September 2023 - Property Articles

September 2023 - Property Articles

A short-term or long-term tenancy – which is right for you?

Whether you are renting or letting a property, you have probably at some point had to decide which route to take. Perhaps you are still making up your mind and are not sure which road you want to go down. Let's start by taking a closer look at the pros and cons of both short-term and long-term tenancies for landlords and tenants.

What is a short-term tenancy?
Typically, a short-term tenancy is a tenancy that is less than six months. Holiday lets are usually up to 31 days.

Advantages of a short-term tenancy for landlords
As a landlord, you can enjoy more flexibility, perhaps choosing to let your property to holidaymakers for some of the year while at other times letting it on a short-term basis. If your tenants become problematic, then at least you are not tied into a long-term contract. Typically, you can charge a little more for a short-term let and more again for a holiday let.

Advantages of a short-term tenancy for tenants
If you are a tenant, then you are not tied into a long-term agreement, which, if you work on short-term contracts in various locations, may suit you perfectly. For some people, the principle of being restricted to one property for a long period of time is not appealing. The overall cost of renting for the duration of the contract will be less than renting for longer. That said, you will then need to find another place to rent at the end of the term of the tenancy.

Disadvantages of a short-term tenancy for landlords
You may find that your property stands vacant, which means that you could reduce the profitability of your investment. Your property may require more attention and time in terms of maintenance, advertising, and the time it takes to find new tenants. In some cases, mortgage providers may choose not to lend to you as your rental income may be considered less stable than that of a long-term tenancy.

Disadvantages of a short-term tenancy for tenants
Lack of long-term stability can be unsettling and stressful, and taking time out to find your next home can be time-consuming. Added to this, the higher costs of short-term lets plus the shortage of rental properties currently available makes acquiring a long-term tenancy a more attractive option.

What is a long-term tenancy?
A long-term tenancy is usually based on an annual tenancy, is a fixed-term contract, and is the most common form of renting.

Advantages of a long-term tenancy for landlords
This is a much more stable and predictable way to let your property, with better long-term stability and less time-consuming work when it comes to finding tenants. Banks will see you as less of a risk, which could increase access to funds. This means you could expand your portfolio more rapidly or buy a more valuable property, ultimately leading to a better return on investment.

Advantages of a long-term tenancy for tenants
Greater stability means it’s easier to plan your future. Putting down roots is important and is much better for all those practical things in life, including socialising and financial planning. Feeling settled is an innate human desire and leads to a more stress-free life.

Disadvantages of a long-term tenancy for landlords
Having less flexibility means that you have fewer options when it comes to diversifying into other markets. You may have to charge less than if you were renting your property as a holiday let, and if issues or repairs occur, you will need to fix them sooner rather than later.

Disadvantages of a long-term tenancy for tenants
Tenants renting on a long-term tenancy will not endure many disadvantages; even if you have to move before the end of your contract, in most cases, as long as you provide the correct level of notice, there are no financial implications.

Each person has different needs. However, it seems that unless you know for certain that you only need to rent on a short-term basis due to contract work, perhaps study or training, a house renovation, or holidays, a long-term tenancy is a more stable and predictable choice for both tenants and landlords.

Are you looking for a property to rent, or are you a landlord looking to let your property?

Get in touch to see how we can help.

Are you interested in inviting nature into your garden this summer?

This time of year is perfect for unwinding in the garden. So many people like to make the most of their outdoor living spaces by sharing them with their friends and family. Having a few extra guests around to make it more of a social occasion is always a good idea. But don’t forget to invite a bit of wildlife, which adds a touch of magic to your garden during these wonderful summer months.

Pick the right flowers
Flowers produce pollen for the birds, bees, and butterflies, which adds an orchestral soundtrack to your garden. Birds and butterflies are a spectacular sight to behold as you unwind in the garden with loved ones after a hard day’s work. And thanks to their hard work, the birds, butterflies and bees encourage more flowers to grow in your garden as they fulfil their role of fertilisation. Choose the flowers you love, adding the colours that make you happy, then let nature take its course.

Trees and shrubs
Whether bushes, hedges, trees, or shrubs are your thing, again, grow whatever you are most passionate about. Each will provide a great home for various forms of wildlife, from birds to insects. Growing a good amount of these things will create a better visual appeal for your garden and give the wildlife more choice when it comes to finding their nesting place of choice.

Build a pond
Building a pond can be great fun and is a relatively inexpensive way to add a whole new dimension to your garden. Buy a prefabricated pond and put it in the ground, or use a liner; either way, you are in for a little digging. All the hard work is worth it though, if you do it yourself. You will be able to sit back and drink your morning coffee while watching the birds, possibly even a toad, wash themselves before singing their morning songs. A good tip is to build a sloping side, almost like a beach, so that wildlife can get in and out of your pond. Perhaps fish are more your thing; either way, add some flowers to your pond, such as waterlilies, and watch them blossom.

Grow a meadow
Scatter flower seeds and create a meadow. Don’t worry if you don’t have the space to do this; you could grow small areas of long grass. These will also add to the visual appeal of your garden. Making it unique and different. This can encourage voles and caterpillars, and wildflowers have a unique beauty that is another feast for your eyes.

Create a rock garden
If you have areas in your garden that have poor soil quality, rock gardens are an ideal solution and don’t cost a lot to build. In fact, you may be able to build it for free. Build it next to your pond or wherever you feel it makes the biggest impact, and you will encourage pollinators and other forms of wildlife to thrive.

Added value to your home
While having more wildlife in your garden will not directly add value to your home it will enrich your garden, making it more attractive. This will add value to your home, and a well-presented garden with various features, flowers, trees, and shrubs will be far more appealing to buyers than a property with less visual appeal. Combined with the right outdoor living space; the perfect viewing point to appreciate all your hard work, you will have undoubtedly added significantly to the value of your property.

Are you looking for a home with an idyllic garden this summer?

Get in touch to see how we can help.

Are you preparing your property for a summer sale?

Summer is the perfect time to prepare your home for a speedy sale. Homes seem to blossom at this time of year, and when all your hard work is done, the sun illuminates and makes your home look like a picture. Sometimes it’s a question of having the time to get all those little jobs done. For others, it’s knowing when to stop. So, wherever you are on the spectrum, here are a few ideas to consider that will help add to the value of your home.

Increase the kerb appeal of your home
The front of your home is what will welcome your buyers, and many people make a big part of their buying decision on first glance. Does it look welcoming and in good order? Get rid of any weeds on the paths. Clean the windows and the front door. Consider replacing it if it’s a cost-effective move to make. Add some flowers, mow the lawn, and give it a lick of paint if it’s needed.

The garden and outdoor living spaces
Take a good look at your garden; it’s considered by many buyers to be as important as any room in the house. Keep it trim and in order, and make the most of those finishing touches, such as solar lighting or cushions for the garden furniture. Does the patio need weeding, or the decking need re-staining? Arrange your furniture, flowerboxes, or outdoor space so that it looks welcoming and ready to be lived in while decluttering any unnecessaries like the kids’ toys or football!

A splash of paint
Inside your home, a splash of paint adds a new lease on life to your walls and can be mood-altering, putting your buyers in the mood to move. It could be that you only need the odd splash here and there to get rid of any blemishes. If you are painting entire rooms, think neutral colours that will add light and a feeling of space. Remember the golden rule: If it’s not needed, don’t waste your money.

Clean and declutter
Your home needs to look like the best version of itself. A cost-free way of doing this is to simply give your home a good cleaning. Have a good sort-out; it will stand to you when it comes to moving. Pay particular attention to the kitchen work surfaces, the bathroom, and the sitting room. This will create a nice feeling of space.

Let the light in
Draw back the curtains, let in as much light as possible, and hang a few mirrors to create an allusion of space. Add some flowers and dial your home into the summer season. A few brightly coloured cushions or plants can add some vibrancy to your cleaner and brighter home, making it more appealing.

Small repairs
Now is the time to get all those niggling issues sorted, from the cracked skirting board to the scorched tap. A few new seals in the bathroom, or better yet, regrouting or resealing around the tiles, can add a new lease of life to your bathroom or kitchen and make a big impact for not a lot of money.

Bigger ideas
Perhaps your garden could be transformed by adding decking; suddenly you will have added an outdoor living space. Consider installing new windows or a revamped porch. Perhaps, after careful consideration of costs, you could make the kitchen and dining room open-plan? Talk to your agent if you think you will get more than the cost of completing the work when it comes to selling; maybe it’s worth doing. The choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless. A good chat with your local agent is always a good place to start.

Get in touch today to see how we can help you achieve a great asking price for your home this summer.

First impressions last! Top tips on increasing your home's kerb appeal

You want your home to stand out, whether it’s first seen by your buyers in an image or from the kerb. That first glance is important. If the rest of your home is in great condition, the last thing you want to do is alienate potential buyers by neglecting the front of your home and creating the wrong impression.

The front door
If it’s wooden, give it a coat of paint and polish the metal work. If it’s really worn and damaged, consider replacing it. Sometimes darker colours will make your front door pop, so that when your home is viewed and welcomes potential buyers, they immediately feel good before entering your home.

The front lawn
Make sure the grass is green and trim. Use grass feed if there are any patches. Sweep and weed any paths or patio areas. If possible, use a jet wash to make your paving look like new again.

Clean your widows
Get your window cleaner to give your windows a good clean in time for viewings and pictures for your agent. Don’t forget your window frames; make the front of your house pop with the right colours; and repair any blemishes.

Add some paint
The front of your home will benefit from a coat of good paint. Check the pointing. Perhaps your home does not need any paint; don’t forget gates, fences, walls, and guttering. The little things all add up to make a big impact.

Flowers and plants
At this time of year, adding some vibrancy with a dash of colour will really help your home stand out. Less is more, and not everyone is passionate about the same flowers and plants, so be subtle and keep what you have in pristine order.

Even if you have a small, terraced house with little space out the front, a small seating area can add to its appeal. For larger homes, create a vision of outdoor living that is just a taste of the splendour that will later appear, perhaps in the outdoor living space located at the rear of your property.

Conceal wiring or utility boxes
If possible, don’t allow all your hard work to be affected by unsightly wiring or an electrical, gas, or rusty mailbox. Get in touch with your energy supplier if it needs replacing, or simply give it a good cleaning.

Summer symmetry
Some things work best in pairs, and when it comes to making an entrance, a pair of ornamental flowerpots on each side of the door can do the trick. Lighting can also have the same effect as flower boxes.

Finishing touches
Hanging a summer wreath can really add some colour and show your new buyers that you love your home.

Will all of this add value to your home?
Yes. Anything that makes your home appear cared for and loved will help other people fall in love with it. While it will not drastically increase the value of your home, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Contact us today so we can guide you to the front door of your happy place.

Home sales figures are looking strong for summer 2023

You are relaxing with a drink in the garden, and the summer scent of flowers and sweet grass mingles with whatever you are cooking on the barbeque. You take a long sigh and feel so happy that you have made the effort to move. Perhaps you have not experienced this feeling for a while. It could be that you are a first-time buyer and are eagerly awaiting this special and unique feeling. As the market stands, there is more than just nice weather and pretty houses to tempt you into moving.

Strong sales
With the UK housing market currently sitting at 500,000 sales, many analysts expect to see these figures rise to more than one million by the end of the year.* This is good news; it means that your home will sell quickly if you put it on the market. And is more proof that the property market is vibrant and far more resilient than the gloomy picture painted by the mainstream media.

The summer rush
Many people are hastily getting on the move in time for summer, not wanting to move during the colder months of winter. Summer is a beautiful time of year to move to your ideal home and is traditionally a busy time of year. For sale signs start appearing as quickly as summer flowers, giving you more choice. But it’s best not to wait for a sign to go up; keep in touch with your friendly agent, as homes can disappear from the market as quickly as they appear. Your agent will alert you the moment the right property for you becomes available.

Surging choice of homes
With 65% more choice in homes than this time last year.* The buying process today is far more enjoyable. You no longer have to worry about making offers over the asking price. From large and small energy-efficient homes that ooze character to new builds, and interesting period properties in a multitude of rural and urban locations, the choice on today’s market is more varied than ever. Homes across the market have undergone a massive amount of improvement during the home improvement boom of recent years. That said, there are plenty of projects waiting for you to put your mark on.

Summer is a great time of year to move
The kids are off school, the days are longer, the weather is not as harsh, and moving your belongings in more clement weather is a nicer experience. It’s also a great time to meet the new neighbours for a drink in the garden or a barbeque after you move in.

Good timing
Timing counts for a lot when it comes to selling your home, and right now the market is a hive of activity. A good agent will have their finger on the pulse and have a buyer waiting for your home to make its appearance on the market.

A vision of summer living
Bright and breezy rooms with seasonal flowers, drinks on the decking as the sun goes down, or the smell of something delicious cooking on the barbeque, or a simple, more compact space with a few candles and soft music soothing you after a hard day’s work are worth making the effort for.

Don’t waste any more time and make your move this summer?

Get in touch to see how we can help.


How to evoke emotion with your home's colour palette 

Perhaps you have just moved, or maybe you are thinking about moving. It could be that you are decorating a recently acquired buy-to-let property. Whatever your reason for decorating, sometimes the hardest decision to make is deciding on colour schemes. There is an eternal spectrum to choose from, and matching and creating rooms that are visually what you were hoping for is no easy task.

Did you know?
Some research suggests that we associate certain colours of inanimate objects with certain emotions. Here are a few examples: orange: happiness or energy, yellow: cheerfulness, red: love, passion, or danger and blue: relaxation, to mention but a few.

Are you selling your home or letting your home?
If you are renting out your home, neutral, warm colours are the best. That way, you can play it safe and not run the risk of decorating to your tastes and alienating potential tenants or buyers. Paler, softer colours that encourage as much light as possible will make your home appear larger. While it is tempting to opt for two-tone effects, do so in a conservative manner, if at all.

Do what makes you happy
If you are decorating for your own home, then this is a different matter. When it’s time to sell up and move, the chances are that your buyer will have their own ideas and tastes when it comes to decorating. Instead, have faith in your own tastes. Learn to trust yourself while seeking the right advice. Experiment with colours, and don’t buy until you try. Use the samples you are provided with and paint until you are happy. If you are not happy, today any colour can be matched with some clever mixing technology. So, if you can’t find the right colour, you can have it made.

Soothing spaces
Bathrooms, bedrooms, and sitting rooms are often places where feelings of tranquilly are at the top of the pecking order of desired emotions. Shades of blue and green can be useful in creating such feelings. The softer the shades, the less impact they will have. A good way to make these themes work well is by adding the right complementary furniture. In the case of a bathroom, a contrasting suit will accentuate these emotions and may distract your eye from the intensity of large painted areas. A good tip is to break up walls with mirrors, plants, pictures, shelves, or tiles to create a greater sense of serenity.

Furniture and finishing touches
A great way to add colour to create your desired mood is by not paying too much attention to the walls and focusing more on your furniture, features, and finishing touches. Gone are the days when it was all about wallpaper and paint, with furniture being a simple afterthought.

Neutral and darker colours are great for a feeling of cosiness. Then, if you want to add a dash of colour with yet more cosiness built in, use mustard shades or whatever colour you love. Neutral colours work with everything, and when you get to the end of your decorating expedition, the impact of small plants on a simple, free-standing table can be pleasantly surprising. So, when it comes to creating the perfect mood for each room in the house, start with your furniture.

Browse our properties today to find a home that matches the life you want perfectly.

It’s a buyer’s and a seller’s market

The property market always has a good deal for everyone, and right now, this has never been truer. The news tends to paint a bleak picture; however, on closer examination, it’s clear to see that the moving market is well balanced. If you are selling, buying, or both, then you are sure to find what you are looking for at the right price.

If you are selling
The property market is still benefiting from the rapid growth in prices over the past few years. With UK house prices rising on average by 3% in the year to May 2023, there is no doubt that things have returned to a healthier state.* Steady, solid growth creates confidence and stability. This means if you are selling, you are going to get a good price for your home, and if you move, you most likely have great levels of equity.

Buyer demand
Demand from buyers is up by 14% compared to 2019 and is 42% lower than a year ago.* It’s completely unfair and unrealistic to get downhearted by comparing today’s figures with those of last year. This was an exceptional year due to the hyperinflated market caused by COVID and other factors. The figure to concentrate on is that of 2019, which was a more realistic market, and with the increase in demand this year, you will sell your home quickly.

If you are buying
The property market is not exclusively a buyer’s market, as perhaps it has been in past years. But there is definitely a lot of scope for haggling, making an offer, or getting a good deal. Whatever your preferred term for saving money is, the trick is not to overdo it. You don’t want to miss out on the home you love by making too low an offer. This is where a good estate agent can help guide you through what can be a nerve-racking time.

A friendly face
Moving home is becoming more of a seamless experience. But having the right agent helps with this process. There is no substitute for a living, breathing person who spends day in and day out dealing with virtually all that is property related. Estate agents tend to know what is going on in your local market, can answer all your burning questions, put you in touch with anyone else you may need, and often have a list of buyers ready and waiting. Buying a home is an emotional experience, and when you are making big life-changing decisions, you don’t want to deal with a robot!

Beautiful buying weather
This time of year is perfect for moving. The birds are singing in the trees; it’s warm, and the prospect of being moved in time to enjoy the summer tempts many home movers into selling and buying. As a result, prices stay buoyant, and the choice of property flourishes. It’s a busy time of year, which adds vibrancy to an already good market.

Happy homes
Many homeowners keep their homes in tip-top shape during the summer. The result is that homes become happier places. Whether you are relocating to the countryside or to a new street, this time of year lends itself well to making some everlasting memories.

Browse our properties to take a glimpse inside your future happy home.


Landlords, here are some top tips on finding and keeping great tenants

The demand for your rental property is huge right now, having increased by 10% again this year on the back of years of soaring demand.* As a landlord, you want to maximise your return on investment by achieving the best possible rent for your property. You also want to secure your investment and build a good relationship with tenants.

Before buying, think about your potential tenants. Proximity to hospitals, schools, transport links, or universities may help define your target tenant. If you have already bought, remember that location is a great plus when attracting tenants.

The nicer your property the nicer your tenants
Decorate your property to the highest possible standard. Keep a neutral theme using safe colours. If there is room in your budget to improve the kitchen, flooring, and bathroom, do so. Just be careful not to overspend. A well-presented property in good condition will fetch more than a less well-prepared property. Typically, a nicer property will attract better tenants who will look after it if it’s in great condition.

Make your property as attractive as possible
When it comes to advertising your property, make sure it is clean and in tip-top shape, with all issues that need addressing sorted. Good pictures of beautiful properties will help you find great tenants quickly and fetch a better rent, while most likely creating a home that your tenants will want to keep renting. This ensures your investment.

Move with the times
Install USB sockets, energy-efficient appliances, and LED lighting. Smart meters, good insulation. Anything you can do to improve the energy efficiency of your property are in everybody’s interest. Many tenants are concerned about the cost of bills at the end of each month and will pay more in rent for a more efficient home.

The value of a great letting agent
A good letting agent will find the right tenants for your property. Whether you are renting one home or have a large property portfolio, a managed service is a smart move to make. You can choose what level of managed service you want. Finding good tenants and taking care of references, deposits, and everything from maintenance to inspections is no easy task. With a managed letting service, your investment is in safe hands, leaving you with more time for the more important things in life.

A managed letting service is the best way to move forward
As the Renters Reform Bill passes through Parliament, the future of letting your property will improve. The entire industry is being overhauled, making life easier for good tenants and good landlords. Bad landlords will find themselves forced to improve their practises. By using a managed letting service, you are already halfway to achieving great returns while minimising risk. Meeting all the current legislative changes is not something to be feared. Having an expert on your side so you can make the most of these changes ensures that your investment will thrive.

Are you a landlord, or do you want to take your first steps on the buy-to-let ladder?

Contact us today so your investment can flourish.


Landlords, do you want to know how to rapidly expand your property portfolio?

The demand for your rental property is huge right now, with demand per available property spiking last year by 250% above the 5-year average, while the demand for rented homes remains 10% higher than this time last year.* Interestingly, many landlords who have reached retirement age are selling part or all of their portfolios, giving you the chance to rapidly expand your portfolio with rental-ready properties.

Rents are increasing
Your investment is secure. Rents have increased by 20% in the past three years, increasing by 11.1% in the past twelve months to March 2023.* This means you have the financial means to reinvest in your portfolio, finance improvements, and meet legislative changes. With such great returns on investment, you are a safe bet for banks.

New opportunities
Smaller, more energy-efficient homes are in demand; increasing numbers of students are looking for accommodation; and a widening demographic of people are renting for longer. With larger homes arriving on the market with good scope for negotiation and development, the opportunities are endless. It’s no secret that larger homes are selling a little more slowly than those in the first-time buyer market. The opportunity to buy a larger property and transform it into multiple lets is, provided you get the numbers right, a fantastic way to increase your rental yield.

More buy-to-let mortgage choice
There are over 2,400 different mortgage deals available if you are buying a property to let.* If you are buying an existing portfolio or an existing rental property, then you are far more bankable than starting from scratch. This will mean you can rapidly expand your portfolio without hesitation and established rental properties may have tenants living in them already.

Buy rental-ready properties
Some landlords who are retiring or have not done their research have been scared by legislative changes. Choosing to sell their rental-ready, buy-to-let properties gives you the opportunity to rapidly expand your portfolio. Every industry goes through big changes at some point. The Renters Reform Bill is currently passing through Parliament, and though it will not become law for some time, some less informed landlords are exiting the market, citing this and other legislative changes as the reason. The reality is that if you do your research, all these changes will protect your investment and create more opportunities for you to prosper.

Talk to your agent
Knowledge is the key to unlocking the secrets of success in the buy-to-let market. This is imperative in today’s reforming rental market. With so many changes taking place and so much to think about the right agent can guide you along the right road. A great investment starts with finding the right property, and that starts with the right agent. Managing your property and placing good tenants, which is becoming increasingly important, is something a good agent prides themselves on, not to mention local market knowledge and a vast database of buyers, sellers, and tenants.

Get in touch today to see how we can help take your property portfolio to the next level.


Preparing your holiday home for the summer season

If you let a holiday home, you may already be fully booked for the summer. Holiday homes are in big demand, both to buy and rent. Perhaps you are in the fortunate position of owning a holiday home for your own personal use, or maybe you do both. Holiday homes, like any other home, should be special places where happy everlasting memories are made, but unlike your private dwelling you can’t put repairs or maintenance on hold. You want to make sure everything is in tip-top shape to get those glowing reviews, which will help fill your diary far into the future.

Create a check list
It pays to be organised when it comes to property. Inspect your property regularly. Start with the basics and create a to-do list. Using your phone is a good tip because you can take pictures of repairs or issues that need addressing to accompany your notes. If you need to hire help, this saves a lot of time if you live a good distance from the property’s location. Whether you keep notes on your phone or on paper, create sections. Needless to say, you want everything to be as perfect as you can get it. Check everything, from the garden to the bathroom. It’s most likely that you will employ a cleaner. Remember to listen to the feedback of your guests, perhaps by reading the comments book.

Safety checks and insurance
It’s really important to keep on top of any safety checks and to have the correct certification, from gas safety certificates to electrical testing. You want your guests to have a great time, but their safety is paramount. It’s important to take out the right level of cover. From public liability insurance to building and contents cover, you don’t want to invalidate your policy by not keeping up to date with safety checks.

Make your guests feel welcome
Making a good first impression immediately puts your guest in a great mood. Chocolates and a bottle of wine or champagne, depending on what level of the holiday market you are entering, are always a great way to make your guests feel welcome. Simply paying attention to detail and keeping your holiday home in good order is equally important. A good play area for young families, polished glasses, or a hamper when everything is spotlessly clean, drawers full of good cooking utensils, and a nice corkscrew all add up to make your holiday home sublime.

A managed holiday let service
Holiday lets can be extremely lucrative. At the height of the season and in many locations, all-year-round revenue can be very strong. You can charge significantly more for a holiday let compared with letting a rental property. This could leave room in your budget to use a managed service, which could take care of everything from bookings to maintenance, cleaning, and gardening. Holiday homes involve more work with your guests changing so frequently, so for many, this service is a must-have.

Finding the right holiday home
Finding the right holiday home for business purposes or for you and your family to enjoy starts with a good agent. Holiday homes today are not always idyllic cottages peering over the deep blue sea. From urban locations in the form of flats, apartments, and houses to country retreats, the right homes appear in all shapes and sizes. The sky is the limit when it comes to choosing a property, and that sky does not always have to be blue. Probably a good thing!

Browse our properties to find your holiday home this summer.

Summer loving for your rental home. Here’s how, with some TLC tips

Making a house your home is important and the great advantage of renting is that you will never be asked to fork out thousands on costly home renovations. Often, it’s the little things that you can do that will make a big difference. The number of people choosing to rent is increasing, and today there are so many affordable and interesting ways to make the most of your home.

Talk to your agent
A good first step is to talk to your agent or landlord. Many will be perfectly happy for you to paint or change wallpaper, so long as the work is carried out to a good standard. Others may not permit this but allow you to add shelving or improve the garden. It’s always best to check specifically on whatever it is you have in mind to improve.

Flowers, plants, and herbs
Keeping your home in good order, keeping it clean, and paying your rent on time will keep your landlord on side. In time, that could lead to more freedom to make the changes you desire. Adding a few plants to your sitting room and bathroom or your favourite flowers to the redundant fireplace at this time of year will add vibrancy. Why not grow some of your preferred fresh herbs in the kitchen or a tomato plant and fill your home with delightful scents?

The choice of lighting available on the market today is endless. From outdoor solar lanterns and free-standing table lights for inside, to scented candles for either. Get creative and let your imagination run wild; use lighting to create mood and atmosphere for relaxation or task lighting for when you need to focus.

Perhaps it is stated in your contract that you are responsible for the garden. If so, you may have more room for creativity. Plant your favourite plants and add some sculptures of pieces that you love. Hang some lanterns or grow some of your favourite fruits in pots so you can take them with you if you decide to move.

Create an outdoor living space
If you have a balcony, backyard, or substantial garden, add vertical gardens filled with the flowers, fruits, herbs, or plants you love. Add some candles, outdoor furniture, a pizza oven, a firepit, or a barbeque. Perhaps yoga is your thing, and you want to add a small portable water feature to complement the sound of relaxing music.

If you are buying furniture for your home, it’s always a good idea to think about how adaptable it is. Neutrally coloured, modular furniture that can easily be rearranged for your next move or to simply change with the seasons when you fancy moving things around for summer.

Wallpaper panels and wall hangings
If you can’t change the wallpaper, then simply make or buy some wallpaper panels or wall hangings. Decorated to your design and tastes, they will make a big impact and are a cunning way to hide any imperfections.

Prints and pictures
Hanging photographs of special moments or places you are passionate about is a relatively inexpensive way to add something special to your home. A perfect sunset in a place that you love, captured in a photograph, will brighten up your walls. When combined with the right lighting, such details add serenity to your mood and increase your feelings of well-being.

Mirrors and murals
Mirrors will add light and space to your rooms, making them appear larger. Experiment with the various styles of mirrors now available or place them on opposite walls and enjoy the effect! Murals work well in children’s rooms, making a big impact without any permanent changes.

Add a bit of you
This is really important; your home, whether it’s rented or owned by you, should tell the story of your life. Display your passions, collectible pieces from your travels, and the flowers and colours you love. There is no right or wrong when it comes to decorating; simply make it work for you, and others will most likely love it too.

Renting a new property does not take long.

Browse our properties to find your perfect place today.

Thinking about adding an outdoor kitchen or dining area to your home?

There is no doubt that even in this sometimes-rainy climate, alfresco dining has increased. Outdoor living spaces are what you make them, and today, the scope for creating your perfect outdoor space is limitless. An outdoor kitchen makes a lot of sense for a UK-based property because it creates a sheltered area for you to enjoy even if the weather is changeable.

Add a pergola
A good move is to build a pergola to shelter your kitchen; that way, you could potentially use it all year. Place your kitchen against your garden wall or simply arrange it however it feels comfortable for you, but keep in mind that you want your outdoor kitchen to be a sociable space so you and your guests, family, or friends can chat and get involved in your evening.

The size of your space is not important
You don’t need to have a vast outdoor space to build an outdoor kitchen; in fact, sometimes the more compact the space, the better. There are a huge variety of ovens, barbecues, and electric hobs to choose from. Anything goes, so design it your own way. If pizza and wood are your preferences, consider building your kitchen with wood, leaving space for a pizza oven.

Build around the barbeque
Perhaps you like a traditional, real charcoal barbecue. Build your own barbeque using bricks and match them with some walls that will support your food preparation areas. You may decide to make your work surfaces moveable so that they can be stored in the shed during the winter months. On the other hand, you may own a feature barbeque, and that could be the centrepiece of your kitchen.

Make it a moveable feast
Using free-standing tables or wheeled furniture is ideal if you are planning on setting up your kitchen for a few months, a few hours, or forever. If you love tiles, then tile a table or source one. There are plenty of furnishing options that can complement your dining table.

Two in one
If you have always liked the idea of having a bar in your garden or outdoor living space, consider building it large enough so that it could also serve as a kitchen. That way, you will have solved two problems with one simple solution. Build it yourself or buy it, then stain it, and it will last for years. Add some bar stools to make it a social hub for your friends and family.

If you build, do you need planning permission?
The short answer to this question is no, as long as you don’t exceed 2.5 metres in height and your structure is less than 2 metres from your property. The positive aspect of building something more solid is its durability and all-year-round usability. Add an outdoor heater or log burner, and you could feast even when it snows!

Will an outdoor kitchen add value to your home?
Any improvements you make to the outdoor living spaces of your home will most definitely add to its value. Creating outdoor spaces that seamlessly flow from your home's indoor living spaces is becoming a must have. No longer an unattainable luxury, making them highly desirable and sought-after.

Browse our properties to find a home with the perfect indoor and outdoor living spaces for you.

Average seller asking prices fell by £82 this month – is this a good thing?

In June, average new seller asking prices fell by £82 (-0.0%).* The summer property market always heats up and then takes a little sidestep as the holiday season kicks in. However, the average price of a property coming to the market jumped in May by +1.8%, which was higher than expected.* This is yet another sign the summer property market is performing well, and now is still a good time to choose the home you want. But how does this act as a breather and benefit the market?

Buyer demand
During the first two weeks in June, buyer demand was 6% higher than the same period in 2019’s pre-pandemic market.* So if you are thinking about putting your home on the market, now is a great time to do it. Prices are still strong, and your property will have increased rapidly and significantly in value over the past few years, so you will achieve a great price.

The property market takes care of itself
It’s not always healthy for asking prices to constantly grow month after month. The summer property market is hot enough, and it’s better for it to be stable rather than overheat. A little splash of modesty reassures the market and simply brings it back to where it should be if the market gets ahead of itself.

The property market takes care of you
The market has had a lot of challenges, yet it remains resilient. As it slows in pace, this creates a much more predictable environment. This means sudden changes are unlikely, meaning you will not get caught out when achieving a good selling and asking price when you are in between homes.

Better negotiating power
When the market pauses and it’s time to make an offer, you have a better chance of getting well-calculated offers accepted. Your agent will know the market inside and out and can advise you on an up-to-the-minute pricing strategy.

Does the price really matter?
Price and affordability are very important when considering which home to buy, particularly if you are taking out a mortgage. The value of property increases and decreases slightly in the short term but always rises significantly in the long term. So in many ways, it’s about affordability, not property price rises.

Can you put a price on happiness?
Finding the right home that suits your needs and desires is important. You will most likely spend many years of your life in your new home. Your property is more than bricks and mortar or an investment; it’s a living, breathing part of the family.

The law of averages
You are not a number, and neither is your home. Each person’s home is as unique as they are. It could be that you surpass all your property expectations. Whether this is from achieving a great asking price or simply finding a home that fulfils your dreams for a lot less than you imagined. As the market stands, it’s not about making quick money but rather buying an awesome property and making the most of it.

Browse our properties to view the homes you could be missing out on.


Could waiting to buy your new home cost you money?

Making decisions can be difficult at the best of times. Buying a home is a big decision, so you can’t be blamed for becoming a little pensive or perhaps even anxious about making your move. Deciding whether you are going to move now or wait and see what happens is a dichotomy for some buyers. As soon as you turn on the news, you will no doubt be bombarded with the cost-of-living crisis, another interest rate rise, or another reason to worry. It’s little wonder some people decide to sit on the fence. But could doing that cost you more money?

Waiting for interest rates to fall may not save you money
There is little doubt that we have been spoiled in the past with ultra-low mortgage interest rates, and many analysts argue that they will never fall to this low level again. Inflation is falling, which will lead to a reduction in interest rates in the near future as the Bank of England expects inflation to fall to 5% by the end of this year.* In the meantime, as interest rates increase by small amounts, if you are not on a fixed-interest deal, your mortgage will increase. But while these small increases may feel unfair and, for some people, mean squeezing their budget, they could be insignificant in the face of rising house prices. Interest rates are also peaking, which means in the not-too-distant future they will come down.

Rising house prices balances your budget in the long run
Most people who buy a home in the UK will keep it for many years. House prices may fluctuate just as interest rates do. Despite the numerous recent rises in interest rates, average asking prices in May this year increased by 1.8%.** Interest rates are peaking, which means they will shortly begin to decrease. As interest rates and inflation continue to fall, house prices will ascend again. So, if you are waiting to see what happens, you run the risk of paying more for the home you want in the future. In February 2013, the average UK house price was £167,682 in February 2023, that figure stood at £288,000. *** Set against this longer-term perspective, if there are sudden and significant changes in the market, the reality for most homeowners is that their properties' value in the long run will cover the cost of these short-term increases in interest rates.

Properties are unique
There are no hard-and-fast rules. Local property markets are layered with unique and differing qualities. Whatever the national economic conditions are, the potential to gain equity in a home due to its condition, location, or potential can secure your investment in the face of challenging times. The possibilities are endless, and there is always room to buck the trend in a big way. The only limit is your imagination.

There is a huge choice of mortgages available on the market. Knowing that you can change your deal or re-mortgage when interest rates fall again has made some buyers think outside the box. Options such as porting, 35-year mortgage deals, green mortgages, 100% mortgages, and interest-only mortgage deals could decrease your monthly outgoings - if that is a factor when it comes to buying the home you want now. In the grand scheme of owning your home, high interest rate costs will essentially evaporate over time.

Are you fed up with waiting to make your big move? Browse our properties today.

Bank of England*
Office for National Statistics***

Demand for apartments and flats is reaching new heights!

With fantastic views, minimal effort, and trendy, modern, and classical designs, apartments and flats are as appealing as ever when it comes to buying a place to live. So, it’s little wonder urban areas and remote locations are seeing healthy levels of interest in this convenient way of living.

Demand for one- and two-bedroom flats across the UK increased from 22% to 27% in the year to February 2023, while one- and two-bedroom flats for the same period in London accounted for 49% of demand.* There are a number of reasons for this. Easy living
If you don’t want to be weighed down by a big mortgage or large monthly bills, flats are the way forward. Often located near good transport links, shops, and amenities, adding to a potentially great social life with bars, pubs, and other apartment owners on your doorstep, life can be easier and potentially more fun than living in other forms of property.

Low maintenance
It’s most likely you will not have a garden to worry about, and if you do, it could be maintained for you. Alternatively, you may enjoy a balcony as an outdoor space, in which case you can enjoy the novelty of good views and a different perspective on things. It’s easier to keep on top of cleaning with little or no maintenance involved.

Cost of living
As interest rates rise and the cost of energy soars, although right now some of these expenses are at last reducing, simply heating a flat often costs much less than even a modest terraced house. Decorating and revamping an apartment is most likely to be more affordable.

First steps and more
Typically the domain of first-time buyers or perhaps individuals who have chosen to retire, apartments are becoming increasingly popular with a broader demographic as they improve in size, quality, and location.

A great investment
The demand for flats and apartments is always high. If one day you wake up and decide you want to rent it out, you are guaranteed to get a good income without facing costly maintenance bills. And because of this rental and buyer demand for properties of this type represent a stable investment.

Consuming less energy for heating and lighting thanks to good insulation and proximity to other buildings makes flats more energy efficient. And if they need updating to improve this, then those costs are also significantly less than for larger properties.

Many people are downsizing. Perhaps the family has flocked the nest. An increasing number of people choose to live life as an experience, want to spend more time and money travelling, have hobbies or work in many locations throughout the world, and don’t want to be tied down.

Outlook for the future
The UK property market is proving resilient and offers a huge diversity of architecture and property options for you to choose from and enjoy. Whether you buy a flat as a buy-to-let, as a private dwelling, or both. Demand is expected to grow solidly well into the future.

Looking for a house or an apartment? Browse our properties to find the one you want to buy.


Ever dreamed of living the fairy-tale in your own castle?

Dreams can come true. It does not have to be a winning lottery ticket, a phenomenally successful business, or making it as a world-famous actor, artist, or athlete that provides the means of living a fairy-tale life in the castle of your dreams. The UK is a land full of castles and magical homes that are the envy of the world. With that in mind, here are a few ideas to make your dreams of owning a castle a reality.

Buy with others
With some castles on the market in the UK hovering around £1 million, it’s a tempting idea to buy with a selection of family or friends. Sharing the costs, particularly those associated with repairs and maintenance, could be achievable with the right approach. There is scope to become self-sufficient when producing energy, and the more people that share the costs, the less the financial burden. Creating a strong, legally binding contract between those you trust will allow you to live an enchanted lifestyle without any worries haunting you at night.

Create the ultimate holiday destination
Indoor and outdoor space are not going to be in short supply. You could create holiday apartments and rooms and develop a hotel or guest dwelling. Outside lodges and camping may be a possibility, as may purpose-built holiday lets. The revenue created from these is always in demand and can be very lucrative all-year-round.

Create a spectacular place to live
Many castles have a vast number of bedrooms; some of these could be converted into flats or apartments, which would provide you with an exceptional level of income as you could share the dream with people who do not or can’t afford to buy a castle. Many people love the idea of living in a piece of history, with all the accompanying grandeur, without the fear of living in such a vast property, especially at night when it’s time to switch off the lights.

Become a food supplier
The UK is a world-leading producer of artisan food, from beer to bread, berries to beef, sweets to savouries, and vegetables to vegan products. What better way to become self-sufficient while supplying fresh and healthy food to domestic and overseas markets while making highly lucrative returns?

Create a day out
The possibilities are endless. From historical tours and outdoor activities to hosting sporting events, ghost hunts, and artists’ weekends to facilitating conferences and the events of organisations and clubs. Wedding venues, nature walks, health retreats, fishing weekends, to murder mystery weekends. Create a diary of events and make your castle earn its keep.

Find an investor
Having a strong vision for your castle is everything when it comes to finding an investor. The more detail you can provide with projected income leading to profits, the more likely you are to find an investor. As time goes on and a business is born, banks are more likely to get on board, which will allow you to take full control of your destiny.

Whether you want a cottage, a castle, or something in between, find your dream home by browsing our properties.

How do the summer holidays affect the property market?

The early summer months are traditionally a busy period for the UK property market. It’s a gorgeous time of year to view an abundance of beautiful properties. Many people are on the move. While it’s still a hive of activity with a huge choice of homes, the property market takes a little summer siesta as homeowners take a holiday. This gives you a chance to make your move. But don’t be fooled into thinking it will last for long, so if you want to take advantage of it, you need to be quick.

The summer property market is resilient
The summer market is vibrant, with the average new seller asking price falling by just £82 (-0.0%) in June to £372,812.* Despite the various challenges, including rising interest rates and the cost of living, the property market is resilient and in good shape. This change in prices is negligible in percentage terms, and a side-step can be a healthy pressure release that allows the property market to cool off.

View your ideal home from the beach
Sometimes getting away from it all can help bring about clarity of mind, which is very useful when you are making big decisions. Perhaps the beach or poolside is the perfect place to peruse your potential properties. And a good time to discuss your big move with your partner while you are away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Enjoy quieter roads to your new home
With schools closed for the summer, the roads become quieter, and you can drive to viewings with less stress. This means you can relax a little more and take a bit more time to enjoy your viewings. With an increased sense of calm, talk to your agent, who will expertly guide you through your potential new home and anything that helps you with your home move.

Leave your agent to sell your home while you take a holiday
Hop on a plane, boat, or if you’re jumping in the car to drive to your holiday, whatever you are doing if you have made the decision to sell, leave it with your agent and enjoy your holiday. Perhaps by the time you return, your house will be sold.

Make an offer with less competition
With fewer people around, you may be able to open the door to making an offer below the asking price and getting it accepted before others have even viewed the property in question.

It’s the perfect moving season
With more family members to assist your big move and longer, warmer days to enjoy once you are settled in, the summer is perhaps the best time of year to move. And you may be able to save some money on home removal costs with more hands to help. If you hire a removal company, you may find it easier to find the right help.

Enjoy your new home
When you have finally moved into your new home, you may still have time to make the most of it during the warmer months of the year, when utility bills are a little lower. Any outdoor improvements, from weeding the garden to adding to your outdoor spaces and simple maintenance, can become a joy rather than a chore.

Take advantage of the summer holidays and find the home you love. Browse our properties.


Interest-only mortgages are a good move to make for landlords

If you are a landlord and are frustrated by the continuous rise in interest rates when all you want to do is start or expand your property portfolio, taking out an interest-only mortgage could be the answer. Many seasoned landlords choose this option when investing in property, even during the good times when mortgage interest rates were ultra-low.

Demand is incredibly strong
A survey conducted by paragon of 700 buy-to-let landlords found that 67% reported tenant demand over the first three months of 2023, up from 65% for quarter four of 2022.* Rents are increasing all the time, and one of the main reasons for this is rising interest rates. As a landlord, this will most likely be your biggest expense.

What is an interest-only mortgage?
Just as the title suggests, you only pay the interest and not the capital on an interest-only mortgage. At the end of the agreed-upon term, you must pay off the entire balance owed. Because you are only paying interest, your payments will be much cheaper compared with a capital repayment mortgage. Some landlords choose to sell their property to repay the outstanding balance.

So why choose an interest-only mortgage?
  • Increased profit: if your payments are lower, there is far greater scope to make a profit from your buy-to-let business. This also gives you stability and lowers the price of your overheads, which could be less than half of that when repaying a capital and interest mortgage.
  • Overpaying: while it’s possible to make overpayments on an interest-only mortgage, this will typically only reduce the amount of interest outstanding on the mortgage. If you choose to do this, your profit will increase further, giving you more options to expand your portfolio.
  • Your property’s value: in the long term, property increases in value. It’s not an absolute guarantee, but if you look into the past, despite short-term rises and falls, property values have significantly increased. This is not expected to change in the future. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that at the end of the term of your mortgage (or if you sell up half or part way through your investment), there will be a profit between the capital outstanding balance on the amount you owe your lender and the selling price of your property.
  • You can develop and improve the property: with more profit to plough back into your property, you can develop it. This will add to its value, ultimately increasing how much rent you can charge. And when it’s time to sell up and move on to bigger and better things, you will achieve a greater return on investment. The greener you make your property, the more rent it could fetch while future-proofing your investment.
  • Security: preparing for the unexpected is a sure way to protect your investment. And by choosing an interest-only mortgage with fewer outgoings, you are already in a better position should the unexpected occur.
  • You can always change mortgages in the future: as you become more seasoned as a landlord, you may devise a strategy so that you own your buy-to-let property outright. There is nothing stopping you from changing your mortgage type after a few years. And in the meantime, use the profit you make with an interest-only mortgage to use as a deposit, reducing the cost of a capital and interest mortgage.
Browse our properties and create the buy-to-let portfolio you have always wanted.


The benefits of renting with a letting agent

Finding the right property is so important. You want to feel happy, content, and safe in the place you call home. And sometimes it’s not easy to find everything you're looking for under one roof.

A greater choice of properties
A good chat with your agent is always a great way to start your search. When all is said and done, it all starts with finding the right home for you. Agents often know about properties that are coming on the market before they are advertised. This means you can get an early notification on a property that could be ideally suited to you before it’s snapped up. And by telling your agent what you are looking for, they become another pair of eyes in your search. If you do all of this yourself, you may miss an opportunity, and agents are good at pointing out something you may have missed. Or opening your mind to a property that you may not have considered.

A friendly and supportive team
It’s good to have an ally when renting a home. Agents only use good, law-abiding landlords, and it’s a comforting feeling knowing that there is someone else on your side. Often with an entire team of people who have your best interests at heart. It means you never have to worry about getting in touch with your landlord; simply call or get in touch with your agent, who will have a dedicated team to take care of everything for you. From protecting your deposits, the health and safety of the property, and maintenance to understanding your rights and responsibilities, your agent will have your back.

Letting agents have to be compliant
Like so much in life today, there are lots of checks that need to be carried out. And using an agent ensures that all necessary checks on the property you want to rent have been carried out. From gas certificates to smoke alarms and references to your deposit, all other checks will be carried out to a high standard, so you don’t have any sleepless nights.

A good tenancy agreement
Knowing your rights is important and having them backed up with the right contract is imperative. Sometimes contracts can be confusing and cryptic. Good agents will explain your rights and make sure that your contract is in your best interests. And if you have any worries or concerns, they are just a phone call away.

Maintenance issues will be solved quickly
If your property is managed by your agent, then when it comes to repairs or emergencies, a good letting agent will most likely prevent these things from happening in the first place. But if unforeseen repairs come about, you can rely on them to take care of things for you instead of trying to get in touch with your landlord.

Agents keep up with trends and legislation
Not many things in life stay the same, and with the Renters Reform Bill on its way, understanding your rights has never been more important. It’s one thing to understand them, and it’s another to implement them. Agents are aware of constantly evolving legislation when it comes to energy efficiency as well as new trends, and all these things add to the quality of your life.

Accompanied viewings with an expert
Many good agents will accompany you on viewings, and this is the length to which agents will go to make you feel happy about your choice of property. You can explore your new home while asking as many questions as you like. This gives you a chance to get to know your potential new home in detail before making a decision. It’s this dedication to detail and personal service that, for many, makes a good agent a must-have.

Get in touch with our team of property experts today to see how we can help you find the best version of your home.

The virtues of virtual house viewings

No matter how advanced technology becomes, there is nothing quite like face-to-face property viewings. This is particularly true because you can get a sense of how you feel about the property, and when you are investing a lot of money in bricks and mortar, you can’t be blamed for wanting to get up close and personal with it as much as possible. But with all that said, virtual viewings have many great benefits and can enhance your home-hunting experience.

There are a few ways you can conduct virtual viewings
Virtual tours are an established part of viewing properties online, and you can easily move about inside your potential new home online with most agents offering 3D viewings. Thanks to WhatsApp, Facetime, and Zoom, bespoke real-time video tours with your agent can easily be arranged, with the advantage of being able to talk to your agent as you view the property. You can ask as many questions as you like and direct your agent to certain features of the property.

You can conduct virtual viewings from anywhere
It could be that you are just on the other side of the city or that you are too busy to stop everything to attend a viewing. Wherever you are in the world or whatever you are doing, you can explore your potential new home or investment, and that saves you a lot of time and money if you are working or located overseas. Gone are the days when you had to fly home before you made a decision or an offer.

Virtual viewings when you are selling
If you are selling up and you don’t like the idea of lots of people coming to your house to view, then virtual viewings can help. And if you are conducting your own viewings, you will not have to be home quite as much, so you can get on with life more easily.

Virtual viewings can give you more time
By arranging a virtual viewing, you are giving yourself a chance to quickly get to know your potential new property. This then gives you a little breathing room to think and compare your choices.

You don’t have to wait before you make an offer
If you love what you see and want to make an offer on a property, you can do it there and then. If you are in competition with other buyers, this can be helpful in getting to the front of the queue. Your agent, solicitor, or conveyancer can take care of the rest.

Virtual viewings can be used in conjunction with face-to-face viewings
You may view many properties virtually until you find what you are looking for. And if nothing else, virtual viewings help you narrow down the final contenders for the big decision. There is nothing to stop you from conducting a face-to-face viewing before you make an offer.

Contact us if you would like to arrange a face-to-face or virtual viewing with one of our agents today.

Top tips on preparing your house for sale during the school holidays

Preparing your home so that you can create priceless happy memories during the summer months ensures all members of the family are free to roam and play in a safe and fun environment. It also reduces stress levels when younger members of the family spend more time at home and can become a rowdy bunch when not at school. And if, like many people, you are considering moving to a better home, keeping it in order will help you achieve your moving goals. So, here are a few tips to help you make life easier.

Create some space
A change is as good as a rest, and moving and rearranging the furniture in your home to make it safer for your little ones to play will also showcase your indoor spaces for potential buyers. It may also give you some ideas on how to make better use of the rooms in your home while clearing out any no longer needed or tired furniture and other items.

Clean and de-clutter
It’s incredible and sometimes hard to believe how much space the little things in life take up. From bottles to utensils on kitchen worktops—things that you want to be out of reach of curious children—to old mail and the never-played-with-any-more toys. Cleaning is something you will be doing a lot of at this time of year, so why not go to town and clear out the closets and give everything a good clean? This will make it easier to maintain levels of hygiene, and cleaning up after the kids will be much easier. Your home will also look and feel more appealing during viewings.

Create a list of activities
By being organised, you can plan your day to fit around viewings. This will help prevent boredom for you and your family! It also gives you the means to plan your day and break different activities into manageable chunks, giving you all something to look forward to.

Sort your outdoor spaces
These are hugely important to buyers, and they need to be safe with no sharp edges for your buyer’s family as well as yours. Creating a perfectly amenable family dining area will give you a great place to enjoy happy alfresco memories. Outdoor spaces should naturally create a seamless flow from the indoors to the outdoors. If your home is very much a family home, perhaps a tree house could mean the new owners bought two homes for the price of one.

Make the most of your garden
There is little chance the children will want to help you these days! But if they do, what a bonus! That said, even if you are not a keen gardener, you could inspire younger members of the family with interesting flowers or fruit trees. Weeding and lawn cutting are a must to make the most of your garden’s appearance, but no prizes for guessing who will get that responsibility.

Will all this help you sell your home?
Absolutely; it’s all about achieving your asking price. And the numbers in property are big, so every little thing you do adds up to make a big difference.

Get in touch to see how we can help your family create a thousand wonderful memories by finding your perfect house.

Why buying a bigger home could be better

Perhaps you need more space for your dogs, horses, or hobbies, and you want a house in the country. It could be that you are moving to the suburbs or need more space for your growing family. Whatever your reasons for buying a bigger property, now could be a good time to take the plunge so you can upgrade your home and enhance the quality of your life.

You could get more house for the same money
If you decide to move from an urban area to a more rural location, then you may be able to get the house you have always wanted for the same price as your current home. At the very least, your money should go further.

You could get a bigger discount
Demand for bigger homes in May was 1% lower than it was in 2019, compared with first-time buyer homes at 6%, and homes that fall between these sectors at 3% above 2019 levels.* Larger homes have always had greater scope for bigger discounts on asking prices. But right now, with the market favouring smaller homes and larger homes selling a little more slowly, you may have quite a lot more haggling power when it’s time for you and your agent to make an offer below the asking price.

Larger homes can be very energy efficient
Modern homes have become so much more energy efficient. With better insulation and the potential to create self-sufficient energy sources, you no longer have to dread monthly bills. So, running a bigger home is not as expensive as in years past.

Bigger rooms and more of them
You will have more space for friends and family to stay over. You could get a lodger to provide another stream of income or if you need extra space for new additions to the family. Maybe you want a gym or a hobby room or are looking to create the perfect work-from-home space with an awesome view.

A beautiful garden with more potential
Finally, you can have the garden you have always wanted, and this is where your only limitation will be your imagination. Inspiration is everywhere, and there is so much more you can do with more space. From creating great outdoor spaces and dining areas to tropical gardens.

Larger entertaining spaces
When it comes to those special times of the year—indoor and outdoor parties—the options larger homes offer are endless. You may want to create a games room, a bar, or an awesome indoor entertaining area that effortlessly flows to a magical outdoor area.

The garage or workshop
If working from home involves more than a computer screen and a phone and you need a workshop or a garage for your classic car or hobbies, then your budget could allow you to enjoy more scope for outdoor buildings.

Create multiple dwelling places
Bigger properties can easily be divided up into smaller properties. Whether you are creating a space for a teenager or an elderly relative. Perhaps you are interested in letting a room or creating flats for a buy-to-let business.

Browse our properties to find the home that fits your requirements perfectly.


Why letting agents could hold the keys to success for landlords

The buy-to-let market is undergoing many changes. Demand and rental prices continue to grow, with average asking rents outside of London rising for 13 consecutive quarters at £1,190 per calendar month, for new tenants during the first quarter of 2023. * This is good news for landlords because the increasing costs of interest rates and energy efficiency reforms are covered, and profits remain strong. Many of these changes and reforms can feel unsettling for landlords, which is why a good letting agent has never been more important. This is because, in order to protect your rights as a landlord, your property needs to be managed properly.

The Renters Reform Bill
This is on most landlords’ minds now and a cause for concern, but it needn’t be. Introduced to Parliament on May 17, 2023, but not expected to become law until October 2024. Its aim is to improve the lives of 2.3 million landlords. ** Section 8 will be strengthened, which allows landlords to end tenancy agreements early if they have good reason to do so. Despite the fears some have expressed about abolishing Section 21 "no fault" evictions, the reality is that it will make it easier for landlords to evict tenants for anti-social behaviour and repeated missed rent payments. And with the new legislation in place, landlords can insist on their tenants' pets having pet insurance, certificates, and, in the case of dogs, being microchipped. Landlords will be able to increase rents after a notice period. To make the most of this reform, landlords need to be compliant. By staying on the right side of the law, the law will protect you, ultimately helping you thrive as a landlord.

Referencing tenants
Agents have a database of tenants waiting to rent your property. But they will not do so unless the right screening process has been followed. Placing good tenants in your property is imperative and reduces the risk of any tenants who could act unlawfully while renting your property.

Experts on the property market
Agents know how to maximise your rent by understanding the market. From knowing which areas to invest to tips on making the most of your property. Expert agents who deal with tenants every day can protect your investment by understanding the competition and the latest trends.

Maintaining your property
Your property will be kept in tip-top shape by a team of reputable contractors who have a long-established relationship with your agent. Arranging inspections will give you peace of mind, and keeping your tenants happy will save you time and money by preventing costly repairs.

Preventing and sorting any disputes
By using an agent, your property, contract, and tenant placement processes will be kept compliant on all levels. This reduces the potential for any disputes, and if they do arise with an agent’s team behind you, any conflicts will be resolved quickly.

Time management
Managing property can feel like a full-time job; perhaps it is. From marketing to maintenance, contracts to conflicts, agents will save you time, stress, and worry. This frees up your time so you can concentrate on other aspects of your life, such as expanding your property portfolio while protecting your investment.

Excel as a landlord and embrace the changes that open doors of opportunity by contacting us today.


Worried about rising interest rates? Here are a few things you can do

Many people are on fixed-rate mortgages right now, and with the current rise in the base rate, it’s a good thing because it means your mortgage will not increase. But what if you want to move now and take advantage of the huge choice of inspiring homes available, and your mortgage deal is coming to an end?

Why another increase in the base rate?
The Bank of England raises the base interest rate to curb inflation. Inflation is the increase in the cost of goods and services, or the cost of living. The idea is that an increase in interest rates means more people will save instead of spending, which reduces inflation as there is less demand for goods and services. The rate of inflation is still way short of the Bank of England’s 2% target, but the bank expects inflation to fall to 5% by the end of this year.* There are a few reasons for this. Wholesale energy prices have fallen, and the price of imported goods is expected to fall as production issues are resolved and there is less demand for goods and services in the UK.

Here are a few things you can do now:
Interest rates may be a little on the high side now, so if you take out a mortgage now, there is nothing to stop you from changing your deal in a couple of years when rates are more favourable. In the meantime, here are a few options for you to consider:
  • The Mortgage Guarantee Scheme: extended until the end of December 2023, this government-backed scheme has helped over 24,000 households get on the property ladder.** Its aim is to help people with a 5% deposit, and it was launched in April 2021. Aimed at first-time buyers, it’s similar to the government’s Help to Buy scheme, which ended earlier this year. So, if you want to take advantage of it, you need to be quick.
  • 35-year mortgage deals: increasing the term of your mortgage could bring down the cost of your monthly mortgage payments. You may pay more interest because you are taking longer to pay for the home you want, but a property that may have been out of reach may suddenly be in your grasp.
  • 100% mortgages: saving your deposit is often the biggest challenge to getting a footing on the property ladder. With the return of 100% mortgages, you no longer have this hurdle, and that will save you a lot of time, meaning you can start paying off your mortgage sooner rather than later.
  • Interest only mortgages: another option to consider is an interest only mortgage, which could lead to much lower payments. If you have a lot of equity in your home, this could stand you in good stead when it comes to buying the home you want now.
  • Green mortgages: many mortgage lenders now offer more competitive mortgage interest rates for greener, more energy-efficient homes. This, combined with lower energy bills, means that you could save significantly on your monthly outgoings. This means that the EPC rating of your home has never been more important.
  • Consider porting your mortgage: porting allows you to move home with your existing mortgage. So, if you are happy with the terms of your current deal and it’s not about to end any time soon, then this could be a cost-saving solution. You may be able to borrow more, as many high-street lenders offer top-up mortgages. Speaking with your broker is important, as some lenders’ rules may differ.
  • There is always a way: it could be that you are in the fortunate position of not needing to borrow or are on a fixed-rate interest deal. With the huge number of mortgage deals available and inspiring choices in properties, it’s worth talking to your agent if you are determined to make your move now.
Browse our website if you are looking for the right home with the best possible team to guide you in any way we can.

Bank of England*

Buyer demand remains strong this summer

Buyer demand in July was 3% higher than in 2019, but the number of available properties for sale was 12% lower than the same period in 2019.* This means that your home is in demand. While there is a healthier choice of properties than in recent years, demand still exceeds supply.

The housing crisis
There is a backlog of 4.3 million homes that are missing from the national housing market because they were never built.** With so much talk of high interest rates and the cost of living, it’s easy to forget that the housing crisis has not gone away.

Some good news about inflation
Inflation is finally falling, as it dropped to 7.9% in the year to June.*** This is the lowest level for over a year and will impact the base rate, meaning lower mortgage interest rates should follow. As this happens, the property market will revitalise, but without the sudden upsurges of the past.

First-time buyer homes
The national average asking price for these types of homes decreased by -0.4% from June to July, with an annual change of +0.3%.* The demand for first-time buyer-type properties is high, with many people still managing to get a footing on the ladder despite all the challenges. The mortgage guarantee scheme, which ends in December, has helped, as has a competitive range of mortgages from high-street lenders.

Second-steppers homes
The national average asking price for these types of homes decreased by -0.5% from June to July, with an annual change of +0.6%.* With many home movers getting a good price for their first-time buyer-type homes, they are taking advantage of good levels of equity and moving to something bigger. Whether it’s a house in the suburbs or a townhouse, the figures show that these types of houses have increased in value over the past year.

Homes at the top of the ladder
The national average asking price for these types of homes decreased by -0.1% from June to July, with an annual change of +0.8%.* Homes at this end of the market had not been quite as buoyant in terms of sales as those in the first-time buyer market. However, overall, as with all house types, the value of these types of properties looks healthy on an annual basis.

Spend some time with your agent
It’s easy to listen to the news or look at average house prices and arrive at the wrong conclusion. Agents know your local market intimately. Better still, they have the right approach when it comes to pricing your home at the correct level. Properties that need a reduction in asking price are 10% less likely to find a buyer compared to a property that was priced correctly in the first place.* Your situation will differ from that of the next person. You may have high levels of equity in your home, but even if you don't, agents today can put you in touch with mortgage providers and advisors who will create a solution that is right for you.

Get in touch today for advice on all aspects of your move

Office for National Statistics***

Dream homes: What does yours look like?

Everybody's house dreams are different. You might just be dreaming of buying a humble terrace house as your first property. On the other hand, maybe you are an experienced property investor and are thinking about something a little more grand. Whether you are renting and want a view of the sea from your perfect cottage or want a large Victorian townhouse, there are many ways to live the dream today. But often, it’s a whole set of reasons that make your dream home just that.

Classical design and features found in a Victorian townhouse are always going to be very different from a contemporary design full of light and glazed walls. Perhaps you want to create a perfectly self-sufficient home that can source all its own energy using solar panels and wind power. That said, these days, you can have both. Taking a classical, older home and transforming it into something special with modern design while paying respect to its original features means you can enjoy the best of both worlds.

A view of the mountains or a sun-kissed cityscape? Maybe you prefer the sea? If you are raising a family, then your proximity to great schools will be at the top of your priority list.

Many home buyers love the idea of living in a quiet English village with the perfect pub within walking distance. Perhaps you want all these things within driving distance of your perfect property?

Interior design
It all depends on your personal taste, but there is no shortage of inspiration and help, from furniture suppliers to interior designers, to inspire you and help you find your niche. If money is not an obstacle, marble is always beautiful and timeless. Real wood can create sophistication, but it is also a safe choice when it is time to sell.

Whichever you choose—a ten-bedroom country home or a two-bedroom terraced house—it's your dream. When it comes to creating the perfect bedrooms, you will want each of them to be unique. And just because you buy a three-bedroom home does not mean it has to stop you from converting one of the bedrooms into a walk-in wardrobe. Perhaps you want the ultimate in comfort by buying a property with a master bedroom complete with an ensuite bathroom.

Whether you want a wet room or a jacuzzi, the infinite number of colour schemes and designs to choose from will keep you busy if you decide to start from scratch. Or you simply love the idea of incorporating some technology into an already stunning bathroom. Sometimes, when you view your perfect home, you instantly know that your personal items and some plants are enough for you to be really happy.

Outdoor spaces
For many home buyers, having a large garden is an integral part of owning their dream property. And if you have enough space, there is very little you can’t do. From adding a gazebo, work-from-home space, and a hot tub to the little things like nice lighting, they all add up to make your dream home something magical.

Personal touches
Your dream home is not yet fully yours until you add your own personality and interests to it. Whether that is a fine art collection, a wine cellar, a gym, or simply nice flowers, plants, and pictures, it’s only when you have added these elements that you have truly moved in.

Contact us to find your dream home today

Eight great things about being a tenant

Being a tenant has a lot of advantages. In the UK, 36% of households rent, 35% of households own their house outright, and 30% of households are mortgage holders.* This technically means that the UK is now a nation of renters. It’s a good time to look at some of the great reasons to rent in the UK.

It’s easier to move
Once you find your perfect place, it’s relatively easy to make your move. With no selling or buying involved, you have a lot more flexibility to find something bigger or somewhere in a different location with speed and convenience, and your agent will take care of everything for you.

Fewer financial commitments
With an initial deposit for a rented property being a fraction of the amount needed for a deposit for a mortgage, you are already saving before you move in. Then, if there are any maintenance issues, you are not liable for the costs. You may find that bills are included in your rent, and this allows you to budget for the more fun things in life.

Less responsibility
With less responsibility for repairs, all you will most likely need to do if something needs fixing is call your agent, who will have a dedicated maintenance team. This, combined with a lower financial commitment and the legal responsibilities of home ownership, means you are not tied down.

You don’t have to worry about rising interest rates
Many homeowners are currently worried about increasing interest rates and paying their mortgages in the current cost-of-living crisis. When you rent, you don’t have to think about this, nor will you need to borrow or become tied down with a mortgage.

Social opportunities
Whether you are renting in the suburbs or a city apartment, because of the ease of moving, you can find a place near the social scene or amenities that most interest you. Whether you are addicted to travelling and want proximity to the airport, or you simply want to be near a decent gym, living close to good restaurants and bars will save you time and add to the quality of your life.

You can focus on other investments and goals
With fewer financial commitments, you could choose to invest in the stock exchange or perhaps properties in locations that are more affordable. You may have a retirement plan, a hobby, or a business you would rather develop. Perhaps you have other passions you want to pursue.

Greater freedom to explore
If you are developing your career and, as a result, may move abroad or change your job roles regularly and don't want the financial commitment of a mortgage, then renting can be the perfect solution. Renting also allows you to explore different living arrangements, from sharing to city life and then, in no time at all, country living.

Try out different properties
There are so many different property types you can enjoy renting. From a flat in the city to luxury homes, humble terraced homes to rural retreats. Whatever you are looking for, from a quaint village to a place in the leafy suburbs, it’s always worth talking to a good agent to help you in your search.

Contact us today to discuss your rental requirements

English Housing Survey*

Great news! Mortgage interest rates are falling

There is nothing better than good news, and while the UK property market is resilient with plenty of buyer demand and many home movers getting on with finding their dream homes. There is much to feel positive about thanks to lowering inflation and falling mortgage interest rates.

Falling mortgage interest rates
Mortgage interest rates are finally falling as the rate of inflation slowed to 7.9% in the 12 months to June.* This means that two and five-year fixed-interest rate deals have been reduced. According to Moneyfacts, the average two-year fixed interest rate deal fell from 6.81% to 6.79% in July.** While this is not a significant reduction, it is a good sign of things to come. With inflation now at its lowest level for more than a year. Many analysts now expect the Bank of England not to raise the base rate by quite as much due to slowing inflation.

Cost of living support
More good news is that lenders are now offering you the chance to extend the term of your mortgage or pay interest only for up to six months. This gives you a breather and will reduce your monthly outgoings. This was instigated by the government and aims to help people who are feeling the pinch of high interest rates.

First-time buyers
The Mortgage Guarantee Scheme was extended until the end of December 2023. The government-backed scheme has helped over 24,000 households get on the property ladder.*** Its aim is to help people with a 5% deposit, and it was launched in April 2021.

Aimed at first-time buyers, it’s similar to the government’s Help to Buy scheme, which ended earlier this year. So, you still have time to take advantage of it.

Increase the term of your mortgage
With mortgage providers now offering longer-term mortgage deals, in some cases up to 35-year terms, you can get on the move now as your mortgage will be more affordable. This could also be a short-term solution to buying the home you want now, as there is nothing to stop you from getting a new deal in a few years.

Have you considered porting your mortgage?
If you are currently locked into a favourable fixed interest rate deal but really want to move home, then porting your mortgage is the perfect solution. Some lenders will allow you to keep your existing mortgage to buy your new property. So, you can move home without changing your mortgage.

Talk to an expert
Your agent will put you in touch with a mortgage advisor who will be able to find a solution that works best for you. In June 2023, there were 5,000 mortgage products available on the market.****

Whether you are a first-time buyer, have a lot of equity in your home, or are downsizing and want to invest in a second property, there are many ways to go about financing a home you can cherish.

Get in touch with our dedicated team today to discuss your property aspirations


Great properties are the foundation of a greater future for landlords and tenants

With 36% of all households in the UK renting*, the rental market is a vital part of the economy and vital for the population to thrive. When landlords provide great properties for tenants to live in, it creates a mutually beneficial and stable landlord-tenant relationship, but that is not all.

A happy tenant
Good landlords who maintain their property to the highest standards, whether with the help of a letting agent or not, are much more likely to have satisfied tenants. This means tenants will renew their tenancy agreements and feel secure in their homes. The landlord has an uninterrupted source of income.

Building a good reputation
A good landlord will gain a good reputation, and this means the potential to make more profit as tenants will be more attracted to your property portfolio.

Higher property value
Well-looked-after properties hold and gain value more rapidly than properties of a lower standard, which leads to greater opportunities to expand your portfolio as a landlord.

Lower vacancy rates
There's a significant demand for rental properties, and the demand for high-quality rental homes is even greater

Good properties always find good tenants; this means that, as a landlord, your property will not sit unoccupied.

Lower maintenance costs
Properties that are well cared for will cost less to maintain because any issues will most likely be prevented. A fully managed letting service can take care of your property, so whether you are a tenant or a landlord, you don’t have to worry.

Greater compliance
From gas safety certificates to tenancy agreements, a well-maintained property let through a good letting agent will take care of all of this for you. And with the Renters Reform Bill on its way, landlords and tenants need to be compliant to make the most of their rights.

More financial options
Great properties lead to great returns on investment, which means banks will back you when it's time to expand your property portfolio. Stability is the key to securing your investment.

A positive effect on the market and wider community
Good properties that are maintained well and have good tenants placed within them are good for the local community and the wider economy.

A fully managed letting service
This is one of the best ways to make sure your property is up to scratch in every possible aspect. From tenancy agreements to property maintenance, a fully managed letting service will give you more time for your life.

It can be time-consuming, from finding tenants to seeking references to sorting a blocked drain. But if you do enjoy being hands-on, you can choose the level of managed service you want. And if you are a tenant and you rent through a letting agent, then you know the entire process will be easier. If you have any maintenance issues, help is just a phone call away.

Contact us today for all your property needs, whether you are a tenant or a landlord

English Housing Survey*

Investing in the UK property market? Here’s a guide for overseas investors

The UK has a rich and diverse selection of properties in equally amazing areas and regions. From castles to cottages and terraced homes to modern apartments, whatever you are looking for, you will find it.

The UK property market can be a lucrative venture for overseas investors, but it's important to go about things the right way to make the most of your investment or slice of English country or city life. Here are a few things to consider:

Get to know the UK property market
Browsing property portals and talking to good agents who know local and national property markets inside and out is a great way to get the right information so you can make a sound investment. Or if it's a home by the sea or a city apartment to use as a second home, understanding that certain regions may stretch your currency will help you achieve your goals.

Legal aspects
A good solicitor or legal firm will be able to advise you on all legal regulations and tax implications for you as an overseas investor.

Many agents can connect you with excellent solicitors, conveyancers, and mortgage advisors who can make the purchase of your property a seamless experience.

Locations with huge rental demand
From the coast to the city, a quintessential village to amazing nightlife, or buy-to-let investments in the form of townhouses or apartments, the UK market is stable and strong, and the demand for rental accommodation is huge.

The UK is the centre and a focal point for world finance; there is a solution for practically any investment opportunity for you, wherever or however you want to go about building your portfolio or living a dream lifestyle. An expert financial adviser will be able to implement the perfect strategy to suit your property goals.

Property management
If you want to let your property, a good agent can manage the entire process for you, which means everything from screening potential tenants to property maintenance will be taken care of. Wherever you are in the world, you can rest assured that your investment will be in safe hands.

Rental yield and capital growth
Investing in a UK property with good rental yields but also gaining from the increase in value of your property over time, means you can gain a great return on investment in the buy-to-let market, while also benefiting from the increase in value of your property over time.

Have a plan
Think about how much you want to invest and perhaps how long you expect to keep the property for. On the other hand, if you want to buy a castle or country retreat and live like a royal, simply enjoy yourself.

Stay informed
Keep up good communication with your agent, while the UK property market is very stable and can offer excellent long-term investment prospects. It is nonetheless a dynamically paced market, and by communicating with your agent, you will minimise the risk of missing great opportunities.

Get in touch with our expert team today to discuss all your property goals

It’s not all about house prices

It’s worth talking to your agent this August as the housing market is in good shape for many reasons. So, whether you are on holiday or looking for a holiday home to buy, downsizing or moving to something better, here are a few good reasons to do so.

Every home is different
The location of your home is important, as is the property type. First-time buyer-type homes, for example, have been selling very well. But with all that said, your individual home stands for a lot too. Every home has its own personality and unique features that make it desirable to a buyer. And the chances are, if your home is in any way attractive to certain buyers, they will not be alone.

Demand for your home is strong
Buyer demand is 3% higher than it was in 2019.* It’s completely unfair to compare these figures to the unsustainable levels during the pandemic. But every cloud has a silver lining, and much of that rapidly gained equity will still be in your home. This means that if there is a crash, you are still in a good place.

Your situation is unique
The number of homeowners who own their homes outright in the UK stands at 35%, while the number of homeowners with mortgages stands at 30%.** If you are one of the majority that does not have a mortgage, you may be less apprehensive about making a move now in the face of fluctuating interest rates.

The long-term view looks good
In the long term, house prices increase, and if you are concerned about the short-term fluctuations in price, they will be absorbed by the long-term increase in the value of your home.

How much time have you invested in your property?
Many homeowners in the UK who buy a home will live in it for well over ten years. So, if you bought your home before the pandemic, you have a double layer of accumulated equity to fall back on. Many people are in this situation, and this, combined with good demand, sures up the property market.

Home movers are on holiday
With so many people enjoying their holidays at this time of year, the market may lose a bit of momentum. So often, these changes in price can come about because of seasonality. Now is a good time to get out and have a good look at the home you may want to move into. There is a lot of choice, and with the market being less frantic, you may have more flexibility when it’s time to make an offer.

So, what does this price change mean? Not a lot, and with years of equity, you are in a good place even if there is a sudden drop in prices. But as things stand, prices are steadily declining only slightly, which means you will not get caught out in the middle of your move. After all, you want to live in the home you want; you are not playing the stock exchange.

Contact us today to see how far your money could go towards buying your property dream

English Housing Survey**

Landlords, are you interested in some tips to reduce your tax bill?

Being a landlord today is a business and for any business to succeed, it takes investment and time, but it will need to make a profit in the short or long term. There are many ways to thrive as a landlord, from investing in the right location to adding value to your property. But like any business, reducing your costs will help you make more profit.

A good chat with your accountant
A great place to start if you do not already have one is to talk to your accountant. They will be able to outline the most tax-efficient ways to manage your portfolio, whether it consists of one property or a vastly increasing number of properties. They will be versed in the latest legislative changes that may affect your business.

Form a limited company
Your accountant may advise you to form a limited company. It's not a difficult or timely process, but if you do choose this route, you will need a good accountant. When purchasing your property, you will be able to do so through the company, and as a shareholder or director of the company, you have capped liability for debts, losses, or legal claims.

Claim your expenses
Reducing your tax bill as a landlord is made easier by setting up a limited company, which will allow you to offset costs against profits. The best way to record these is to keep a log of all your expenses and always keep receipts and invoices. Your accountant will be able to advise you on what expenses you can claim.

Letting agent fees are tax-deductible
Keeping track of the small costs is also important, as all these things can add up over the year. Expenses such as phone calls can sometimes get overlooked. It’s also worth noting that if you choose to manage your portfolio through a letting agent, you can deduct their fees from your taxable profit.

Tax bands
Making full use of various tax bands is also a good way to reduce your tax bill. For example, certain tax bands may help reduce Capital Gains Tax. If you sell your properties regularly and they do not gain in value, you will not pay Capital Gains Tax.

Tax relief rules
While landlords can no longer deduct mortgage expenses from their rental income, relief is paid as a tax credit as a percentage of mortgage interest payments. While this is not as generous as the pre-existing system, it is still a good way to reduce your tax bill.

Green home grants
While this is not tax relief, it’s another way to reduce your costs. This can provide funding for landlords who make their properties more energy efficient. So, if you are a landlord and are thinking about improving your property’s insulation or double glazing, you may be eligible for a grant.

Contact us to find your perfect property investment today

Open-plan living or broken-plan living spaces. Do you have a preference?

Open-plan living is not for everyone, but with a touch of creativity, you can transform your living spaces into something truly amazing, making your home a delightful place to live. So, if you are unsure which to choose in your property search, here are some ideas that may open your mind.

What is open-plan living?
Open-plan living adds lots of light to your living space and creates a seamless flow between different areas of the house, such as the living room, dining area, and kitchen. This layout creates a sense of spaciousness, makes it easier to interact with others, and can be ideal for families with young children, allowing parents to keep an eye on them while cooking or working.

What is broken-plan living?
Broken-plan living aims to retain openness while also creating a level of definition and division between your living spaces. This is achieved in many ways, from partial walls to furniture arrangements. It provides a balance between open-plan and traditional separate rooms, offering both a sense of connectivity and some degree of privacy.

Do you really have to choose?
It’s all about subtly; there are so many things you can do to take advantage of open-plan living while still creating defined areas that are cosy, private, and full of differing atmospheres as you move to each area of your home.

Add a window
Retain light and create a space within your floor space by adding an internal window. You could do this for the purposes of any function you like, from a play area to a reading space near a fire. This will allow you to have privacy while still being connected to the rest of your living areas.

Create a study
Adding some steps to an elevated study so you can take in the rest of the house while working, reading, or enjoying a hobby is another way to define this space. Use glass, metal, wood, bricks, or plants to create your perfect workspace.

Breakfast bars are nothing unusual, and adding half walls is a blast from the past but still works. Using very small, right-angled half walls made from any material you desire and decorated in interesting colours can have a big impact. Or if you prefer curves or flowing lines, then create those to help divide the areas you feel work. It could be perfect for the kitchen or a great place to watch a movie.

Add a chimney breast
This is a clever way to create cosiness and a classical sitting-by-the-fire feeling while creating privacy. Tall, small, walk-around, or floating fires are brilliant for creating the perfect place to relax while satisfying your desire for more space.

Be creative and be yourself
There is so much you can do to make your broken-plan living space your own. Furniture, whether modern or antique, to trees, sculpture, or a walled wine rack if that’s your thing. Make it your own and experiment. Find inspiration everywhere and own it.

Do you feel inspired? Contact us today to find an amazing home

Six mistakes landlords should avoid making

The rental market is highly lucrative and full of opportunity, with soaring demand and lists of people looking to rent. As a landlord, you are set to gain a good return on investment; it’s just a bit more complex than it used to be.

Not conducting tenant screening
It’s vital to carry out the right background checks. The last thing you need is to place a tenant who is problematic when it comes to damage to your property or paying rent. Credit checks and references are good ways to ensure you are letting your property to the right tenants.

Not keeping on top of maintenance
It’s imperative to keep on top of your property. Small issues can very quickly become expensive problems if not dealt with quickly. If tenants live happily in a well-maintained property, then this reduces the risk of accidents, claims, or losses in revenue if your tenant decides to leave.

Not conducting inspections
A great way to prevent expensive repairs is to conduct regular inspections of the property. This will help you identify any potential problems before they become repairs. It's vital that you give your tenants at least 24 hours' notice before conducting viewings. It’s less about checking up on tenants and more about keeping your property in good condition.

Neglecting legal obligations
From the right safety checks to the correct level of insurance, there is a lot to remember. Having the right tenancy agreement is also vital, and you don’t want to skim over the details of this. It’s important to define the cost of rent and what it covers to notice periods. It’s also important to maintain records of rent payments, and while some things may not be a legal requirement, they can help your case if legal disputes arise.

Incorrect pricing
When deciding how much rent to charge, it’s important to strike the right balance. You don’t want to charge too much, which could lead to your property being vacant. On the other hand, you must factor in your maintenance costs and the area where your property is located.

Not using a letting agent
A letting agent can take care of as much or as little of all these processes for you, which helps protect your investment and ensures your rights as a landlord are protected. Managing your own buy-to-let property is a time-consuming business. But more than that, you don't want to get caught out or increase your costs due to poor management.

Contact us today to find your buy-to-let property

Thinking about building your work-from-home space in your garden?

Building your work-from-home space in your garden is the dream of many homeowners. There are so many options and materials to choose from, and having it located on your home’s property is close enough for convenience but with enough space from the distractions of home life.

Pick the right spot
Find the best location in your garden that receives good natural light but isn't too exposed to harsh elements like wind or rain. Consider the position of the sun throughout the day to avoid glare on your computer screen. You might want to add an area where you can work outside in the summer.

Silence is golden
Try to create your garden office away from noisy distractions; on the other hand, you may want to be able to keep an eye on what the children are up to when playing in the garden. This separation will help you maintain focus and productivity while working. Soundproofing the space can be beneficial, especially if you live in a noisy neighbourhood.

You need a strong structure
Depending on your budget and needs, you can opt for a pre-built garden office, a custom-designed shed, or even a renovated summerhouse. Ensure it's well insulated for year-round use, and think about issues such as condensation. Hiring a local builder to create the perfect garden office space may be the best option.

Electricity and internet connection
Make sure you have access to electricity to power your devices. Hiring an electrician to install proper wiring is essential for safety and convenience. You don't want to spend hours and thousands on your perfect garden workspace only to find your internet coverage is patchy. Consider using a Wi-Fi extender or a wired connection if your main router is too far away.

Create the right setup
Choose a good desk, chair, and computer that support you. If you create the perfect setup, you will work more efficiently and enjoy each day. Your body will thank you for it, and it will keep you feeling less fatigued.

Make your space your own
Decorate the interior with plants, art, or other personal touches that inspire and motivate you. Make it a space you enjoy spending time in. Think about storage. Keep your workspace organised by incorporating storage options like shelves, drawers, or cabinets for your documents and supplies.

The right temperature
Consider heating for the cold winter months, maybe adding a wood burner or electric fire, and a cooling solution for when those long, hot summer days kick in. Install curtains or blinds to ensure privacy during work hours; these will also insulate you from the elements.

Add a bit of nature
From nice views of the rest of your garden to maybe an eggshell chair for relaxing in. There is so much you can add to your space to make it a place that feels pleasant to work in. From strategically placed trees, plants to flowers with your favourite scents. All of this will add to your sense of well-being while you work.

Will all of this add value to your home?
Adding a garden office space could add up to 5–10% to the value of your home.* Good work-for-home spaces are high up the rankings of what people now want from a home, and a purpose-built garden office space could be considered even more desirable.

Contact us to find your ideal home


Top tips on creating key selling points for your home

Your home’s location
Location is a key factor in determining the value of your home. So make the most of it. Whether it’s proximity to local transport links, schools, or beautiful countryside.

Kerb appeal
From flowers to fences or widows to door frames. Anything you can add to make your home look attractive at first sight will always help.

Smart technology
There is very little you can’t use smart technology for, whether it’s for entertainment, heating, or security. Make the most of it for a comfortable and modern way of living that will help you relax.

Buyers like cost-saving and environmentally friendly features. Highlight any energy-efficient features, such as energy-rated appliances, LED lighting, smart thermostats, triple-glazed windows, or insulation upgrades.

Build a garden office
The proportion of property listings that now mention a garden office is now 11 times higher.* With so many of us working from home today, this is now high on the list of desirable features for many people.

Add bi-fold doors
By creating space while adding lots of light, you can really alter your indoor and outdoor living spaces as they seamlessly blend, allowing you to add real desirability to your home.

Open-plan living
Open-plan layouts have been on trend for the past few years. By increasing the size of your rooms by physically removing walls, your kitchen and dining area will seem so much bigger, with more light and a better feeling of space.

The kitchen
A new kitchen fitted with energy-efficient appliances is the central hub of any home. Doing this could add up to 15% to the value of your home.*

Create off-street parking
Off-street parking can add up to £50,000 to the value of your home.* So if you can create it where it did not exist before, many more home buyers will want to buy your home.

Does your home have any special features?
Whether we are talking about traditional architectural features such as an original fireplace, staircase, or stone walls, celebrate them. But do so in a respectful, neutral way that does not alienate potential buyers.

Outdoor living space
From great decking to the perfect patio, add lights, candles, an outdoor dining area, and a fire pit. Outdoor spaces, big or small, add to the value of your home and to the quality of your life.

Making the most of your garden is just as important as making the most of any room in the house. And this can not only add value to your home but also greatly increase its attractiveness to buyers.

Sell your property’s potential
Whether you have planning permission to build an extension or loft conversion, this is always worth mentioning to your agent as it could attract buyers.

Get in touch today to discuss moving to the place you really want to be


A renter’s guide for beginners


There are some amazing properties to rent in the UK today. Whether you are a successful business owner, a student, or a young professional, there is no end to the possibilities when it comes to property. Renting offers the freedom from mortgage responsibilities and being tied down, making it a great way to experience everything from flats in the city and suburban homes ideal for raising a family to country retreats.

The necessary steps to take
  • Think about how much you can afford
    Do the math and consider not only monthly rent but also additional costs like utility bills, council tax, and energy bills.
  • Property search
    This is a legally binding document outlining the terms and conditions of your tenancy. Read it carefully before signing and ask for clarification if needed. The agreement will include details like the rent amount, duration, notice period, and responsibilities of both the tenant and landlord.
  • Book property viewings
    Going on viewings is exciting. Your agent will guide you through all you need to know while showing you properties in your desired location that best suit your needs.
  • Tenancy agreement
    This is a legally binding document outlining the terms and conditions of your tenancy. Read it carefully before signing and ask for clarification if needed. The agreement will include details like the rent amount, duration, notice period, and responsibilities of both the tenant and landlord.
  • Deposit
    Your deposit is held in a government-backed tenancy deposit scheme to ensure fair handling and will be paid before you move in; typically, it’s about one month's rent.
  • Bills
    These may be included; if not, get in touch with utility companies when you move to ensure a smooth transition. Remember, if you pay for your utilities, you can change suppliers. Check when your council tax payments and rent are due and set up a direct debit.

Top tips for renting
  • Take care of your home
    your new home in good order. Clean it, avoid causing damage, and follow any rules outlined in the tenancy agreement. Talk to your agent or landlord about decorating, find out what’s permitted, and enjoy where you live.

  • Report any issues
    Resolving a problem before it becomes expensive is important. If your property is managed by an agent, all you have to do is call, and their maintenance team will sort it out swiftly.

  • Get insured
    It’s always a good idea to get insured in case your belongings get damaged or stolen. Your agent will be able to recommend a good insurance broker. Another advantage of renting is you do not have to insure your home.

  • Plan for the future
    Your landlord could be more than happy if you decide to renew your tenancy. This can provide stability and save you from the hassle of searching for a new property.

  • Find a great agent
    Using a letting agent to find your property has many advantages. If the property is managed by them, they will always be just a phone call away. If you have a maintenance issue or want to look for a new property, the process is easy. Moving into your new home is exciting, and it’s comforting to have an expert to take care of everything for you, from your deposit, references, and any queries about your agreement to finding your ideal property in the first place.

Looking for a great property to rent?

Budget-friendly tips on furnishing your rental property

Furnishing your property can be expensive. And with so many increasing costs to face, you want to transform your property into a home with as much impact as possible for the least amount of money. If you enjoy creating great interiors, it's important not to get carried away.. If you find it confusing when choosing furniture for your property, don't be intimidated; it can be fun.

Get creative
From restoring furniture to building it yourself from scratch, there is no end to the things you can do to create your own furniture. Reupholstering dining room chairs and repainting tables can really add to the quality of your property. It may even be less time-consuming than waiting for a new table to be manufactured and delivered, so there's no reason not to. And while it may take more effort, restoring your own furniture is rewarding and kinder to the environment.

Be resourceful
Facebook is full of great furniture available for free or at a very affordable price. Charity shops, antique stores or Gumtree will have what you are looking for. You could make some great finds and add real character to your property. Weathered and rustic furniture is on trend, and in modern settings, it works wonderfully to add a sense of quality and personality that’s universal in its appeal.

Finer details
The impact that finer details can create is uncanny. The cracked tile that drags down a nice bathroom. Decent towel racks or some shelving in the kitchen, bathroom, or bedrooms create the opportunity to add more personality with flowers, pictures, candles, or collectables. Updated, energy-efficient appliances can breathe new life into a kitchen and make it more appealing to tenants.

Consider finance options
If you insist on buying new, timing can be key to getting a good bargain. January sales or end-of-line special offers can save thousands. There is also the option of 0% financing, so whether you are letting or renting your property, you can pay for your furniture over time, alleviating larger financial burdens.

Plants and pictures
Plants add so much vibrancy to any property, but if you are letting a property, you can't exactly fill it with high-maintenance plants. Opt for a few dried flowers and plants here and there that do not need much TLC can add a homely touch. The same goes for prints or pictures. Your tenant will have their own tastes, but you could get the ball rolling with something small.

Lighting and mirrors
Mirrors and good lighting will instantly make your property more appealing because it will look bigger and feel more modern. LED lighting will keep tenants happy by being more energy-efficient and will keep your tenants happy. Mirrors are not expensive and can magically transform a small room into a large room.

In summary
The first rule to remember is that there are no rules. Furnish your property using a blend of methods, from sourcing online, restoring to buying new. Do it your own way; use your contacts and creativity to make your property as appealing as possible.

Considering growing your buy-to-let property portfolio?

Everything you need to know about joint tenancies 


Joint tenancies can be fun and a great way to expand your social circles. They also help reduce your monthly outgoings and spread the financial risk for landlords.More people are renting in the UK than ever before. Tenants are looking at exploring various rental agreements that suit their needs. A joint tenancy, where multiple tenants rent a property together, has benefits, drawbacks, and legal implications, so here are a few things to consider.

What is a joint tenancy?
A joint tenancy is a rental agreement that involves two or more tenants sharing a single tenancy agreement for a property. Each tenant is equally responsible for the entire property, including rent and any obligations outlined in the tenancy agreement This arrangement is ideal for professionals, groups of friends, students, or couples who wish to live together and share the responsibilities and costs associated with renting a property.

Pros of joint tenancies

  • Shared bills
    Sharing rent, utility bills, and other living expenses makes life easier. This frees you from a larger financial burden, giving you a higher disposable income. So, whether you are saving to buy a property or want to enjoy life, you can. 

  • Less administration
    With a joint tenancy agreement, administrative processes become more straightforward. With only one agreement, any correspondence with your landlord or letting agent can be carried out together.
  • A good social scene
    Sharing a tenancy agreement is often a great way to live with your friends and enjoy a more full social scene. And if you don’t want to live alone, it could also create the opportunity to make new friends or companions.

Cons of joint tenancy

  • Shared responsibility
    The downside is that if one or more tenants fail to pay their share of the bills or break the terms of the tenancy agreement, the others may be held responsible. This can cause friction among housemates.

  • Damage to the property
    In a joint tenancy, all tenants are collectively liable for each other's actions. If one tenant damages the property or breaches the agreement, all tenants could be held accountable for the costs.

  • Disagreements
    Potential issues can include disagreements over chores, noise from music or guests, and respecting each other's space, to name a few.. Disagreements can arise, and this may cause arguments or a fallout.

  • Legal considerations
    It’s vital that you know where you stand legally.

  • Ending your tenancy
    If one tenant wishes to leave the property, the tenancy usually continues for the remaining tenants. However, arrangements can sometimes be made to replace the departing tenant or end the tenancy altogether.

  • Deposits
    The deposit provided by tenants is often held collectively. When the tenancy ends, the deposit is returned to all tenants jointly, which could cause issues if there are disputes over damages or cleaning costs.

Tips for tenants to consider when entering a joint tenancy:

  • Communicate
    Discuss important issues with your housemates.. You may not like to set ground rules, but a quick chat about who is responsible for what can prevent friction.

  • Your tenancy agreement
    It's crucial for all tenants to understand the terms and conditions of the agreement, as it is legally binding.

  • Prepare for the unexpected
    It’s important to plan and ensure that your housemates can cover the rent in case of unexpected circumstances.. Be prepared for unexpected circumstances, like one of your housemates leaving unexpectedly.

  • Exit Strategy
    If one tenant wishes to leave the property, the tenancy usually continues for the remaining tenants. However, arrangements can sometimes be made to replace the departing tenant or end the tenancy altogether.

  • Choose a property through a letting agent
    A shared tenancy has many advantages, but if you want to safeguard yourself from the pitfalls of this kind of living arrangement, a good letting agent is the way to go. From replacing a tenant, understanding your agreement to maintenance, you will be in a better place using an agent. If you're a landlord, opting for a fully managed letting service can significantly simplify your responsibilities..

Contact us today, whether you are renting or letting, to see how we can help

Five key issues with online-only estate agents 


Today, estate agents offer the best of both worlds with an online presence. This allows you to view properties and seek information on all aspects of moving. You then get the advantage of a team of experienced and dedicated agents who share your property dreams, become your go-to guides for your moving journey, and will value your home in person. Online-only estate agents have made their presence felt, but it seems most home movers still prefer a traditional agent that offers a hybrid service.

Payment in advance
Online estate agencies ask for payment in advance. There is no guarantee that you will make a successful sale. Traditional agents typically take a commission on sales completion, and naturally, this feels like a better deal. Some might argue that an online estate agent could be potentially cheaper, but if you do not achieve the true value of your property, then you have not saved money. Without expert guidance, an incorrectly priced home may not sell at all.

Less time
Conducting your own viewings is time-consuming. We all live busy lives, and there is precious little time to wait around for a potential buyer. Dealing with offers well below the asking price from strangers in the home where you've made so many happy memories can be uncomfortable . With a trained expert taking care of all of this for you, you are free to get on with your work or enjoy life as you see fit.

It’s hard work
From taking your own pictures of your property to learning aspects of the complexities of your entire moving process, life without an in-person agent can become difficult. It’s no secret that moving is stressful at the best of times. This is one of many reasons why the vast majority of homeowners still choose to buy their properties with a traditional agent. It’s better to save your energy for moving day and fully focus on the home you want to buy.

You may miss your friendly expert
Communication is key to achieving success in most aspects of life, and moving home is no exception. A friendly-faced, helpful agent who can take care of viewings, prepare your home for sale, and liaise with buyers on a daily basis will be highly motivated to sell your home and is worth every penny of their commission. When you consider the necessary checks, paperwork, and legislative requirements, it soon becomes clear that agents are invaluable to home movers.

A lack of local market knowledge
Agents are well-connected into your local property market. Having expert knowledge of the properties in your area and familiarity with its location is a huge plus. With an online agent, you're on your own. Buying a home is as much about people as it is about property. From buyers and sellers to teams of people such as mortgage advisers to your friendly agent who can manage a property portfolio or value your home.

Contact us to see how we can help with every aspect of your home-moving aspirations


Here’s a guide to creating your ideal winter outdoor space

Outdoor living spaces are now as important as any room in the house. But that serene and chilled feeling that only comes from outdoor spaces does not have to end just because it’s winter. Whether you have a vast collection of spaces, a balcony, or something in between, you can create something magical that you can benefit from all-year-round.

Whether you opt for awnings, pergolas, umbrellas, a gazebo, or your own unique design. Complement the aesthetics of your home and shield yourself from the rain.

The key is to combine comfort with durability. So, acquire cushions, couches, throws, rugs, and tables that can cope with a bit of moisture and cold weather. More importantly, if you are warm and comfortable, you will enjoy your outdoor space. Then you can relax after a hard day's work.

Add music with portable speakers, an outdoor big screen for your favourite films, or a telescope for stargazing. Enjoy a warm, fresh-air experience as you take in the inviting view from your outdoor space, perhaps overlooking the garden.. Maybe you would prefer to curl up with a good book or entertain guests.

If you are entertaining, you can’t ask all your guests to curl up under a blanket! Adding a patio heater, fire pit, or outdoor wood burner can elevate the ambiance. You can’t beat the crackling of a real fire. Perhaps you already have a log store, and if you don't, consider getting one to add character to your relaxation space.

An outdoor lounger or hammock is a great spot for an afternoon nap. Enjoy a good book, try some meditation, or get comfortable for movie night.

You've got several options to elevate your al fresco dining. Build a comprehensive outdoor kitchen for a gourmet experience or just add a table to enjoy meals as the sun sets and into the evening. For a middle-ground solution, how about installing a fridge to keep your beers chilled throughout the summer? If it's a hot cuppa you fancy in the winter, adding a few electrical sockets means you won't have to trek back to the kitchen to boil the kettle.

An integrated bar will also help save your legs, especially if you are fond of cocktails. Whether it is an extravagant design with bar stools or a small cupboard, it will become more appealing when adorned with nice details. But if you prefer more mainstream choices, add a coffee machine or juice bar in case you want to work from home in your outdoor living space!

Lights on strings, solar lighting, and candles, all available in an infinite variety of styles and shapes, will add warmth to your outdoor space. Soft lighting for romantic or relaxing evenings will create a magical glow. Modern or antique lanterns will stop the flames from going out, and you can relax or entertain to your heart's content.

Will an outdoor living space add value to your home?
The answer is undeniably yes. Your property will be a much better home to live in, and the more refined your outdoor space is, the more desirable your home will be to prospective buyers.

Contact us to see how you can find your perfect home today

Interesting properties and peaking interest rates 


Are interest rates peaking?
Inflation is falling, but with so many fluctuations in interest rates, it can be frustrating trying to plan your future. With inflation gradually declining to 6.8%, lower mortgage rates are on the way.* Projections also indicate that both interest rates and inflation will continue their descent. But as we have seen, world events can change quickly. Perhaps too much emphasis is put on interest rates and not enough on the property you desire, which could improve the quality of your life immeasurably. As the Bank of England steps closer to its target of 2%, there will be fewer fluctuations in interest rates. Nevertheless, many analysts say that we may never return to the ultra-low interest rates of the past. So why wait to buy the home you want?

The solution to rising mortgage costs
Many people are in the fortunate position of owning their homes outright. If you are not in this nice predicament, you can’t be blamed for worrying about rising mortgage costs. If you want to buy now, there is a lot you can do until you get a better mortgage deal in the future when interest rates fall to more favourable levels. Porting your mortgage, that is, buying a new home with your existing mortgage, which means you could pay your current, perhaps lower, interest rate. Extending the term of your mortgage is also a way to reduce your monthly mortgage outgoings. And interest-only payments, both in the long-term and short-term, can be effective in managing your finances.

The properties
It's no wonder that the UK property market is the envy of the world for many. With an eclectic mix of enchanting properties, from castles, country homes, and Victorian townhouses to ultra-contemporary dwellings. Whether it's mansions or maisonettes, flats in the city to rural retreats, there’s an endless selection of properties to explore. And that's just the beginning; there are infinite colour schemes, interiors, and furnishings that make a home your own. Contemporary properties have departed from tradition, offering an abundance of beautiful homes that never cease to surprise. From humble terraced properties with expansive, beautifully landscaped gardens to ultra-green country farm houses modernised while preserving their traditional charm.

Making memories is priceles
Interest rates will rise and fall over time. But as time passes without the home you truly know will make you and perhaps your family happy, is there any point in holding off your dreams? Property prices, in the long run, always rise. Can you put a price on happiness? Any money you save now by waiting to see what happens simply delays the appreciation of your new home, paying off your mortgage, and could put the rapidly gained equity your current home has earned to waste. It is, of course, a balancing act; the numbers need to be right. As you seek the right advice and explore the increasingly diverse range of mortgage products, you open doors to amazing properties.

Contact us for all your property needs to see if we can turn your vision of your perfect home into a reality

Bank of England*

Is this autumn your time to move home?


Soon the leaves will turn into an autumnal blaze of colour, and Halloween and then Christmas will approach in what feels like no time. It will, of course, be a little sad to leave the summer behind, but looking forward to an exciting future will overshadow these emotions, especially if they are replaced with the excitement of moving to a new home.

Get a cool deal
The market, like the weather, tends to cool a little at this time of year. This creates opportunities. Firstly, you may have a little less competition when it’s time to view and make an offer on a property. And when it comes to deciding on that offer, you will have more room for price negotiation. Buying a home is an emotional experience for so many reasons, and there are few things more uncomfortable than having an abundance of competition forcing you to make big decisions in a short space of time. Saving money on your move is refreshing. It's even better when you can avoid the summer heat and move your furniture in milder weather.

Your garden will be less demanding
Your garden will be in full bloom during the summer months, but as winter approaches, it will most likely need less attention. This gives you more time to concentrate on the task at hand. It's crucial to make your garden appealing to potential buyers, as it adds to the overall attractiveness of your home.. The sooner you get in touch with your agent to take great pictures of your garden while it’s looking good, the better.

Look forward to a wonderful Christmas
Moving takes time. And it’s always a good idea to plan every step as much as you can. It makes the entire process less stressful and helps eliminate any unforeseen surprises. Moving in time for Christmas is an achievable goal and adds massively to the excitement of the season. The sooner you are organised, the better. Creating long-lasting memories is a major role of your home, and if some of your first are at Christmas, then what a magical beginning to the opening chapter of your new home’s story.

Change enhances your life
Autumn is a season of transformation, and it presents a unique opportunity to make a transformation in your own life by changing your home. Whether you're buying to find more space, to begin a portfolio, to find a holiday home, or simply to seek a fresh start, autumn can be an ideal time to make a change. Just as trees let go of their leaves to make way for new growth, you too can let go of the old and embrace the new, and in doing so, create a new life. Not to mention the financial benefits of taking advantage of the equity in your home.

Partner with the right people
The role of agents is becoming more imperative than ever before. The valuation process is more complex and demands local market knowledge. The fragmented property market makes every property almost as individual as the people purchasing it. Additional considerations include: Why are you buying the property? How long do you want to own it? How best to finance your property goals? Not to mention managing a portfolio or marketing your property so it achieves the right value in the desired time frame. Agents have access to a vast database that they use to match homes with their perfect new owners. Additionally, having an agent provides the comfort of a knowledgeable person on your side to answer all your questions. It’s easy to see the importance of forming this partnership to achieve your property goals.

Book a valuation or get in touch today

Kick your holiday blues by moving to a better home


Why does the weather always seem better at this time of year than during the summer months? One reason could be that summer does not officially end until the last week of September! If you have already taken your holidays and still have the memories of being back at school in weather that seemed hotter than the months of the summer holidays, you probably have the summer blues. But if you know that change is on the way, why not find the home you always wanted?

The perfect time for change
Seizing the moment as the crispness of winter approaches, knowing you could be curled up for winter in the home of your dreams, is an appealing idea. September marks the transition between summer and autumn - the season of change. Altering your surroundings and where you live can reinvigorate your life. Feeling refreshed from the summer months, with the days still long and slightly cooler, this time of year is a good time to move.

A fresh new start
A new home in a different neighbourhood creates new opportunities, from expanding your social scene to enjoying a different lifestyle. Perhaps you are tired of being a city slicker and are yearning for a slice of country living. Moving to a location that you are passionate about and that aligns with your hobbies and family’s needs is a fantastic feeling. You can reinvent your life and create more time to do the things you have been putting off for years. Perhaps you're downsizing and considering the purchase of two properties to expand your lifestyle options.

More for your money
Prices have reduced a little this month. This gives you a chance to be a little more open-minded when making an offer and accepting offers on your home. In recent years, many homeowners have invested in improving their properties. This means the quality of exceptional properties on the market has never been better. From period townhouses to rural retreats, compact energy-efficient homes, and country estates, UK property is exciting and fascinating.

Live the life you deserve
There are few things in life that impact you emotionally and physically, like your home. Your surroundings, whether that’s the architecture, interior design, or view from your windows, all add to your sense of well-being. Discover the garden of your dreams with the perfect outdoor space for all seasons, and watch your stress levels decrease. Working from home in your perfect space is an investment; you will simply work better. Living in the ideal home to raise your family simply makes for a happier life. So why not make some memories?

The power of positivity
Re-inventing your home is all very well, but sometimes perceived financial barriers stop you from achieving your property goals. Interest rates will not stay high forever, and you can always remortgage in the future. Porting your mortgage allows you to move home with your existing mortgage. For first-time buyers, there is a government-backed mortgage guarantee scheme. Yes, house prices are falling a little, but with such rapidly gained equity in the past few years, this is a good thing. When you add up the benefits and the importance of living in the home you deserve, the positive effects always outweigh what is often just anxiety. It’s easy to see how this happens with so much sensationalist news and impending doom pumped out on social media.

Contact us today for an accurate appraisal of how close you really are to living in the home you deserve

Top tips on making your older home more modern

Modernising an older home requires a delicate balance between preserving its history and introducing contemporary elements. Your property's character will determine which original features to embrace or replace. You can make subtle, budget-friendly changes or invest in more extensive renovations.

Celebrate your home's original features
From your fireplace to the staircase, take a step back to take in the features you love and want to keep, then work in harmony with them.

Think about the original materials
The same applies to the woodwork, natural stone, or brickwork of your home. These qualities can inspire your approach to modernising your home.

Knock down some walls
Older homes often have floorplans composed of smaller rooms. Creating an open or 'broken-plan' layout can pay homage to the past while infusing a sense of modernity..

Remove old wallpaper
While some trends stand the test of time, others may need to go. For example, partly wallpapered walls. If an older fully wallpapered wall needs updating, it's time to remove it.

Add some smart technology
Subtle and discreet smart lighting systems, thermostats, and security cameras complemented with voice-activated systems will modernise your home without ruining its aesthetics.

Improve your home’s hardware
USB plugs, new power sockets, and light switches can provide cost-effective ways to modernise your home, making it more technology-friendly.

Add some modern art
Modern art in the form of photography, paintings, or sculpture can provide a timeless modern touch to any room, seamlessly blending classic features with a contemporary interior.

Install a new bathroom or kitchen
Marble, granite, wood, tiles, or vinyl? There is much to think about when creating these pivotal rooms in your home. Combining energy-efficient appliances with granite or quartz worktops can offer a modern and timeless appeal.

Be creative with your furniture
Paying homage to your home's history can be achieved using weathered furniture or collectable pieces. Rustic furniture that is set in a modern, brightly painted, spacious room can nod to your home's older features.

Restore your original flooring
Peek under the carpet or lift your worn laminate and you might find an original, real wood floor. Have you considered sanding it down and treating it?

Create space
Reducing clutter can create the illusion of larger rooms. When choosing lighting, you have a wide range of options to blend modern fixtures with older designs or even antique shades.

Create a connection with the outdoors
Remove barriers between your home's interior and the outdoors to blend your living areas. Think about creating an outdoor space that can be used even when it’s raining; add a few gadgets and timeless details such as candles.

Add some glass
Whether it's bifold doors, glass door walls, glass walls, skylights, glass roofs, or innovative indoor windows, adding more natural light can breathe fresh air into your space and create a sense of spaciousness.

Added value
Feeling inspired? Modernising your older home will most certainly add to its value. How Your approach is your choice, but seeking inspiration, like viewing properties, can spark ideas for improvement.

Contact us today for an accurate appraisal of how close you really are to living in the home you deserve

Top tips on redecorating your rental property between tenancies


The demand for rental homes is incredibly strong, with national average asking rents outside of London reaching a new record of £1,231 per calendar month in the second quarter of 2023.* More people are renting than ever before, so your property won’t stay vacant for long when you are in between tenants. In fact, if you use a letting agent, they likely have a list of prospective tenants ready to move in. This means that if your property is in need of redecorating, you don’t have much time.

Inspect your property
Before your tenants move out, inspect your property. Document any pressing issues with notes or photographs using your phone. Planning is crucial and will save you time. Therefore, it's always advisable to have your team prepared well in advance of your tenant's move-out date. This proactive approach ensures you won't be delayed while waiting for highly sought-after tradespeople.

Choose a neutral colour palette
Opting for a neutral colour palette doesn't have to be dull. Neutral colours tend to create a sense of light and space, making it easier for your tenants to coordinate their furniture with your property. If your property is furnished, adopting the same neutral approach is advisable, as it broadens your property's appeal.

Be practical
It might be tempting to cut costs by using budget-friendly products, selecting high-quality paint and materials ensures the longevity of your hard work. Fixtures and fittings that are of good quality will make your property more appealing and increase its desirability. This helps to attract responsible tenants who are more likely to care for their home.

Put yourself in your tenant's shoes. Consider how you can make the property more user-friendly whether it's improving storage, enhancing the kitchen or bathroom, or adding modern, energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Sometimes, small changes can make a significant impact.

Less is more
Create space with ample lighting, bright neutral colours, and minimal clutter. A good deep cleaning and fresh paint can make your property appear spacious and modern. This allows your tenants to personalise each room. Well-presented flooring, perhaps refreshed to remove imperfections, and attractive blinds all contribute to making your property a more inviting home.

Time is of the essence, but if you choose to make improvements, they will add to the value of your property. Focus on key areas like the kitchen and bathroom, as these have the most significant impact. Whether you decide on a total refit or simply choose to paint the tiles to give them a new lease on life, it all contributes to a happy home and more content tenants.

Don’t overlook the outdoors
Outdoor areas have become increasingly important for many people. Elevating an outdoor space can significantly boost your property's demand. Painting the decking or adding a covered, all-year weather-proof seating area is like adding another room to the house. Keep the garden simple but well-maintained to make a positive first impression and enhance the property's curb appeal.

Consider a managed letting service
A fully managed letting service handles tenant placement, deposit management, references, and, after your property's redecoration, ongoing maintenance. This helps to protect your hard work and investment in both the long and short term. Being a landlord today is demanding, and it’s becoming increasingly important to follow new legislation. A managed service frees up your time and ensures your property investment remains on track.

Interested in optimising your property investment with a managed letting service? Contact us today.


Winter is on its way here's a guide to getting your home ready


Much of September is warm and sunny, and why wouldn’t it be? It is technically summer for most of the month. However, time passes quickly, and sometimes it is good to have a plan to get your home winter-ready sooner rather than later.

Get cosy and decorate
Painting and decorating your home will not only make it more appealing to buyers but will also cheer up its mood and add light. If you have a fire or log burner, get it serviced and cleaned. Buyers can then see themselves sitting by the fire during viewings. Bring in the warmth and cosiness of winter by decorating your home with soft throws, plush rugs, and warm lighting.

Insulate your home
Draughts and poor insulation can make your home feel chilly and drive up your heating costs. Inspect your doors, windows, and any other potential areas where cold air might seep in, and apply weather stripping, caulk, or insulation as needed.. Think about adding more insulation to your attic to prevent heat from escaping through the roof.

Protect your plumbing
Frozen pipes can lead to expensive damage. Insulate exposed pipes, especially in unheated areas like the garage. It’s also important to get your boiler serviced regularly and bleed your radiators. Regular servicing and checks will be so much cheaper than expensive repairs. And a well-cared-for home that is well-heated will not encourage any winter scars, which can deter buyers.

Energy performance certificate
Having a good energy rating can add value to your home. An EPC provides an indication of how much it will cost to heat your home and how much CO2 it emits. It also gives recommendations for energy-efficient power improvements and the costs and savings that they could generate. Ratings range from A to G, with A being the most efficient home and G being the least efficient.

Create a winter outdoor space
Outdoor spaces are not only desirable, but they are essentially another room in your home. Homes with good outdoor spaces are highly sought-after. Don’t let the winter stop you; add a fire or heater. Create some shelter with your favourite materials. Add a pergola, a winter drape, or build a winter-proof deck with a roof. Then personalise it with your favourite scented candles, herbs, flowers, or winter plants.

Winter cleaning and lighting
Decluttering, cleaning, using candles, incorporating feature lighting, and checking all your bulbs, including LED lighting for better efficiency, will create a sense of space in your home. If potential buyers see that your home is clean, spacious, and attractive, they may not hesitate when it’s time to make an offer.

Do you need the right team of agents to assist you in moving before the cold snap of winter arrives?


Would you like to know how to increase your buying power?


Improving your buying power has never been more important. With the increase in the cost-of-living, fluctuating interest rates, and high inflation, you need to pay attention to the details that can counteract these current challenges. A new home could be more affordable than you realise. With that in mind, here are a few things you can do that may put you in a much better position to buy the home you desire.

Pay your bills on time
Reduce any debts, from credit cards to monthly insurance payments to car loans, if you can. Late payments can reduce your credit score, so ensure you don’t miss any payments.

Build up your credit
 It’s important to use your credit card or have some borrowing history because this shows your potential mortgage provider that you have the ability to pay back debts.

Access your credit report
Keep an eye on your report, checking details such as your address history, payment history, settled accounts, and whether you are on the electoral register. Any errors should be corrected immediately, as they could affect your ability to borrow.

Reduce your debt-to-income ratio
Lenders closely examine your monthly outgoings in comparison to your earnings. So, if possible, pay off any existing debts and do not take out any more new loans. It’s equally important to be disciplined and monitor your spending.

Get in touch with a good mortgage advisor
Good estate agents will put you in touch with a good mortgage advisor. There are many options when it comes to mortgages today that help counteract the effects of high interest rates.

Porting your mortgage
This means if you are an existing homeowner, you could move home without needing a new mortgage. If you are currently paying a more favourable interest rate, then this could save you significantly in costs.

Longer mortgage terms
Lenders are now offering much longer-term mortgages, which means you will pay more interest overall, and also it will reduce your monthly payments.

Interest only
Instead of paying a capital and interest mortgage, you could opt to buy the home you want with an interest-only mortgage, which costs far less per month. Then, in a few years, if you decide to remortgage, you could change your mortgage product.

Increase the size of your deposit
It’s a bit cheeky, but there is always the bank of mum and dad to help increase the size of your deposit. This reduces the amount you need to borrow, but it’s also often one of the biggest hurdles to getting your first or even second home. Create a savings plan and stick to it. You can save money by being savvy with food shopping and socialising at home.

Earn more money
It may be worth considering taking on a second job or negotiating a pay raise. The more you earn, the better. It’s important to be realistic; don’t overdo it. Your earnings have to be sustainable, and your well-being comes first.

Be resilient and resourceful
Don’t give up. Keep searching for the home you want. There is plenty of room for negotiation right now. Sometimes you have to be patient. Your agent will have a deep understanding of your local property market and can put you in touch with a good mortgage advisor.. Sometimes they will be aware of properties about to arrive on the market before they are advertised.

Talk to your agent
Your agent will have a deep understanding of your local property market, be able to put you in touch with a good mortgage advisor, give you the right valuation for your home, and help you find the home of your dreams in the right location by making good use of the equity in your property.

Contact us today for all your home moving needs.