, so what are they?

Most new builds are sold with warranties of up to ten years. This protects you against any nasty surprises and unexpected costs. You certainly will not have to worry about plumbing or rewiring issues. Not to mention the stairs or reskimming walls compared with redecorating an older property.

Lower maintenance costs
Even after a few years of living in your new home, chances are you will not have anything to repair or maintain. Insulation, upgrading the boiler, even if you are contemplating fitting solar panels, you might find that these could be fitted before you move in. In the garden, you will only ever need to add to what is most likely quite basic; compare this to landscaping or the removal of an old patio or decking, and already you have saved significantly in costs.

Design it to your specifications
Often, new build homes are not built before you move in! This means you can decide on things like kitchen design, tiling and colour schemes for the bathroom, and the locations of sockets. You will most likely get options for landscaping the garden too.

Energy efficiency
Most new builds have good EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) ratings of A and B, making your monthly energy bills cheaper than those of some older homes, which achieve less energy efficiency. That’s not to say you can’t find an older home with a good rating, and energy consumption will also depend heavily on the energy ratings of your appliances.

The appeal of a brand-new home
A bit like buying a new car, for some people, owning a home that nobody else has lived in is an appealing prospect. You will be the first to enjoy everything that is brand new, from floor to ceiling, not to mention the new kitchen and bathroom. This will make it feel a bit more exclusive, but on the other hand, often new builds are part of larger developments and are quite similar even if created to your own specifications.

No chain
Another big advantage of buying a new build is that it's chain-free. That means you could spend less time waiting to move in, provided you have the financing in place. That said, there is no guarantee that this will be a faster process. It largely depends on how quickly your new home is built. And that depends on how soon you purchase it!

With no resident seller, rely on your agent
A good move to make for added peace of mind is to buy through a trusted agent. The home-moving process can be stressful, and with no resident seller, you want to rely on an established and experienced team you can trust.

Are you thinking more and more about buying a new build? Get in touch to see how we can help.

Why is the spring 2023 property market in a good place?

Average house prices in the UK have since the pandemic risen by £42,000.* The value of your home has increased rapidly in recent years, and this puts you in a great place even if there has been a bit of a slowdown, but then you could be forgiven for asking: What slowdown? House prices are stable and, at times, increasing, and to gauge the market by the unpresented growth in the past few years is a little unfair. Nonetheless, most of the value gained, or in some cases, the continued increase in value still exists as equity in your home. Even if you have lost a little value, you are still in a good place. A little bit of market cooling leaves more scope for getting your hands on the keys to a better home with a bigger discount without the frantic price bidding of past years.

The home improvement boom
It’s no secret that many homes had thousands spent on them during the pandemic. Many people, due to travel restrictions, chose to spend money on their homes instead of holidays. As a result, many homes are now in beautiful condition. Freshly decorated with external and internal renovations, resulting in homes with great work-from-home spaces and outdoor living areas that are ready and waiting to be lived in. This really does make a huge difference in the quality of your home and work-life balance. Homes with kitchens that inspire you, gardens that take your breath away, and bathrooms boasting cutting-edge design.

More mortgage choice
Mortgage choice is returning to the market, with thousands of options now available. So in essence, you will have a lot of decisions to make when it comes to what home you want and what mortgage you require. In many ways, all of this makes the prospect of moving very interesting compared with past years. Some home buyers are choosing to take interest-only mortgages, knowing they can overpay their mortgages, which releases some of the pressure on financial commitments.

Interest rates
Mortgage interest rates are falling, and the recent announcement of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) suggests that interest rates could return to pre-pandemic levels. ** The suggestion is that the high interest rates that many of us are paying at the moment are not a long-term deal. It could be the case, and it’s accepted by many analysts, that in the not-too-distant future, we will be paying less for our mortgages.

A bigger selection of homes
Compared to last year, the stock of homes for sale in the UK has been boosted by 60%.* The spring market is rapidly becoming the summer market. And perhaps the enticing thought of moving to a perfect home in time for summer is too much to resist for some home movers. As home movers take the plunge, they put their homes on the market, adding to the splendid choice for you to explore. The market is in a better place than last year in many ways, but at last you can enjoy it without being flustered by a frantic rush to get your hands on the home you truly love.

Live the life you deserve by finding the home you love living in! Start your search now and browse our properties.
