June 2023 Property Articles

June 2023 Property Articles

A short-term or long-term tenancy – which is right for you?

Whether you are renting or letting a property, you have probably at some point had to decide which route to take. Perhaps you are still making up your mind and are not sure which road you want to go down. Let's start by taking a closer look at the pros and cons of both short-term and long-term tenancies for landlords and tenants.

What is a short-term tenancy?
Typically, a short-term tenancy is a tenancy that is less than six months. Holiday lets are usually up to 31 days.

Advantages of a short-term tenancy for landlords
As a landlord, you can enjoy more flexibility, perhaps choosing to let your property to holidaymakers for some of the year while at other times letting it on a short-term basis. If your tenants become problematic, then at least you are not tied into a long-term contract. Typically, you can charge a little more for a short-term let and more again for a holiday let.

Advantages of a short-term tenancy for tenants
If you are a tenant, then you are not tied into a long-term agreement, which, if you work on short-term contracts in various locations, may suit you perfectly. For some people, the principle of being restricted to one property for a long period of time is not appealing. The overall cost of renting for the duration of the contract will be less than renting for longer. That said, you will then need to find another place to rent at the end of the term of the tenancy.

Disadvantages of a short-term tenancy for landlords
You may find that your property stands vacant, which means that you could reduce the profitability of your investment. Your property may require more attention and time in terms of maintenance, advertising, and the time it takes to find new tenants. In some cases, mortgage providers may choose not to lend to you as your rental income may be considered less stable than that of a long-term tenancy.

Disadvantages of a short-term tenancy for tenants
Lack of long-term stability can be unsettling and stressful, and taking time out to find your next home can be time-consuming. Added to this, the higher costs of short-term lets plus the shortage of rental properties currently available makes acquiring a long-term tenancy a more attractive option.

What is a long-term tenancy?
A long-term tenancy is usually based on an annual tenancy, is a fixed-term contract, and is the most common form of renting.

Advantages of a long-term tenancy for landlords
This is a much more stable and predictable way to let your property, with better long-term stability and less time-consuming work when it comes to finding tenants. Banks will see you as less of a risk, which could increase access to funds. This means you could expand your portfolio more rapidly or buy a more valuable property, ultimately leading to a better return on investment.

Advantages of a long-term tenancy for tenants
Greater stability means it’s easier to plan your future. Putting down roots is important and is much better for all those practical things in life, including socialising and financial planning. Feeling settled is an innate human desire and leads to a more stress-free life.

Disadvantages of a long-term tenancy for landlords
Having less flexibility means that you have fewer options when it comes to diversifying into other markets. You may have to charge less than if you were renting your property as a holiday let, and if issues or repairs occur, you will need to fix them sooner rather than later.

Disadvantages of a long-term tenancy for tenants
Tenants renting on a long-term tenancy will not endure many disadvantages; even if you have to move before the end of your contract, in most cases, as long as you provide the correct level of notice, there are no financial implications.

Each person has different needs. However, it seems that unless you know for certain that you only need to rent on a short-term basis due to contract work, perhaps study or training, a house renovation, or holidays, a long-term tenancy is a more stable and predictable choice for both tenants and landlords.

Are you looking for a property to rent, or are you a landlord looking to let your property?

Get in touch to see how we can help.

Are you interested in inviting nature into your garden this summer?

This time of year is perfect for unwinding in the garden. So many people like to make the most of their outdoor living spaces by sharing them with their friends and family. Having a few extra guests around to make it more of a social occasion is always a good idea. But don’t forget to invite a bit of wildlife, which adds a touch of magic to your garden during these wonderful summer months.

Pick the right flowers
Flowers produce pollen for the birds, bees, and butterflies, which adds an orchestral soundtrack to your garden. Birds and butterflies are a spectacular sight to behold as you unwind in the garden with loved ones after a hard day’s work. And thanks to their hard work, the birds, butterflies and bees encourage more flowers to grow in your garden as they fulfil their role of fertilisation. Choose the flowers you love, adding the colours that make you happy, then let nature take its course.

Trees and shrubs
Whether bushes, hedges, trees, or shrubs are your thing, again, grow whatever you are most passionate about. Each will provide a great home for various forms of wildlife, from birds to insects. Growing a good amount of these things will create a better visual appeal for your garden and give the wildlife more choice when it comes to finding their nesting place of choice.

Build a pond
Building a pond can be great fun and is a relatively inexpensive way to add a whole new dimension to your garden. Buy a prefabricated pond and put it in the ground, or use a liner; either way, you are in for a little digging. All the hard work is worth it though, if you do it yourself. You will be able to sit back and drink your morning coffee while watching the birds, possibly even a toad, wash themselves before singing their morning songs. A good tip is to build a sloping side, almost like a beach, so that wildlife can get in and out of your pond. Perhaps fish are more your thing; either way, add some flowers to your pond, such as waterlilies, and watch them blossom.

Grow a meadow
Scatter flower seeds and create a meadow. Don’t worry if you don’t have the space to do this; you could grow small areas of long grass. These will also add to the visual appeal of your garden. Making it unique and different. This can encourage voles and caterpillars, and wildflowers have a unique beauty that is another feast for your eyes.

Create a rock garden
If you have areas in your garden that have poor soil quality, rock gardens are an ideal solution and don’t cost a lot to build. In fact, you may be able to build it for free. Build it next to your pond or wherever you feel it makes the biggest impact, and you will encourage pollinators and other forms of wildlife to thrive.

Added value to your home
While having more wildlife in your garden will not directly add value to your home it will enrich your garden, making it more attractive. This will add value to your home, and a well-presented garden with various features, flowers, trees, and shrubs will be far more appealing to buyers than a property with less visual appeal. Combined with the right outdoor living space; the perfect viewing point to appreciate all your hard work, you will have undoubtedly added significantly to the value of your property.

Are you looking for a home with an idyllic garden this summer?

Get in touch to see how we can help.

Are you preparing your property for a summer sale?

Summer is the perfect time to prepare your home for a speedy sale. Homes seem to blossom at this time of year, and when all your hard work is done, the sun illuminates and makes your home look like a picture. Sometimes it’s a question of having the time to get all those little jobs done. For others, it’s knowing when to stop. So, wherever you are on the spectrum, here are a few ideas to consider that will help add to the value of your home.

Increase the kerb appeal of your home
The front of your home is what will welcome your buyers, and many people make a big part of their buying decision on first glance. Does it look welcoming and in good order? Get rid of any weeds on the paths. Clean the windows and the front door. Consider replacing it if it’s a cost-effective move to make. Add some flowers, mow the lawn, and give it a lick of paint if it’s needed.

The garden and outdoor living spaces
Take a good look at your garden; it’s considered by many buyers to be as important as any room in the house. Keep it trim and in order, and make the most of those finishing touches, such as solar lighting or cushions for the garden furniture. Does the patio need weeding, or the decking need re-staining? Arrange your furniture, flowerboxes, or outdoor space so that it looks welcoming and ready to be lived in while decluttering any unnecessaries like the kids’ toys or football!

A splash of paint
Inside your home, a splash of paint adds a new lease on life to your walls and can be mood-altering, putting your buyers in the mood to move. It could be that you only need the odd splash here and there to get rid of any blemishes. If you are painting entire rooms, think neutral colours that will add light and a feeling of space. Remember the golden rule: If it’s not needed, don’t waste your money.

Clean and declutter
Your home needs to look like the best version of itself. A cost-free way of doing this is to simply give your home a good cleaning. Have a good sort-out; it will stand to you when it comes to moving. Pay particular attention to the kitchen work surfaces, the bathroom, and the sitting room. This will create a nice feeling of space.

Let the light in
Draw back the curtains, let in as much light as possible, and hang a few mirrors to create an allusion of space. Add some flowers and dial your home into the summer season. A few brightly coloured cushions or plants can add some vibrancy to your cleaner and brighter home, making it more appealing.

Small repairs
Now is the time to get all those niggling issues sorted, from the cracked skirting board to the scorched tap. A few new seals in the bathroom, or better yet, regrouting or resealing around the tiles, can add a new lease of life to your bathroom or kitchen and make a big impact for not a lot of money.

Bigger ideas
Perhaps your garden could be transformed by adding decking; suddenly you will have added an outdoor living space. Consider installing new windows or a revamped porch. Perhaps, after careful consideration of costs, you could make the kitchen and dining room open-plan? Talk to your agent if you think you will get more than the cost of completing the work when it comes to selling; maybe it’s worth doing. The choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless. A good chat with your local agent is always a good place to start.

Get in touch today to see how we can help you achieve a great asking price for your home this summer.

First impressions last! Top tips on increasing your home's kerb appeal

You want your home to stand out, whether it’s first seen by your buyers in an image or from the kerb. That first glance is important. If the rest of your home is in great condition, the last thing you want to do is alienate potential buyers by neglecting the front of your home and creating the wrong impression.

The front door
If it’s wooden, give it a coat of paint and polish the metal work. If it’s really worn and damaged, consider replacing it. Sometimes darker colours will make your front door pop, so that when your home is viewed and welcomes potential buyers, they immediately feel good before entering your home.

The front lawn
Make sure the grass is green and trim. Use grass feed if there are any patches. Sweep and weed any paths or patio areas. If possible, use a jet wash to make your paving look like new again.

Clean your widows
Get your window cleaner to give your windows a good clean in time for viewings and pictures for your agent. Don’t forget your window frames; make the front of your house pop with the right colours; and repair any blemishes.

Add some paint
The front of your home will benefit from a coat of good paint. Check the pointing. Perhaps your home does not need any paint; don’t forget gates, fences, walls, and guttering. The little things all add up to make a big impact.

Flowers and plants
At this time of year, adding some vibrancy with a dash of colour will really help your home stand out. Less is more, and not everyone is passionate about the same flowers and plants, so be subtle and keep what you have in pristine order.

Even if you have a small, terraced house with little space out the front, a small seating area can add to its appeal. For larger homes, create a vision of outdoor living that is just a taste of the splendour that will later appear, perhaps in the outdoor living space located at the rear of your property.

Conceal wiring or utility boxes
If possible, don’t allow all your hard work to be affected by unsightly wiring or an electrical, gas, or rusty mailbox. Get in touch with your energy supplier if it needs replacing, or simply give it a good cleaning.

Summer symmetry
Some things work best in pairs, and when it comes to making an entrance, a pair of ornamental flowerpots on each side of the door can do the trick. Lighting can also have the same effect as flower boxes.

Finishing touches
Hanging a summer wreath can really add some colour and show your new buyers that you love your home.

Will all of this add value to your home?
Yes. Anything that makes your home appear cared for and loved will help other people fall in love with it. While it will not drastically increase the value of your home, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Contact us today so we can guide you to the front door of your happy place.

Home sales figures are looking strong for summer 2023

You are relaxing with a drink in the garden, and the summer scent of flowers and sweet grass mingles with whatever you are cooking on the barbeque. You take a long sigh and feel so happy that you have made the effort to move. Perhaps you have not experienced this feeling for a while. It could be that you are a first-time buyer and are eagerly awaiting this special and unique feeling. As the market stands, there is more than just nice weather and pretty houses to tempt you into moving.

Strong sales
With the UK housing market currently sitting at 500,000 sales, many analysts expect to see these figures rise to more than one million by the end of the year.* This is good news; it means that your home will sell quickly if you put it on the market. And is more proof that the property market is vibrant and far more resilient than the gloomy picture painted by the mainstream media.

The summer rush
Many people are hastily getting on the move in time for summer, not wanting to move during the colder months of winter. Summer is a beautiful time of year to move to your ideal home and is traditionally a busy time of year. For sale signs start appearing as quickly as summer flowers, giving you more choice. But it’s best not to wait for a sign to go up; keep in touch with your friendly agent, as homes can disappear from the market as quickly as they appear. Your agent will alert you the moment the right property for you becomes available.

Surging choice of homes
With 65% more choice in homes than this time last year.* The buying process today is far more enjoyable. You no longer have to worry about making offers over the asking price. From large and small energy-efficient homes that ooze character to new builds, and interesting period properties in a multitude of rural and urban locations, the choice on today’s market is more varied than ever. Homes across the market have undergone a massive amount of improvement during the home improvement boom of recent years. That said, there are plenty of projects waiting for you to put your mark on.

Summer is a great time of year to move
The kids are off school, the days are longer, the weather is not as harsh, and moving your belongings in more clement weather is a nicer experience. It’s also a great time to meet the new neighbours for a drink in the garden or a barbeque after you move in.

Good timing
Timing counts for a lot when it comes to selling your home, and right now the market is a hive of activity. A good agent will have their finger on the pulse and have a buyer waiting for your home to make its appearance on the market.

A vision of summer living
Bright and breezy rooms with seasonal flowers, drinks on the decking as the sun goes down, or the smell of something delicious cooking on the barbeque, or a simple, more compact space with a few candles and soft music soothing you after a hard day’s work are worth making the effort for.

Don’t waste any more time and make your move this summer?

Get in touch to see how we can help.


How to evoke emotion with your home's colour palette 

Perhaps you have just moved, or maybe you are thinking about moving. It could be that you are decorating a recently acquired buy-to-let property. Whatever your reason for decorating, sometimes the hardest decision to make is deciding on colour schemes. There is an eternal spectrum to choose from, and matching and creating rooms that are visually what you were hoping for is no easy task.

Did you know?
Some research suggests that we associate certain colours of inanimate objects with certain emotions. Here are a few examples: orange: happiness or energy, yellow: cheerfulness, red: love, passion, or danger and blue: relaxation, to mention but a few.

Are you selling your home or letting your home?
If you are renting out your home, neutral, warm colours are the best. That way, you can play it safe and not run the risk of decorating to your tastes and alienating potential tenants or buyers. Paler, softer colours that encourage as much light as possible will make your home appear larger. While it is tempting to opt for two-tone effects, do so in a conservative manner, if at all.

Do what makes you happy
If you are decorating for your own home, then this is a different matter. When it’s time to sell up and move, the chances are that your buyer will have their own ideas and tastes when it comes to decorating. Instead, have faith in your own tastes. Learn to trust yourself while seeking the right advice. Experiment with colours, and don’t buy until you try. Use the samples you are provided with and paint until you are happy. If you are not happy, today any colour can be matched with some clever mixing technology. So, if you can’t find the right colour, you can have it made.

Soothing spaces
Bathrooms, bedrooms, and sitting rooms are often places where feelings of tranquilly are at the top of the pecking order of desired emotions. Shades of blue and green can be useful in creating such feelings. The softer the shades, the less impact they will have. A good way to make these themes work well is by adding the right complementary furniture. In the case of a bathroom, a contrasting suit will accentuate these emotions and may distract your eye from the intensity of large painted areas. A good tip is to break up walls with mirrors, plants, pictures, shelves, or tiles to create a greater sense of serenity.

Furniture and finishing touches
A great way to add colour to create your desired mood is by not paying too much attention to the walls and focusing more on your furniture, features, and finishing touches. Gone are the days when it was all about wallpaper and paint, with furniture being a simple afterthought.

Neutral and darker colours are great for a feeling of cosiness. Then, if you want to add a dash of colour with yet more cosiness built in, use mustard shades or whatever colour you love. Neutral colours work with everything, and when you get to the end of your decorating expedition, the impact of small plants on a simple, free-standing table can be pleasantly surprising. So, when it comes to creating the perfect mood for each room in the house, start with your furniture.

Browse our properties today to find a home that matches the life you want perfectly.

It’s a buyer’s and a seller’s market

The property market always has a good deal for everyone, and right now, this has never been truer. The news tends to paint a bleak picture; however, on closer examination, it’s clear to see that the moving market is well balanced. If you are selling, buying, or both, then you are sure to find what you are looking for at the right price.

If you are selling
The property market is still benefiting from the rapid growth in prices over the past few years. With UK house prices rising on average by 3% in the year to May 2023, there is no doubt that things have returned to a healthier state.* Steady, solid growth creates confidence and stability. This means if you are selling, you are going to get a good price for your home, and if you move, you most likely have great levels of equity.

Buyer demand
Demand from buyers is up by 14% compared to 2019 and is 42% lower than a year ago.* It’s completely unfair and unrealistic to get downhearted by comparing today’s figures with those of last year. This was an exceptional year due to the hyperinflated market caused by COVID and other factors. The figure to concentrate on is that of 2019, which was a more realistic market, and with the increase in demand this year, you will sell your home quickly.

If you are buying
The property market is not exclusively a buyer’s market, as perhaps it has been in past years. But there is definitely a lot of scope for haggling, making an offer, or getting a good deal. Whatever your preferred term for saving money is, the trick is not to overdo it. You don’t want to miss out on the home you love by making too low an offer. This is where a good estate agent can help guide you through what can be a nerve-racking time.

A friendly face
Moving home is becoming more of a seamless experience. But having the right agent helps with this process. There is no substitute for a living, breathing person who spends day in and day out dealing with virtually all that is property related. Estate agents tend to know what is going on in your local market, can answer all your burning questions, put you in touch with anyone else you may need, and often have a list of buyers ready and waiting. Buying a home is an emotional experience, and when you are making big life-changing decisions, you don’t want to deal with a robot!

Beautiful buying weather
This time of year is perfect for moving. The birds are singing in the trees; it’s warm, and the prospect of being moved in time to enjoy the summer tempts many home movers into selling and buying. As a result, prices stay buoyant, and the choice of property flourishes. It’s a busy time of year, which adds vibrancy to an already good market.

Happy homes
Many homeowners keep their homes in tip-top shape during the summer. The result is that homes become happier places. Whether you are relocating to the countryside or to a new street, this time of year lends itself well to making some everlasting memories.

Browse our properties to take a glimpse inside your future happy home.


Landlords, here are some top tips on finding and keeping great tenants

The demand for your rental property is huge right now, having increased by 10% again this year on the back of years of soaring demand.* As a landlord, you want to maximise your return on investment by achieving the best possible rent for your property. You also want to secure your investment and build a good relationship with tenants.

Before buying, think about your potential tenants. Proximity to hospitals, schools, transport links, or universities may help define your target tenant. If you have already bought, remember that location is a great plus when attracting tenants.

The nicer your property the nicer your tenants
Decorate your property to the highest possible standard. Keep a neutral theme using safe colours. If there is room in your budget to improve the kitchen, flooring, and bathroom, do so. Just be careful not to overspend. A well-presented property in good condition will fetch more than a less well-prepared property. Typically, a nicer property will attract better tenants who will look after it if it’s in great condition.

Make your property as attractive as possible
When it comes to advertising your property, make sure it is clean and in tip-top shape, with all issues that need addressing sorted. Good pictures of beautiful properties will help you find great tenants quickly and fetch a better rent, while most likely creating a home that your tenants will want to keep renting. This ensures your investment.

Move with the times
Install USB sockets, energy-efficient appliances, and LED lighting. Smart meters, good insulation. Anything you can do to improve the energy efficiency of your property are in everybody’s interest. Many tenants are concerned about the cost of bills at the end of each month and will pay more in rent for a more efficient home.

The value of a great letting agent
A good letting agent will find the right tenants for your property. Whether you are renting one home or have a large property portfolio, a managed service is a smart move to make. You can choose what level of managed service you want. Finding good tenants and taking care of references, deposits, and everything from maintenance to inspections is no easy task. With a managed letting service, your investment is in safe hands, leaving you with more time for the more important things in life.

A managed letting service is the best way to move forward
As the Renters Reform Bill passes through Parliament, the future of letting your property will improve. The entire industry is being overhauled, making life easier for good tenants and good landlords. Bad landlords will find themselves forced to improve their practises. By using a managed letting service, you are already halfway to achieving great returns while minimising risk. Meeting all the current legislative changes is not something to be feared. Having an expert on your side so you can make the most of these changes ensures that your investment will thrive.

Are you a landlord, or do you want to take your first steps on the buy-to-let ladder?

Contact us today so your investment can flourish.


Landlords, do you want to know how to rapidly expand your property portfolio?

The demand for your rental property is huge right now, with demand per available property spiking last year by 250% above the 5-year average, while the demand for rented homes remains 10% higher than this time last year.* Interestingly, many landlords who have reached retirement age are selling part or all of their portfolios, giving you the chance to rapidly expand your portfolio with rental-ready properties.

Rents are increasing
Your investment is secure. Rents have increased by 20% in the past three years, increasing by 11.1% in the past twelve months to March 2023.* This means you have the financial means to reinvest in your portfolio, finance improvements, and meet legislative changes. With such great returns on investment, you are a safe bet for banks.

New opportunities
Smaller, more energy-efficient homes are in demand; increasing numbers of students are looking for accommodation; and a widening demographic of people are renting for longer. With larger homes arriving on the market with good scope for negotiation and development, the opportunities are endless. It’s no secret that larger homes are selling a little more slowly than those in the first-time buyer market. The opportunity to buy a larger property and transform it into multiple lets is, provided you get the numbers right, a fantastic way to increase your rental yield.

More buy-to-let mortgage choice
There are over 2,400 different mortgage deals available if you are buying a property to let.* If you are buying an existing portfolio or an existing rental property, then you are far more bankable than starting from scratch. This will mean you can rapidly expand your portfolio without hesitation and established rental properties may have tenants living in them already.

Buy rental-ready properties
Some landlords who are retiring or have not done their research have been scared by legislative changes. Choosing to sell their rental-ready, buy-to-let properties gives you the opportunity to rapidly expand your portfolio. Every industry goes through big changes at some point. The Renters Reform Bill is currently passing through Parliament, and though it will not become law for some time, some less informed landlords are exiting the market, citing this and other legislative changes as the reason. The reality is that if you do your research, all these changes will protect your investment and create more opportunities for you to prosper.

Talk to your agent
Knowledge is the key to unlocking the secrets of success in the buy-to-let market. This is imperative in today’s reforming rental market. With so many changes taking place and so much to think about the right agent can guide you along the right road. A great investment starts with finding the right property, and that starts with the right agent. Managing your property and placing good tenants, which is becoming increasingly important, is something a good agent prides themselves on, not to mention local market knowledge and a vast database of buyers, sellers, and tenants.

Get in touch today to see how we can help take your property portfolio to the next level.


Preparing your holiday home for the summer season

If you let a holiday home, you may already be fully booked for the summer. Holiday homes are in big demand, both to buy and rent. Perhaps you are in the fortunate position of owning a holiday home for your own personal use, or maybe you do both. Holiday homes, like any other home, should be special places where happy everlasting memories are made, but unlike your private dwelling you can’t put repairs or maintenance on hold. You want to make sure everything is in tip-top shape to get those glowing reviews, which will help fill your diary far into the future.

Create a check list
It pays to be organised when it comes to property. Inspect your property regularly. Start with the basics and create a to-do list. Using your phone is a good tip because you can take pictures of repairs or issues that need addressing to accompany your notes. If you need to hire help, this saves a lot of time if you live a good distance from the property’s location. Whether you keep notes on your phone or on paper, create sections. Needless to say, you want everything to be as perfect as you can get it. Check everything, from the garden to the bathroom. It’s most likely that you will employ a cleaner. Remember to listen to the feedback of your guests, perhaps by reading the comments book.

Safety checks and insurance
It’s really important to keep on top of any safety checks and to have the correct certification, from gas safety certificates to electrical testing. You want your guests to have a great time, but their safety is paramount. It’s important to take out the right level of cover. From public liability insurance to building and contents cover, you don’t want to invalidate your policy by not keeping up to date with safety checks.

Make your guests feel welcome
Making a good first impression immediately puts your guest in a great mood. Chocolates and a bottle of wine or champagne, depending on what level of the holiday market you are entering, are always a great way to make your guests feel welcome. Simply paying attention to detail and keeping your holiday home in good order is equally important. A good play area for young families, polished glasses, or a hamper when everything is spotlessly clean, drawers full of good cooking utensils, and a nice corkscrew all add up to make your holiday home sublime.

A managed holiday let service
Holiday lets can be extremely lucrative. At the height of the season and in many locations, all-year-round revenue can be very strong. You can charge significantly more for a holiday let compared with letting a rental property. This could leave room in your budget to use a managed service, which could take care of everything from bookings to maintenance, cleaning, and gardening. Holiday homes involve more work with your guests changing so frequently, so for many, this service is a must-have.

Finding the right holiday home
Finding the right holiday home for business purposes or for you and your family to enjoy starts with a good agent. Holiday homes today are not always idyllic cottages peering over the deep blue sea. From urban locations in the form of flats, apartments, and houses to country retreats, the right homes appear in all shapes and sizes. The sky is the limit when it comes to choosing a property, and that sky does not always have to be blue. Probably a good thing!

Browse our properties to find your holiday home this summer.

Summer loving for your rental home. Here’s how, with some TLC tips

Making a house your home is important and the great advantage of renting is that you will never be asked to fork out thousands on costly home renovations. Often, it’s the little things that you can do that will make a big difference. The number of people choosing to rent is increasing, and today there are so many affordable and interesting ways to make the most of your home.

Talk to your agent
A good first step is to talk to your agent or landlord. Many will be perfectly happy for you to paint or change wallpaper, so long as the work is carried out to a good standard. Others may not permit this but allow you to add shelving or improve the garden. It’s always best to check specifically on whatever it is you have in mind to improve.

Flowers, plants, and herbs
Keeping your home in good order, keeping it clean, and paying your rent on time will keep your landlord on side. In time, that could lead to more freedom to make the changes you desire. Adding a few plants to your sitting room and bathroom or your favourite flowers to the redundant fireplace at this time of year will add vibrancy. Why not grow some of your preferred fresh herbs in the kitchen or a tomato plant and fill your home with delightful scents?

The choice of lighting available on the market today is endless. From outdoor solar lanterns and free-standing table lights for inside, to scented candles for either. Get creative and let your imagination run wild; use lighting to create mood and atmosphere for relaxation or task lighting for when you need to focus.

Perhaps it is stated in your contract that you are responsible for the garden. If so, you may have more room for creativity. Plant your favourite plants and add some sculptures of pieces that you love. Hang some lanterns or grow some of your favourite fruits in pots so you can take them with you if you decide to move.

Create an outdoor living space
If you have a balcony, backyard, or substantial garden, add vertical gardens filled with the flowers, fruits, herbs, or plants you love. Add some candles, outdoor furniture, a pizza oven, a firepit, or a barbeque. Perhaps yoga is your thing, and you want to add a small portable water feature to complement the sound of relaxing music.

If you are buying furniture for your home, it’s always a good idea to think about how adaptable it is. Neutrally coloured, modular furniture that can easily be rearranged for your next move or to simply change with the seasons when you fancy moving things around for summer.

Wallpaper panels and wall hangings
If you can’t change the wallpaper, then simply make or buy some wallpaper panels or wall hangings. Decorated to your design and tastes, they will make a big impact and are a cunning way to hide any imperfections.

Prints and pictures
Hanging photographs of special moments or places you are passionate about is a relatively inexpensive way to add something special to your home. A perfect sunset in a place that you love, captured in a photograph, will brighten up your walls. When combined with the right lighting, such details add serenity to your mood and increase your feelings of well-being.

Mirrors and murals
Mirrors will add light and space to your rooms, making them appear larger. Experiment with the various styles of mirrors now available or place them on opposite walls and enjoy the effect! Murals work well in children’s rooms, making a big impact without any permanent changes.

Add a bit of you
This is really important; your home, whether it’s rented or owned by you, should tell the story of your life. Display your passions, collectible pieces from your travels, and the flowers and colours you love. There is no right or wrong when it comes to decorating; simply make it work for you, and others will most likely love it too.

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Thinking about adding an outdoor kitchen or dining area to your home?

There is no doubt that even in this sometimes-rainy climate, alfresco dining has increased. Outdoor living spaces are what you make them, and today, the scope for creating your perfect outdoor space is limitless. An outdoor kitchen makes a lot of sense for a UK-based property because it creates a sheltered area for you to enjoy even if the weather is changeable.

Add a pergola
A good move is to build a pergola to shelter your kitchen; that way, you could potentially use it all year. Place your kitchen against your garden wall or simply arrange it however it feels comfortable for you, but keep in mind that you want your outdoor kitchen to be a sociable space so you and your guests, family, or friends can chat and get involved in your evening.

The size of your space is not important
You don’t need to have a vast outdoor space to build an outdoor kitchen; in fact, sometimes the more compact the space, the better. There are a huge variety of ovens, barbecues, and electric hobs to choose from. Anything goes, so design it your own way. If pizza and wood are your preferences, consider building your kitchen with wood, leaving space for a pizza oven.

Build around the barbeque
Perhaps you like a traditional, real charcoal barbecue. Build your own barbeque using bricks and match them with some walls that will support your food preparation areas. You may decide to make your work surfaces moveable so that they can be stored in the shed during the winter months. On the other hand, you may own a feature barbeque, and that could be the centrepiece of your kitchen.

Make it a moveable feast
Using free-standing tables or wheeled furniture is ideal if you are planning on setting up your kitchen for a few months, a few hours, or forever. If you love tiles, then tile a table or source one. There are plenty of furnishing options that can complement your dining table.

Two in one
If you have always liked the idea of having a bar in your garden or outdoor living space, consider building it large enough so that it could also serve as a kitchen. That way, you will have solved two problems with one simple solution. Build it yourself or buy it, then stain it, and it will last for years. Add some bar stools to make it a social hub for your friends and family.

If you build, do you need planning permission?
The short answer to this question is no, as long as you don’t exceed 2.5 metres in height and your structure is less than 2 metres from your property. The positive aspect of building something more solid is its durability and all-year-round usability. Add an outdoor heater or log burner, and you could feast even when it snows!

Will an outdoor kitchen add value to your home?
Any improvements you make to the outdoor living spaces of your home will most definitely add to its value. Creating outdoor spaces that seamlessly flow from your home's indoor living spaces is becoming a must have. No longer an unattainable luxury, making them highly desirable and sought-after.

Browse our properties to find a home with the perfect indoor and outdoor living spaces for you.